Delusional cooperation

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ColinEssex said:
Because anything thats not brilliant white in the USA is a target for the US cops.


Racism exists everywhere and in many forms.

As you have gathered I am anti European, Racist against euros, you are clearly anti american, racist against yanks.

It exists and we live with it, I can express these views simply because I can without fear of persecution.
ColinEssex said:
Bod, don't come the old "alot of my friends are black / chinese / Japanese" patronising stuff.
I did't say "a lot of", I answered accusations with facts. I have not begun patronizing you yet:cool:
ColinEssex said:
We all know that most Yanks hate foreigners
Kudos for finally saying "most" and not implying all, thank you. I don't have a problem with foreigners...I do have a problem with illegals and with immigrants who come to my homeland to enjoy all of the benefits but refuse to assimilate and instead create more problems by demanding to keep their diversity. You cannot be a united culture if segments of that culture refuse to be part of know, that whole "melting pot" thing.
ColinEssex said:
Plus if you want to avoid potentially upsetting remarks, I suggest you post a pic of yourself - as we all have (including Rich) or are you going to hide behind anonimity?
I'm pointing out flaws in your assumptions...who's upset? I've not seen a pic of either you or Rich, nice bike though. If it's that important for you to see the face of one of your favorite targets, I'll see what I can do
ColinEssex said:
Because anything thats not brilliant white in the USA is a target for the US cops.
There's a huge difference between "racism" and "criminal profiling". If you don't want to be treated like a punk or a thug, don't dress/act like one. That's not to say that racism doesn't still exist, but it's being used as an excuse by people who simply do not consider the repercussions of their actions and choices, which increases the perceived level.
ColinEssex said:
we can't be American, we're not two faced and hypocritical.;)


Well there you go Col, nice one. You've finally done it. You've just insulted every American on this forum.... personally. Regardless of their gender, culture or creed.

You think I'm two-faced do you? Fine, if so, I think you're a bigot. I've tried and tried to have a decent discussion with you but you just insist on hating people...personally. For no other reason than the country they were born in.

What makes you think people should have to keep biting their tongue when you come along and insult them ... personally? It's an effort to do so and that is why fewer and fewer are bothering to converse with you.
ColinEssex said:
Plus if you want to avoid potentially upsetting remarks, I suggest you post a pic of yourself

What the hell does this mean?!? Post a pic of yourself or else be insulted?!?

Since when did the rule come in that you're a better person if you've uploaded your mug-shot? Get a grip :rolleyes:
Bodisathva said:
If you don't want to be treated like a punk or a thug, don't dress/act like one.
And the nature of how someone dresses decides how they are treated in the USA? Just what exactly is acceptable or non-acceptable? Is there a US government censorship on how to dress?

Dan said:
Well there you go Col, nice one.
Thanks, I thought that would get a few hearts beating;) Anyway, my description does fit certain US posters here, thats a fact.

Dan said:
You think I'm two-faced do you?
Interestingly, you offer no defence at being hypocritical - so I'm half right then.

Dan said:
What makes you think people should have to keep biting their tongue when you come along and insult them ... personally? It's an effort to do so and that is why fewer and fewer are bothering to converse with you.
is that why Jennifer keeps threatening to leave but never does?

Dan said:
What the hell does this mean?!? Post a pic of yourself or else be insulted?!?
Judging by the racial tensions in the US, its not a bad idea

Bod said:
I've not seen a pic of either you or Rich

Both Rich and I have posted several over the years. Whats-his-name from Georgia posted one of mine on the destroy the previous pic thread.

Scott said:
you are clearly anti american, racist against yanks.
Not at all, in fact I was praising them only a couple of weeks ago. I have alot of respect for the US in sending help in natural disasters. Plus, I think the Fender Stratocaster is one of the best guitars ever made.

dan-cat said:
Well there you go Col, nice one. You've finally done it. You've just insulted every American on this forum.... personally. Regardless of their gender, culture or creed.

You think I'm two-faced do you? Fine, if so, I think you're a bigot. I've tried and tried to have a decent discussion with you but you just insist on hating people...personally. For no other reason than the country they were born in.

What makes you think people should have to keep biting their tongue when you come along and insult them ... personally? It's an effort to do so and that is why fewer and fewer are bothering to converse with you.

In my earlier post I was referring to Col and Rich.

You notice that I’m, more or less, done with them as well.

I know some people that have less intelligence than others, I don’t find fault in them, it’s the ones that are able to think, and refuse, that are irksome.

Col and mostly Rich are on some kind of game, at least that’s what you have to hope. Otherwise it must be a case of blaming others for their misfortunes; I wouldn’t have thought that was a common trait among Brits.

British stoicism and all.
ColinEssex said:
And the nature of how someone dresses decides how they are treated in the USA?
Everywhere... whether you want to admit it or not. The point being that if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, what would make you think it wasn't a duck? For instance, if someone continually bashes my home, my heritage, and my way of life, what possible reason would I have to consider them my friend?
I must admit guys, although there is clearly a level of tension on this forum, it is bloody good entertainment.
jsanders said:
You notice that I’m, more or less, done with them as well.
yet you still bite:D
I know some people that have less intelligence than others, I don’t find fault in them, it’s the ones that are able to think, and refuse, that are irksome.
refuse what? you lost me there Jen

Col and mostly Rich are on some kind of game, at least that’s what you have to hope.
more a quest really. We're trying to help you understand that you're brainwashing by your government is not the actual facts. I referred to a survey last week, it was National Geographical who did it, and it shows that Americans basically have no idea about things outside their borders.

Its odd that you blindly believe what your government says, yet you argue the toss with me and Rich when we tell you the facts.:confused: It's a cross we bear to try to help you all;)

jsanders said:
Col and mostly Rich are on some kind of game, at least that’s what you have to hope.

I agree. Probably in private messages they are laughing their asses off.

I hang out here because I like a chat and the occasional heated argument with a hand-shake afterwards. Not to be spoken to like a moron.
ColinEssex said:
And the nature of how someone dresses decides how they are treated


I would have to agree with Col on this one, you should never judge a book by it's cover.

The same analogy can be placed on females who go out wearing little clothing, just because they may look easy doesn't mean that they are and they should be given respect that they deserve not leers from dirty men.
Bodisathva said:
Everywhere... whether you want to admit it or not. The point being that if it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and looks like a duck, what would make you think it wasn't a duck? For instance, if someone continually bashes my home, my heritage, and my way of life, what possible reason would I have to consider them my friend?

Ducks?:confused: I was merely asking what you consider acceptable dress code or not. You mentioned unacceptable dress - we need to know in case we visit the USA

Scott said:
I must admit guys, although there is clearly a level of tension on this forum, it is bloody good entertainment.
Yes, the Yanks have been like this ever since they got their 2 towers knocked over, that was in 2001

ColinEssex said:
Yes, the Yanks have been like this ever since they got their 2 towers knocked over, that was in 2001

The Brits on the other hand have been like this since they got kicked out of the colonies :cool:
dan-cat said:
I agree. Probably in private messages they are laughing their asses off.

I hang out here because I like a chat and the occasional heated argument with a hand-shake afterwards. Not to be spoken to like a moron.
Rich and I haven't communicated in any form for months (just for the record) - in fact I get more chatty PM's from Americans than UK posters. Also, there is one (American) I chat to on the phone on regular occasions (I am not going to reveal their name for their privacy reasons)

ColinEssex said:
You mentioned unacceptable dress - we need to know in case we visit the USA

ColinEssex said:
Ducks?:confused: I was merely asking what you consider acceptable dress code or not. You mentioned unacceptable dress - we need to know in case we visit the USA
Who used the term "acceptable"? You are perceived, and judged, by the first impression that you give... if the first impression is bad enough, you'll never get a second chance. That's not judging a book by it's cover, it's life.

scott-atkinson said:
The same analogy can be placed on females who go out wearing little clothing, just because they may look easy doesn't mean that they are and they should be given respect that they deserve not leers from dirty men.
...riiiiiight. Female to Clerk: "I want something that will make me fade into the crowd and never attract any attention...have anything in burlap?" :rolleyes:
ColinEssex said:
Also, there is one (American) I chat to on the phone on regular occasions (I am not going to reveal their name for their privacy reasons)

Do they know that you think them hypocritical and two-faced?
Bod - you said if you don't want to be treated like a thug don't dress like one.

What is non-acceptable "thug" attire? a leather jacket? pink socks?:confused:

ColinEssex said:
What is non-acceptable "thug" attire? a leather jacket? pink socks?:confused:
Allow me to be a bit more clear this time...I did not use the term "acceptable".

I don't know of anyone who would perceive the wearing of pink socks to be thuggish, I can therefore say with a relatively high degree of certainty, that the wearing of pink socks would not create that perception. But then you already know what I'm trying to tell you, don't you?
ColinEssex said:
Rich and I haven't communicated in any form for months (just for the record)

Now I know the reason for Rich's festive cheer. ;)

ColinEssex said:
- in fact I get more chatty PM's from Americans than UK posters.

Makes you wonder whether they're just being two-faced doesn't it? :rolleyes:

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