I never have understood this...

KenHigg said:
Rich and I on the same side of a debate - This is kind of cool...:D

hmmm more like kind of eerie...
selenau837 said:
If you put it like that, I suppose so.

Then by the same token those who execute should also be executed, if murder is wrong and evil then nobody has the right to do it.
It's just a throwback to the days of the wild west, you either want to try and create a civilised society or you don't
selenau837 said:
I'm not fully aware of that situation. Arn't they taking newborns and killing them as a form of birth control?

I don't think the state kills newborns, there may a case for suggesting that parents perform this act, but that has more to do with ridgid birth controls and Chinese parents not wanting girls.
They certainly remove the organs of executed criminals for use elsewhere
Rich said:
It's just a throwback to the days of the wild west, you either want to try and create a civilised society or you don't

Nah I'd go further back than that, say to the reign of Elizabeth I.
Rich said:
They certainly remove the organs of executed criminals for use elsewhere

I see nothing wrong with that.

I suppose I'm showing a side of me I don't let loose often. Hope I am not scaring too many people.

I'm usually rather quiet about my beliefs on stuff like this. I was raised to never discuss Politics, Religion and Abortion Beliefs with friends and family.
dan-cat said:
Nah I'd go further back than that, say to the reign of Elizabeth I.
Nah, we used to burn them at the stake then, now you've become more civilised you give them the comfort of a chair:rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
I see nothing wrong with that.


I thought you called yourself a Christian?:confused: That's the same sort of barbaric crap Hitler and his cohorts carried out:mad:
Rich said:
I thought you called yourself a Christian?:confused: That's the same sort of barbaric crap Hitler and his cohorts carried out:mad:

I see absolutley nothing wrong with using organs of criminals that are on death row. If they can't be placed back in society then why not allow them to save the life of another.

I see it as a form of pentance. Allowing them to save a life in place of the life they took.

I am nothing like Hitler or his cohorts. :mad: I resent the fact you would even begin to compare me to that b@stard. He was trying to commit genocide. Using organs of criminals is not genocide.
Rich said:
Nah, we used to burn them at the stake then, now you've become more civilised you give them the comfort of a chair:rolleyes:

This practice stills seems to be in use in the UK also :rolleyes: :p

There is a part of people's rationale of issues that I don't understand. They are so capable of rationalizing their viewpoints so that it seems reasonable, even though the logic is flawed.

1. It's not ok to kill someone.
2. It's ok to kill someone who has killed someone else.
3. See number 1, and watch your head spin.

I don't know - something about this logic is very flawed. One would think that simply by pointing out their flawed logic, they would come to the realization that they are wrong on that point. But no - they assert that their logic is valid, and stick with it.


selenau837 said:
I see absolutley nothing wrong with using organs of criminals that are on death row. If they can't be placed back in society then why not allow them to save the life of another.

selenau837 said:
I see absolutley nothing wrong with using organs of criminals that are on death row. If they can't be placed back in society then why not allow them to save the life of another.

Allow, where does the word allow come into the equation, you're advocating the forcible removal of organs by the state, that's the exact thing Hitlers cronies were doing

What you're actually proposing is revenge and can't be seen as anything else, as for a deterrent the State of Texas kills more of its own population than that of most other countries on the planet.
What’s that philosophy doing for the murder rate down there.?:rolleyes:
dan-cat said:
This practice stills seems to be in use in the UK also :rolleyes: :p


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!!

lmnop7854 said:
There is a part of people's rationale of issues that I don't understand. They are so capable of rationalizing their viewpoints so that it seems reasonable, even though the logic is flawed.

1. It's not ok to kill someone.
2. It's ok to kill someone who has killed someone else.
3. See number 1, and watch your head spin.

I don't know - something about this logic is very flawed. One would think that simply by pointing out their flawed logic, they would come to the realization that they are wrong on that point. But no - they assert that their logic is valid, and stick with it.



Yup, It will take alot to turn me against the death penality. But simplying trying to tell me my logic is wrong won't do it.

I need facts and reasoning.

Again, I said this issue is not black and white. There is alot of grey area. I'm not saying we should go from cell to cell and execute everyone with a single bullet to the head.

There has to be a system. Yes, the system is a bit flawed. I am simply giving MHO on death penality if it was a perfect system, and a black and white issue.
Rich said:
Allow, where does the word allow come into the equation, you're advocating the forcible removal of organs by the state, that's the exact thing Hitlers cronies were doing

I must admit, I do not know alot about him or his ways, but from what I know he was doing all his evil doings as way to create the perfect arian race. That is not the same thing I am suggesting.
Rich said:
But it is a black and white issue, murder is wrong, whoever carries it out

Ok, you see it your way, and I'll see it mine.

Apparently you can't change my mind and I can't change yours. I see no reason to go on any further. As I fear words will become more and more harsh and hurt ones feelings.

I am humbly backing out of this thread.
selenau837 said:
I must admit, I do not know alot about him or his ways, but from what I know he was doing all his evil doings as way to create the perfect arian race. That is not the same thing I am suggesting.

But I would argue that in the state removing organs to give to others you are trying to create the perfect American race, I can't see the difference:confused:

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