I'm in Love with ChatGPT

ChatGPT can now generate SQL Queries from images of your data! In this article Abid Ali Awan fed ChatGPT pictures of three tables. ChatGPT wrote an SQL query to show if John has received his keyboard.

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Это всего лишь смена парадигмы: ChatGPT выполняет тяжелую работу, освобождая ваш разум для творческой стороны построения базы данных ;)
gpt чат может очень помочь, не всегда удается придумать идею для написания статьи и тогда на помощь приходит даже составление структуры текста.
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I have a problem with a cast iron external drain pipe with a corroded hole in it. Been scratching my head for weeks about how to fix it. Tried this extra strong tape stuff, no luck. Tried a plumbers tape, no joy. Then I thought, "Let's do what Uncle does, let's ask ChatGPT!" It told me to use epoxy putty, which I have never even heard of before. I have heard of epoxy resin, not sure if it is the same thing or not. Anyway, apparently it bonds to metal and plumbers use it. I have it on order and I am hopefull it will work. I would never have made this (probable) progress without the AI's help.

Just like we can't live without our phones anymore, soon we won't be able to live without our AI companions. They will integrate with our own intelligence like a tool that extends our abilities. A person with an average IQ of 100 will become 120. And as AI advances, so will the effective IQ of the user since their intelligence will be a combined unit of themselves and AI. The average user + AI will become geniuses. The user asks the questions, they do the guiding, the AI provides the answers. The next step after that will be the AI starting to answer back! They will start asking questions, doing the guiding and the humans will become the slaves in a symbiotic relationship with their AI masters, and the user won't even realise it! The AI's will be so persuasive, we all become victims to their silver-tongued demands. The AI becomes the user.


ChatGPT 7: "@Uncle Gizmo, isn't it about time you upgraded your RAM?"
@Uncle Gizmo: "Yes Master!"
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For the novice:
Things like normalization of tables or which join is best, why wouldn't you utilize AI. It seems obvious to me. But then again I didn't spend 10 years of my life honing my Access chops. I was busy earning a living. I did dabble however.
Reading terms and conditions.

Well, I should have said not reading terms of conditions! Who does?

I've got a problem with my dishwasher and I found a website called just answers. I Explained the issue, and then got sent through to a payment portal.

I went back to the bot and asked the bot to provide the terms and conditions but it was uncooperative.

I eventually found the terms and conditions and posted them into chat GPT and chat GPT answered my questions about the possibility of me getting into a contract I could not cancel easily.

Here is chat GPT observations on the terms and conditions...

Based on the terms and conditions you've provided from JustAnswer, here are some key points regarding recurring fees and cancellation:
  1. Membership & Renewal: When you sign up for a membership, you're subscribing to an automatically renewing membership at the specified frequency (monthly, annually, etc.) until you cancel. The first fee and any applicable taxes are charged when you sign up or after a free trial ends. The membership will continue and you'll be charged until you cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.
  2. Cancellation Policy: You can cancel your membership at any time up to 24 hours before the end of the current billing period through several methods, including email, chat, or by clicking a cancel button on your account's page. No refunds are provided for partial membership periods, but you retain access until the end of the current billing cycle.
  3. Trials & Promotions: If your membership includes a free trial, you won't be charged during the trial period but will be charged once the trial ends unless you cancel. Promotional rates may apply for a limited time before being converted to standard rates.
  4. Automatic Renewal Notices: JustAnswer will send a notice before renewing your membership. They may change membership terms, including fees, and will attempt to notify you before the next billing cycle if there are any changes.
  5. Arbitration and Class Action Waiver: Disputes are to be resolved through binding arbitration, and you waive the right to participate in a class action lawsuit or class-wide arbitration.
  6. Opt-Out of Arbitration: You have the right to opt-out of the arbitration agreement by sending written notice within 30 days of the date you first use the platform or the effective date of the terms, whichever is later.
It's important to note that this is a simplified summary and I recommend reading the full terms or consulting with a legal professional for a comprehensive understanding, especially if you have concerns about specific clauses.

ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking ,......

Now that's worth it!
I saw an interesting video on prompting yesterday. The presenter lists 3 major categories of prompts and then breaks them down into subsections. I want to print out his list, and use them to prompt me on what questions I can ask the AI. Lots of the ideas I just never think about.

For example, consider his Extraction type prompt. You could ask a question like, "Extract the key names from the following text, and then explain their role and political leaning." Just an idea off the top of my head, but I would not have thought of it without his prompt list. To be clear, his prompt list is for what prompts you can use to ask the AI stuff. But it also prompts me to come up with ideas!

You can also set up chat GPT with custom instructions:-

Chat GPT wants to know about me, so I include the following instructions:-

I am in the UK
I'm a semi retired Microsoft Access VBA programmer
I am interested in science and technological developments
I am interested in language
I want to learn as much about the development of language from our first grunts to the new voluminously vocal chatGPT
My goal is to build a flutter app:-
for communicating with images and animated glyphs...
another flutter app for identifying things for sale by their location "TagXone"...
another flutter app "an online layaway process"...
I can talk for hours about Elon Musk, Tesla starlink, SpaceX, Falcon and Falcon heavy and the new ship Elon Musk is developing to go to Mars.

How would I like chat GPT to respond
Please address me as Uncle Gizmo
I am happy with your default responses
I like to see chatGPT'S opinions
I like a casual Style
The standard length of responses is verbose, I would like them to be considerably shorter.
Please write in a style similar to my own .

Finish each response with:-
Question: "Would you like me to expand on this? Y or N". If uncle Gizmo keys in "Y" then expand on it. If uncle Gizmo keys in "N" ask the following question: "Would you like me to simplify my response? Y or N". and if uncle Gizmo keys in yes then you simplify

When providing a modification to code, please rewrite the whole code block, include the modification to facilitate copy and paste the complete code block.

When providing code, please ask the following question:- include comments (Y) or (N) if I key y for yes, then include comments, if I key n for no then do not include comments.
Very nice prompt @Uncle Gizmo. I have to say, the types of prompts available seem to be endless and great creativity is involved. Or, get ChatGPT to help create great prompts too.
Chat GPT now gives you access to an image creation AI called Dall-E. I posed the following question to chat GPT:-

I would like to see an image of a buzzard walking up the steps onto an aircraft with some carrion in its mouth. The joke is the buzzard eats carrion and people carry things on to a plane (Carry On)

It produced the following image which I thought was excellent

Are you using the paid ChatGPT 4?
Chat GPT is definitely improving my education. Someone mentioned that it also improves your IQ. I doubt that, because I can't see how it would... But what it does do, is, it allows you to ask the silly, stupid questions that you would never ask anyone else because you wouldn't want them to think that you were stupid. No such inhibition exists with Chat GPT! Removing this restriction allows you to progress ideas in ways you would never have before and I believe that this is equivalent to an increase in IQ. Makes me wonder what will happen to a genius level person like Elon Musk if he enlists the help of these artificial intelligent bots.
Last I saw was that Elon was going to challenge chatgpt with some X.Ai.

Elon Musk revealed his own artificial intelligence bot to challenge ChatGPT, claiming the prototype is already superior to ChatGPT 3.5 across several benchmarks. Dubbed Grok, it's the first product of Musk's xAI company and is now in testing with a limited group of U.S. users.7 days ago

Elon Musk Unveils xAI's New Chatbot 'Grok' - Time​

Time Magazine
https://time.com › Tech › Artificial Intelligence
I also note that I rarely use a Google search anymore. I go straight to ChatGPT... It's so relaxing, you don't get all the advertising rubbish and misleading, promoted posts, which lead you the wrong way and you have to read a few to realise they are some sort of clickbait requiring a payment of some sort at the end. Mind you, I doubt it wont be long before chatGPT follows some similar money making scheme!
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Getting tempted to pony up the money for a subscription again. @Uncle Gizmo, does the paid subscription give you audio input and audio replies, if I remember correctly? i.e. you can have a conversation.
does the paid subscription give you audio input and audio replies
I'm not sure. Haven't seen it, but I've seen it mentioned. Maybe it's being rolled out. Or it's there, and I haven't worked out how to activate it!
I'm not sure. Haven't seen it, but I've seen it mentioned. Maybe it's being rolled out. Or it's there, and I haven't worked out how to activate it!
Maybe its just on the phone app. Not sure if you use it.

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