I'm in Love with ChatGPT

This might be of interest to some members here. A blog about controlling PowerPoint with ChatzGPT and VBA...

I've been following Dave Plummers YouTube channel "Dave's Garage"

for about six months now. He's absolutely brilliant, a switched on guy.

He used to work for Microsoft as a programmer. He reviews lots of old code, and I'm sure his reminiscing will be of interest to some of the senior members here. I thought in particular, @The_Doc_Man and @Pat Hartman..

In this particular YouTube video he uses ChatGPT to analyze an image created by code.

The image didn't come out right, and Dave got ChatGPT to analyze the incorrect image and help him correct the code that generated it. nother fascinating video from Dave's Garage well worth a watch!

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This is not specifically chat GPT well I don't think it is, t just says "AI".

In this case AI has been employed to read old, practically burnt out Scrolls from Pompeii!

Stack to layoff 28% of staff....

Well!!! Why am I not surprised!

I am surprised it's happened so quickly, but from a stack user/ mentor position, due to the sometimes hollier than thou attitude on the site, I can understand it ...

In the Google sheets section of this forum I have added a link to a blog and YouTube video on how to integrate ChatGPT into a Google sheet with Google apps script.

Link here:-

Andrej Karpathy said "the hottest new programming language is English"
I was watching "The Burial" I'd recommend it as a good watch.

Anyway this is a ChatGPT thread, why am I posting a film recommendation here?

The film is basically a courtroom drama and in one section of the film it becomes necessary to do "Discovery" looking through the other firms legal documents to find any leverage.

I realized that Discovery could be enhanced with ChatGPT. The documents could be scanned and then fed to chat GPT who would be able to correlate different bits of information with a view to finding leverage in the court case.
Richy Sunak is suddenly now an AI expert. Typically MPs think they are on top of IT if they can run up a crude spreadsheet. Even though they are only just getting to grips with them over 40 years after the software was available. He didn't have a clue about Covid and all he has ever done is throw our money about like a drunken sailor. As with all politicians he has achieved very little if anything. Plenty about what he is going to do, which is why he's going on about AI. It pushes the things to do can further down the road. Nothing will change in Britain following all this bluster. But could be a few jobs going in new underachieving Quangos that pay well in the short term before they fizzle out.

Nothing changes.
Richy Sunak is suddenly now an AI expert.
I don't think anyone is, and that's the point. No one knows how the AI works. In the video, Elon Musk refers to AI as a giant comma separated value file, akin to a God!

The AI will speak to you, like you are talking to a real person. The origin of its communication is a CSV file containing words and the weighted relationships between those words.

Somehow this generates a coherent and often correct response.

Makes me wonder if intelligence is just humans doing the same, learning the words, learning how each word relates to other words.

So now you have normal people with 100 IQ churning out a certain level of intelligent thought. And then you have geniuses churning out another level of intelligent thought.

The only difference being the number of words they have collected and categorized and weighted the connections of.
Well Tony, I took a page from your book and asked ChatGPT to convert a very complex VBScript(written by Bill Mosca) that installs and runs my clients app to PowerShell. It took less than a minute and although it wasn't perfect on the first run, a few follow-on questions and some modifications and I was up and running in less than 2 hours...
At least a week and that is only if I was able to dedicate a LOT of time to it...
Jeez John if you could get organized and use chatgpt for a couple of months on these troublesome issues, you could gather some "deserved time off" for an enjoyable "bike ride" or two.;)
Glad you're finding the software helpful.
Jeez John if you could get organized and use chatgpt for a couple of months on these troublesome issues, you could gather some "deserved time off" for an enjoyable "bike ride" or two.;)
Glad you're finding the software helpful.
Never thought of that!
Glad you're finding the software helpful.
It is amazing the way it builds upon what has already been asked - I should put the transcript here for those who are not onboard. That being said, I CAN see a bit of a moral hazard developing. True learning could be lost and too much reliance on the "easy button"
That being said, I CAN see a bit of a moral hazard developing. True learning could be lost and too much reliance on the "easy button"
It's just a shift in the paradigm, ChatGPT does the grunt work while freeing your mind for the creative side of database building. ;)

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