Delusional cooperation

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KenHigg said:
I think the US should admit it's mistake and ask for international support.

Who would come to their aid? The UN!

Everybody has given this conflict a wide berth.

What about asking for aid from another Islamic country, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia?
scott-atkinson said:
Who would come to their aid? The UN!

Everybody has given this conflict a wide berth.

What about asking for aid from another Islamic country, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia?

Yeah, I think there would be a lot of political hurdles in trying to engage the UN. And I'm not sure if bringing in troops from a historically 'unfriendly' neighboring country would be an ideal suggestion. I think the two reasons to turn the entire operation over to an international coalition would be to help shoulder the cost and to show the resistance the international resolve to bring some degree of stability to the area…
KenHigg said:
Yeah, I think there would be a lot of political hurdles in trying to engage the UN. And I'm not sure if bringing in troops from a historically 'unfriendly' neighboring country would be an ideal suggestion. I think the two reasons to turn the entire operation over to an international coalition would be to help shoulder the cost and to show the resistance the international resolve to bring some degree of stability to the area…

Should we be looking to the lessons learned in Afganistan as a way forward, or is Afganistan in just as much turmoil but not in the news?
scott-atkinson said:
Should we be looking to the lessons learned in Afganistan as a way forward, or is Afganistan in just as much turmoil but not in the news?

Afghanistan hasn't been in the news lately around here - Not that anyone should put much stock in the over-sensationalizing news media (imho)- :rolleyes:
Anyway, I am sure that Rich and Col will have enough views on this subject for everybody!
scott-atkinson said:
Anyway, I am sure that Rich and Col will have enough views on this subject for everybody!

Yeah... Can't wait. :rolleyes:

Did your boys have a good Christmas (You do have two don't you?)
KenHigg said:
Did your boys have a good Christmas (You do have two don't you?)

Yes Ken, my boys got spoiled rotton, but that is what kids are for.
They are both still very young, 4 & 3, so they are still very much into the Santa Claus thing, which is really cute.

My mother bought them some miniature electric guitars, I am still in the process of thanking her for it:rolleyes:

How did your family enjoy the festivities?
scott-atkinson said:
I see Saddam was hanged...
I wonder why those who were quite happy for the chemical weapons they supplied to him when he was using them against the evil Iranians weren't put on trial with him?
Sheer bloody hypocrisy!:mad:
scott-atkinson said:
Yes Ken, my boys got spoiled rotton, but that is what kids are for.
They are both still very young, 4 & 3, so they are still very much into the Santa Claus thing, which is really cute.

My mother bought them some miniature electric guitars, I am still in the process of thanking her for it:rolleyes:

How did your family enjoy the festivities?

I guess you should be thankful she didn't buy them drums - :p

We (cupcake and I), took some time off at work and I worked on the honey-do list while she made sure the holiday shopping was done :rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
Afghanistan hasn't been in the news lately around here - Not that anyone should put much stock in the over-sensationalizing news media (imho)- :rolleyes:
Afghanistan is just a bloody mess like Iraq. Just when will the Americans stop stomping around the world as if they own the place?:mad:
KenHigg said:
Yeah, I think there would be a lot of political hurdles in trying to engage the UN. And I'm not sure if bringing in troops from a historically 'unfriendly' neighboring country would be an ideal suggestion. I think the two reasons to turn the entire operation over to an international coalition would be to help shoulder the cost and to show the resistance the international resolve to bring some degree of stability to the area…
Why the hell should the rest of the World have to sort out Bush and Bliar's egotistical #%@k up!?:mad:
Rich said:
Afghanistan is just a bloody mess like Iraq. Just when will the Americans stop stomping around the world as if they own the place?:mad:

You seem a little more hyper than usual this fine Tuesday Rich - Did you get to spend anytime with grand kids over the holidays?
KenHigg said:
You seem a little more hyper than usual this fine Tuesday Rich - Did you get to spend anytime with grand kids over the holidays?
Yes, thank you, however they're back to school now so the gloves are back off:cool:
Rich said:
Just when will the Americans stop stomping around the world as if they own the place?:mad:
They won't, sadly.

Alot of the American people love lording it over everyone because they think they are soooooo much better than anyone else - (especially hypocritical American "christians") - to that end, they vote in dumbo presidents who are more than happy to kill as many people as they can as that bolsters the American ego trip.

The Yanks get told everything is hunky-dorey so they have no idea why people are a bit off with them.

Saddam was hanged for authorising the death of 154 people because of a failed uprising. How many people has GWB authorised the death of? - at least 3,000 US soldiers for a start!!

ColinEssex said:
Saddam was hanged for authorising the death of 154 people because of a failed uprising. How many people has GWB authorised the death of? - at least 3,000 US soldiers for a start!!

Well the Yanks regularly authorise the death of their own, I wonder why Bush hasn't stood trial for the death warrants he's upheld when he was gov. of Texas?:rolleyes:
Rich said:
Well the Yanks regularly authorise the death of their own, I wonder why Bush hasn't stood trial for the death warrants he's upheld when he was gov. of Texas?:rolleyes:
Because they're American so it's not seen as the same thing.

Its ok for them to drop a nuclear bomb, but not ok for Korea or Iran to have on in case they are naughty with it.

Rich said:
Yes, thank you, however they're back to school now so the gloves are back off:cool:

I didn't expect to be sporting a black eye this early in the year :eek: :D
ColinEssex said:
They won't, sadly.

Alot of the American people love lording it over everyone because they think they are soooooo much better than anyone else - (especially hypocritical American "christians") - to that end, they vote in dumbo presidents who are more than happy to kill as many people as they can as that bolsters the American ego trip.

The Yanks get told everything is hunky-dorey so they have no idea why people are a bit off with them.

Saddam was hanged for authorising the death of 154 people because of a failed uprising. How many people has GWB authorised the death of? - at least 3,000 US soldiers for a start!!


You two are on a roll today... :) :)
KenHigg said:
Afghanistan hasn't been in the news lately around here
Not got a TV then? or is it censored? or is Georgia too far in the bible belt to believe it

US (and British) troops are being killed there regularly, all thanks to the USA arming the Taliban to the teeth when they were fighting the Russians (remember?) or didn't your sanitised news cover that.


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