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ShaneMan said:
Yes, Bush is a "so called Christian." How does sending troops into war prove that he hates? Yes, Iraq's have died. That's what happens in war. Being a Christian does not make you a welcome mat for people to wipe their feet on. We were attacked. We attacked a country that aided and hid the folks who do this cowards way of fighting.
WRONG, there's not a shred of evidence, nor was there ever that Iraq had anything whatever to do with 9/11, your suggestion that somebody anybody had to be attacked back is why so many people see American as a bunch of gun ho trigger happy, need I say more :rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
Explain this Richy boy? I am a Christian, and just curious as to what you mean??
I'm not sugesting that all Christians hate, I'm just saying that I can't because I'm not one.
You don't really want me to start giving examples do you ;)
ShaneMan said:
Christianity is based off of the Bible. Show me where in the Bible it teaches to hate.
An eye for an eye, you can go off and find where it is in the book of quotes, in fact that's the one that's used as justification when seeking revenge.
Rich said:
An eye for an eye, you can go off and find where it is in the book of quotes, in fact that's the one that's used as justification when seeking revenge.

Yes, something like that is in there but not like your saying it. It says, "An eye for eye; an tooth for a tooth; vengence is MINE saith THE LORD." People may use it to justify what they do by using this verse but they are not using it correctly. Just because a cat's born in an oven doesn't make it a biscuit, anymore than someone stating they are a Christian makes them one. More bad things have been done in the name of God and the Bible but that does mean they were representative of what the Book teaches.
Rich said:
An eye for an eye, you can go off and find where it is in the book of quotes, in fact that's the one that's used as justification when seeking revenge.

New definition for Obtuse:
Rich when he opens his mouth.

Christianity is based on the New Testament.

If you are going to be clever at least be lucent and accurate.
Rich said:
WRONG, there's not a shred of evidence, nor was there ever that Iraq had anything whatever to do with 9/11, your suggestion that somebody anybody had to be attacked back is why so many people see American as a bunch of gun ho trigger happy, need I say more :rolleyes:

I did not say they had anything to do with 9/11. I said they and many others are known to aid and harbour terrorist. It would have been much easier to figure out what to do if a country had done 9/11, but that's not how this is going so, I'll say again, I'm not saying what we have done is right or wrong nor whether we should be in Iraq or not, I'm asking what should we have done! You have so many one liners, usually with sarcasm, I'm just asking you to give a straight answer to what should have been done?
Rich said:
I'm not sugesting that all Christians hate, I'm just saying that I can't because I'm not one.

So, by your logic, those who aren't Christians are incapable of hate? :confused:
ShaneMan said:
I said they and many others are known to aid and harbour terrorist.
Please don't think I'm defending Rich because nothing ould be further from the truth, but just for accuracy's sake... there is no evidence at all of a connection between Iraq and terrorism. Just FYI.
ShaneMan said:
Just because a cat's born in an oven doesn't make it a biscuit,

That was funny!

(Note to self: - Write this one down for the hill billy song)
ShaneMan said:
I did not say they had anything to do with 9/11. I said they and many others are known to aid and harbour terrorist. It would have been much easier to figure out what to do if a country had done 9/11, but that's not how this is going so, I'll say again, I'm not saying what we have done is right or wrong nor whether we should be in Iraq or not, I'm asking what should we have done! You have so many one liners, usually with sarcasm, I'm just asking you to give a straight answer to what should have been done?
I've answered that question many times in the past however I challenge you again, where is the evidence that Iraq harboured terrorists?
I should also point out that using American logic we should have attacked and dropped bombs on the US because it was they who were funding the muderous IRA, not just that but the US has freely and sometimes openly supported terrorism when it suited their interests.
The war in Afghanistan might have merit, the war in Iraq has absolutely none.
Bush wanted a war in Iraq before 9/11 ever happened
jsanders said:
New definition for Obtuse:
Rich when he opens his mouth.

Christianity is based on the New Testament.
Oh really, so America is not a Christian country then ? :rolleyes:
MrsGorilla said:
So, by your logic, those who aren't Christians are incapable of hate? :confused:
depends on whether they belong to another faith that supports or even promotes hatred in its doctrine
Kraj said:
Please don't think I'm defending Rich because nothing ould be further from the truth, but just for accuracy's sake... there is no evidence at all of a connection between Iraq and terrorism. Just FYI.

Thanks Kraj. No connection at all? No training camps. No money given. Nothing? They hid no terrorist? Saddam was completely innocent? How did we mess up that bad? How did we attack the wrong country? I'm honestly asking a question, not being a smart butt.
ShaneMan said:
Thanks Kraj. No connection at all? No training camps. No money given. Nothing? They hid no terrorist? Saddam was completely innocent? How did we mess up that bad? How did we attack the wrong country? I'm honestly asking a question, not being a smart butt.

This is going to be a really long thread...:D

(Esp when the hors... er, I mean when Col gets back..:p .)
ShaneMan said:
More bad things have been done in the name of God and the Bible but that does mean they were representative of what the Book teaches.
So we can say then that the vast majority of those southern babtist folk who went to church every Sunday before inflicting their hatred on society were all liars.
But then wasn't it your own God who ordered the Jews to be slain :confused:
ShaneMan said:
How did we mess up that bad? How did we attack the wrong country? I'm honestly asking a question, not being a smart butt.

Because Bush is a trigger happy gun ho twat:mad:
Rich said:
I've answered that question many times in the past however I challenge you again, where is the evidence that Iraq harboured terrorists?
I should also point out that using American logic we should have attacked and dropped bombs on the US because it was they who were funding the muderous IRA, not just that but the US has freely and sometimes openly supported terrorism when it suited their interests.
The war in Afghanistan might have merit, the war in Iraq has absolutely none.
Bush wanted a war in Iraq before 9/11 ever happened

Sorry, Rich, didn't know you had answered the question many times, I just started reading about a month ago, so I didn't know. We funded the IRA? Why? What would that have gained us? We have always been allies with Great Britian. I have never heard this before. How did Bush want a war with Iraq before 9/11. Why would he want this war?

You ask where my evidence is that Iraq harboured terrorist. I listen to these debates, read them here on this forum and the interesting thing to me is people use facts however it suits them. They seem what they want to see. I personally don't trust the media so I have a real hard time believing anything I read, whether it's for or a against something so I'm not going to provide any evidence because it will just become a tennis match. I personally do not believe that Iraq was completely innocent when it comes to terrorist.

If you don't mind repeating yourself, I would still like to hear what you think we should have done after 9/11. The closest thing I have heard you say in maybe Afghanistan had merit.
ShaneMan said:
Thanks Kraj. No connection at all? No training camps. No money given. Nothing? They hid no terrorist?
According to the 9/11 commission and the other sources I've read: Nope. At best, there were some vague implications from various sources but no hard evidence of any of the things you listed. Additionally, Iraq's political relations with most countries involved with terrorists weren't very good. It almost sounds ridiculous to say it, but all evidence points to Iraq being one of the few middle eastern countries without terrorist ties.

ShaneMan said:
Saddam was completely innocent?
Well that's more of a stretch. He certainly was a terrible person who continued to do terrible things, just not to anyone other than the Iraqi citizens. Personally, I think that if Bush had said from the beginning that Saddam was a rat bastard that needed to go just on the grounds of human rights, his support base would have been much more consistsant.

ShaneMan said:
How did we mess up that bad? How did we attack the wrong country?
We didn't necessarily mess up. After all, we did go into Afghanistan first, which at the very least was a justified move. The problem is that Bush (and this is not a Bush-bash, it's just telling it like it is) was highly focused on Iraq even before his Presidency began. My best guess is that the events of 9/11 gave him a powerful way to build support for the Iraq invasion so he used it. I also think he honestly believed Saddam had WMDs and expected to find them when they invaded, which is why he focused his justification so highly on them.
OMFG!!! What is going on here guys.

How did this thread go from Job titles to bashing americians, to horse's A$$, to lying southern baptist, to christian's God killing jews.

This has got to be one of the most convaluted threads I have seen. I give up on y'all today. Sheesh, hopefully monday will be better.

*takes cow prod and walks out hanging head*

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