FYI re the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment (2 Viewers)

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 09:15
Mar 28, 2020
Do you mean like, if you take the vaccine you can't catch covid? How about, you MUST take the vaccine to protect ME? == Biden's words and the action he pushed was firing people who refused to take the emergency use ONLY "vaccine" because they knew they were not in a danger class and that it was safer for them to catch COVID and develop natural immunity. Now, they are pushing this vaccine on infants and there have been no actual long term trials.

Whereas Trump told us that COVID was like a bad flu. For three solid years we have been told that was a lie and here we are in 2024 and it turns out that Trump was actually telling us the truth.
This is a case of denying the truth based on personal perception (ignorance). Were people really dying because others didn't wear masks? Getting to the truth is really hard when views from actual doctors are being suppressed. I believe they were even threatened at one point to loose their medical licenses if they did not go along with the lie's. Had none of those strong arm tactics been employed, we would have gotten closer to the truth quickly instead of causing an inner war between those who believe the lie's and those who are more skeptical and open. lie's can start wars, in fact I would venture to say that nearly every war there has ever been started based on a lie or series of lie's. "The German people are superior to all other races" for example. "We used to own this land, and we want it back and cannot live without it." is another.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 09:15
Feb 19, 2002
The COVID lies caused people to die. Suppressing all use of drugs like hydroxychloroquine, killed people. This was an essentially safe drug. In certain parts of the world, people take it daily as a prophylactic for years without ill effect. And early studies showed it to mitigate the COVID symptoms if taken early enough. But the LIE was pushed because there was billions on the table with the approval of the"vaccine" which the FDA would NOT approve if there were drugs like hydroxychloroquine which could mitigate the symptoms. The drug companies would have been forced to go through actual trials to prove the "vaccine" was A - effective and B - had no long term ill effects. Those trials were never performed and now we are pushing this drug on the most vulnerable among us - our babies.

My daughter and I managed to keep the twins from being vaccinated. Who knows what this "emergency use only" "vaccine" has on fertility over the long term. Think Thalidomide people. And now we are bullying mothers into offering up their most precious babies on the altar of profits for big Pharma.

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 09:15
Mar 28, 2020
It's a horrible thing, Pat.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 06:15
Mar 14, 2017
Funny, because back in the days of the founding fathers, stuff like the 10 commandments would hvae been posted all over the place.
We seem to have 'evolved' quite conveniently as to what Religion means huh!

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 09:15
Feb 19, 2002
I always looked at the Ten Commandments more as a code of conduct than some religious edict. I don't care what your religious views are, if you live your life according to the Ten Commandments, you are a good person and a credit to the human race. Whether you believe in an afterlife or not, you have done the best you could with this life. If you think you know better, then I'd love to hear what you believe would be a good and moral code of conduct.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 06:15
Mar 14, 2017
By the time of the 14th amendment, no states had established religions, but many religious practices were incorporated into laws. It wasn't until 1947 that the Supreme Court talked about the separation of church and state and not until the 1960's that school prayer was struck down

Well said. There may be some separation that the founder referred to, I just don't think it's what some liberals think it is.
Christianity writ large was absolutely incorporated into the government , the laws, and such.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 06:15
Mar 14, 2017
What income group got the biggest benefit from the Trump tax cut. After it passed he told his rich friends an Mar A Lago "Now your really rich."

I like it when rich people do well. It gives me a lot of opportunities to join them.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 06:15
Mar 14, 2017
You didn't answer the question, So here is the answer:

The law will boost the after-tax incomes of households in the top 1 percent by 2.9 percent in 2025, roughly three times the 0.9 percent gain for households in the bottom 60 percent, TPC estimates. The tax cuts that year will average $61,090 for the top 1 percent — and $252,300 for the top one-tenth of 1 percent.

Your post was emotional, not logical or factual.
Who cares? The tax bracket increasing as wealth increased was never fair anyway. Shouldn't we all pay the same percentage?
that's why it's called a PERCENTAGE! it hurts everyone about the same.

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