Harris/Walz Ticket

Trey Gowdy (Fox News) interviewed Seth Moulton (D,MA). Gowdy asked about the conflicts in the Ukraine and Gaza and how the Democratic party would resolve those conflicts under a Harris administration. Without hesitating Moulton jumped in to state that China should be the concern. That we shouldn't expand the conflicts in the Ukraine and Gaza. No suggestion by Moulton concerning how these two conflicts could be resolved. Translation, Democrats want perpetual war in Gaza and the Ukraine.
Is the maligned border wall back? Misinformation? Smoke and mirrors? :unsure::unsure::unsure:
Harris flip-flops on building the border wall
If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called "un-American" during the Trump administration.
Kamala has personally said nothing about reversing those positions.
Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance summed this entire charade perfectly. “Kamala Harris is a fake,” he tweeted. “If she wants to build the border wall, she could start right now!”
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This is pretty scary. Does the media make policy for the Harris administration? Why is she unwilling to tell the public via interviews EXACTLY what her policies are and why she has changed her opinions to be more Trump-like.

Why do our hard-core Trump haters not care that she refuses to speak publicly? Do they really not want to know that she is exactly the same person she was the day before the powers behind the throne forced Biden (or did it for him) to post a letter telling us he would drop out of the campaign? You know, before, when they are all ready to force her to resign as VP so they could get someone else as a running mate for their Manchurian candidate since they couldn't just dump the "black" "woman"? It was a MIRACLE. The second coming. She stepped out of the light filled with joy, singing and dancing. Kind of like watching that scene from "Grease" where Frankie Avalon came down from on high in the "Beauty School Dropout" number. Watch the ending also;). I didn't know that we chose our presidents that way. I think she was just doing the happy dance because she organized a coup against Joe and she started celebrating her presidency early because she knew the fix was in.

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Dems claim that they want to gouge the rich with increased taxes. Then why would supposed business leaders endorse Kamala?
It would appear that the Dems prostrations on taxes is nothing but Kabuki theater. They "know" they will never actually be taxed.
The rich are taxed enough, on paper, but they do excel in finding loopholes that the average person isn't connected or moneyed enough to identify and assert.

I sometimes think the only real workable effective solution to solve that problem is to simplify the tax code - a lot
I sometimes think the only real workable effective solution to solve that problem is to simplify the tax code - a lot
Never happen as those 88 big-business leaders and Harris will never endorse a simplified tax code as they are enthralled with creating self-serving tax loopholes.
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Yes, the tax code has become a sort of Portal through which every type of thing can be accomplished for any cause, so it gets ever more complicated - kind of like federal agency rules which greatly dwarf the number of legitimately created federal laws
You know the tax code is a problem when you call the IRS for an explanation and they give you one but then tell you that they are not responsible if their opinion is not accepted and you are fined.
You know the tax code is a problem when you call the IRS for an explanation and they give you one but then tell you that they are not responsible if their opinion is not accepted and you are fined.
Yes, the same is true for other federal agencies. You can ask them to clarify a rule (even one with criminal sanctions attached), and their response - they are not even held to it in administrative court, you can STILL go to jail for whatever the judge (who usually works for the agency - obvious conflict of interest there!) - thinks is a violation, which they'll defer to just about whatever the agency says.

Our federal agency system is a catastrophic mess and the USSC was correct to take away some of its power. Laws should be legislated, period. The administrative state is a failed system
The administrative state is a failed system
Unelected bureaucrats should not be making law. Congress needs to retake its power. AND stop writing 2000 page bills that they drop and expect people to vote on the next cay. If the Constitution was only 38 pages, surely a bill can be SINGLE function and much shorter. Then they need to attach the administrative details.
Mark Penn: ABC News Should Do A Full Investigation Into Debate, "I Don't Know What They Told The Harris Campaign"
Pollster and former Clinton strategist Mark Penn called on ABC News to hire an outside law firm to look into internal communication between the network and the Harris campaign and to "what extent" they planned on "rigging the outcome of this debate."

"I actually think they should do a full internal investigation, hire an outside law firm. I don't know how much of this was planned in advance," Penn told the 'John Solomon Reports' podcast.
This is a very significant story. Penn is a Democrtic and he appears willing to demand that ABC News be investigated for colluding with the Democrats to "fix" the presidential election, This directly feeds into the false Democratic party narrative that Trump lies when he asserts that the 2020 election was rigged.

Recall that Donna Brazil gave Hillary Clinton the questions that H, Clinton would be asked. Then there is the example of Monica Crowley presenting adversarial loaded questions to Mitt Romney. The media has a long history of acting as a propaganda arm of the Democratic party.

PS: Surprising that Mark Penn does not refuse to appear on Hannity. Hannity hogs the conversation and attempts to manipulate Penn's responses.
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Even when Donna Brazil was exposed nothing of any consequence happened. The main stream media is an arm of the democrat party as displayed on Tuesday night. Operation Mockingbird never went away.
Trump was unhinged. Get over it. He needs a check up from the neck up. He's too old.
At least the democrats recognized Biden's issues, as did Biden himself, and changed tracks.

Go get yourself some Ben and Jerry's. I've heard this is a popular flavor.


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