Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate? (3 Viewers)

Trump just pardoned violent rioters who assaulted cops. Is that normal law?
Again, you are out of touch with reality. Biden pardoned all the criminals persecuting Trump. That is not normal law.
Antifa and BLM assaulted government building and assaulted law enforcement. I don't recall the Biden administration taking them to court and throwing them in jail. That is not normal law.

The people Trump pardoned were political victims of the Biden administration. Reports are now emerging that there were federal instigators in the crowd to promote violence. Furthermore, both Bowser and Pelosi refused having the national guard present. They wanted and promoted this so-called riot for the optics of screaming "insurrection".
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They had been grossly over-sentenced and had already served time. What they ended up serving including considering Trump's pardon ended up being about appropriate, yes - normal law if they hadn't been Republicans standing before the sentencing judge. Trump restored a total amount of time served that was appropriate in the first place.

The only thing I'd have changed is

1) I'd have done sentence commutations for some of them - to send the message that 'they were right to sentence you, but they over-sentenced you so now you're done serving'

I mean 20 years seditious conspiracy for a guy who wasn't even at the protest on J6? ridiculous. And numerous other ridiculous over-sentencing and over-charging
How many years do you think someone should get for assaulting a cop with a weapon?
How many years do you think someone should get for assaulting a cop with a weapon?
It depends on a lot of factors, such as what political party the assaulter belonged to, what their pronouns are, and whether they are part of a protected class. Skin color can also be a consideration, as seen in the riots a few years ago when police officers were assaulted nightly. A police captain was killed while defending his precinct—he may have been retired, but you get the point.
So you see Trump supporters (and Trump) as a protected class who should not punished for their actions.
The Federal government is not responsible for the education system.

Then why is there a federal Department of Education? The concept of cabinets (advisors) is allowed in the constitution but none of the actual executive branch offices is named in the constitution. The presidential succession order does name certain officers as being in line of succession but doesn't reach down to the Cabinet level. The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 gives more details. That succession act is condoned by Article II, section 1, 6th clause and thus has proper "pedigree" for cabinet-member succession.
Then why is there a federal Department of Education? The concept of cabinets (advisors) is allowed in the constitution but none of the actual executive branch offices is named in the constitution. The presidential succession order does name certain officers as being in line of succession but doesn't reach down to the Cabinet level. The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 gives more details. That succession act is condoned by Article II, section 1, 6th clause and thus has proper "pedigree" for cabinet-member succession.
People often think the Federal government is responsible for everything. A failure of our educational system.
A repugant debating trick. Please tell me when you stopped beating your wife.
You are not denying that the assaults took place. If you are claiming the sentence is excessive, tell me what sentence should have been.

Note that Trump pardoned them, he did not commute their sentences.
How many years do you think someone should get for assaulting a cop with a weapon?

At least a few for a serious assault, maybe less for a single swat. But I find it more informative and instructive in this situation to compare it with other sentences people have actually gotten in similar situations--similar except remove the political component of comparison.

How many violent rioters in the 2 years post-Floyd got bail funding championed by Democrats to be set totally free? I know you'll say that's whataboutism, but that kind of stuff moved the goalposts and we do need parity in prosecutorial choices.
You are not denying that the assaults took place. If you are claiming the sentence is excessive, tell me what sentence should have been.

Note that Trump pardoned them, he did not commute their sentences.
It was an illegal set-up by Pelosi & gang. Biden pardoned those criminals sitting on the Stalnist Jan6th show trial. You fail to acknowledge that. Trump was correcting an obvious injustice.

You sidesteped: When did you stop beating your wife?
You are not denying that the assaults took place. If you are claiming the sentence is excessive, tell me what sentence should have been.

Note that Trump pardoned them, he did not commute their sentences.
And I disagree with that. He should have done sentence commutations, and he should have taken the time to treat different ones differently.
So you see Trump supporters (and Trump) as a protected class who should not punished for their actions.
What I'm saying is that neither side is immune to bad behavior. However, more often than not, the left gets away with more bad behavior because the legacy media supports their agenda both politically and socially.
Overall, it seems that in the past 5 years, protesting has become rioting and the powers that be on all sides have tended to "go easy" on the part where it becomes rioting. A few random facts in NO particular order:

  • Both sides are mad the other side went easy on their peeps
  • Opinions differ on how much "mimicing what they did" is OK on the punishment side. On the one extreme we could say, give the J6 rioters exactly what the BLM people got (whose riots were 100x as many and just as violent, btw). On the other extreme we could say, give each person whatever "justice requires" with absolutely zero thought as to what the 'other side' did with their peeps, prior. Maybe the fairest thing is somewhere in between.
  • Despite Democrats accusation of "whataboutism", I find it a very legitimate thing to want parity in prosecution. If you have 999 people who weren't prosecuted for something and you prosecute the 1000th person to the max, something is wrong/unfair/dishonest/incorrect about that situation
  • The idea that a few thousand people mostly unarmed to any measurable amount came anywhere close to overthrowing the United States has to be nearly the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life. The USA has successfully defended itself against armies small and large for 200+ years. I highly doubt we came close to "losing our democracy" on J6.
  • Many people were over-sentenced for simply walking around/trespassing, and that's just wrong - we all accepted the BLM people taking over entire swaths of cities for months at a time and locking out police and first responders, attacking them if they came close, and 99% of those people got zero prosecution. Honesty requires we treat people equally
Where is the Democrats' passion for equal treatment all of a sudden?
Did anyone see Adam Schiff's attempt at combating Trump's tariffs? The dude holds up a can of Corona beer and an avocado. Ha ha nobody outside of California cares:ROFLMAO:🤣

The left is struggling hard.
Edit: Schumer, I get those clowns mixed up.
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hey Schiff....if MX gets a little more grip over the cartels, like they agreed with DJT to do, avocados might actually get cheaper, as they're now mostly controlled by same!

I fondly remember when avocados were 3 for $1, it doesn't seem that long ago.
Note that Biden gave out future pardons - Get Out of Jail Free cards. And THAT doesn't bother you?
Sure bothers me especially when the democrats were telling everyone Trump was going to do that. He didn't and he, his family, and friends were targeted.
FBI discloses 5,000 agents to DOJ as agents sue government over Jan. 6 scrutiny
The FBI agents involved in the persecution of the J6 rally are still attempting to hide their involvement in this Stalinist persecution of political enemies. One commenter on TV even said that the FBI had put more resources into investigating J6 than in investigating the attack on the World Trade Center. Then when you add-on 8+ years of lawfare against Trump and his associates, this makes makes the Democrats appear demented. Democrats are and have been the threat to democracy (even-though we are technically a republic).

As an editorial aside:
The nine unnamed FBI agents who filed the first lawsuit on Tuesday alleged, "The purpose for this list is to identify agents to be terminated or to suffer other adverse employment action."
This is pure chutzpah by the FBI agents. Like the classical joke of the person who killed his parents appealing for leniency from a judge as he is now an orphan. Seems that the FBI, in "investigating" the J6 participants had no regard for their welfare. The FBI agents (who willingly persecuted people illegally) should not get a free pass. They abused the power of the state to persecute and damage people who were political opponents of the Democratic party.

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