Job Titles

Rich said:
So we can say then that the vast majority of those southern babtist folk who went to church every Sunday before inflicting their hatred on society were all liars.
But then wasn't it your own God who ordered the Jews to be slain :confused:

Rich you really need to brush up on your Bible facts. God ordered Jews to be slain? God has said that they are His choosen people (could open up a whole other can of worms) why would He have them slain. He said in the Abrahamic covenant that He would fight their fight. Bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them, but He never said I'll slain them or give orders for them to be.

As far as your Southern Baptist thing I have no idea what point you were making there.
Rich said:
Because Bush is a trigger happy gun ho twat:mad:

I said I wasn't being a smart butt, but I guess you couldn't resist being one.
There were a lot of Irish Americans who saw the IRA as some sort of freedom fighters with a romantic cause, it was Clinton who made an enormous effort not just to change those sympathisers minds but also to help end the cycle of violence in Ireland, that's probably the main reason why some many Brits hold him in such high regard, so he had sex with a tart in the White House, big deal.
The attack on Afghanistan was well thought out with a specific purpose, to destroy terrorists training camps and remove the regime that allowed the likes of Bin Liner to operate there.
The war in Iraq was nothing more than a cynical ploy to gain control of the oil, if there was no oil there nobody in high office would give a toss
ShaneMan said:
Rich you really need to brush up on your Bible facts. God ordered Jews to be slain? God has said that they are His choosen people (could open up a whole other can of worms) why would He have them slain. He said in the Abrahamic covenant that He would fight their fight. Bless those that bless them and curse those that curse them, but He never said I'll slain them or give orders for them to be.
Didn't he order the slaying of the Israelites ?
ShaneMan said:
I said I wasn't being a smart butt, but I guess you couldn't resist being one.
no, I just didn't have the time to enter into a lengthy dialogue about Bush, it's well documented;)
Kraj said:
According to the 9/11 commission and the other sources I've read: Nope. At best, there were some vague implications from various sources but no hard evidence of any of the things you listed. Additionally, Iraq's political relations with most countries involved with terrorists weren't very good. It almost sounds ridiculous to say it, but all evidence points to Iraq being one of the few middle eastern countries without terrorist ties.

Well that's more of a stretch. He certainly was a terrible person who continued to do terrible things, just not to anyone other than the Iraqi citizens. Personally, I think that if Bush had said from the beginning that Saddam was a rat bastard that needed to go just on the grounds of human rights, his support base would have been much more consistsant.

We didn't necessarily mess up. After all, we did go into Afghanistan first, which at the very least was a justified move. The problem is that Bush (and this is not a Bush-bash, it's just telling it like it is) was highly focused on Iraq even before his Presidency began. My best guess is that the events of 9/11 gave him a powerful way to build support for the Iraq invasion so he used it. I also think he honestly believed Saddam had WMDs and expected to find them when they invaded, which is why he focused his justification so highly on them.


Thanks for taking the time to explain. I don't know what to think about Iraq and what we're doing. It seems that whoever I talk to has a strong opinion about it and seems to be able to spout off all of these facts but yet no matter which side you listen to they always have this big list of facts and sometimes they use the same facts but just slanted toward whatever they want to believe. I think we needed to do something. You can not sit back and just keep getting bullied around. Otherwise it will just keep coming but I can't defend whether we have done the right thing.
selenau837 said:
OMFG!!! What is going on here guys.

How did this thread go from Job titles to bashing americians, to horse's A$$, to lying southern baptist, to christian's God killing jews.


And he did it without Cols help :eek: :rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
OMFG!!! What is going on here guys.

How did this thread go from Job titles to bashing americians, to horse's A$$, to lying southern baptist, to christian's God killing jews.

It's just the art of conversation amongst friends and Kenny and Jenny
Art??? Amoungts friends eh!! Ahh, kinda gathered y'all hated each other by some of the words being slung around.
Rich said:
There were a lot of Irish Americans who saw the IRA as some sort of freedom fighters with a romantic cause, it was Clinton who made an enormous effort not just to change those sympathisers minds but also to help end the cycle of violence in Ireland, that's probably the main reason why some many Brits hold him in such high regard, so he had sex with a tart in the White House, big deal.
The attack on Afghanistan was well thought out with a specific purpose, to destroy terrorists training camps and remove the regime that allowed the likes of Bin Liner to operate there.
The war in Iraq was nothing more than a cynical ploy to gain control of the oil, if there was no oil there nobody in high office would give a toss

So it sounds like from what your saying that it was individual Irish Americans funding but not the American government. I hope that's what your saying. Not that it makes it good it would just be a bitter pill to swallow if our government was involved.

You may be right on the oil in Iraq also, but I sure hope not. I do believe we needed to punch back hard but I would at least what it to be for the purpose of making the point of not our citizens and dang sure not on our soil.
selenau837 said:
Art??? Amoungts friends eh!! Ahh, kinda gathered y'all hated each other by some of the words being slung around.

At the moment it just kinda all of us against Rich...:D
KenHigg said:
At the moment it just kinda all of us against Rich...:D

Yeah, well, just being a woman today I suppose. Emotions and all. :o :o
Rich said:
Didn't he order the slaying of the Israelites ?

I not going to profess that I know everything in the Bible but I'm fairly sure the answer is no. That same Abrahamic covenant also says, "If you keep My commandments, if you do not then I will scatter you like the wind or sand (can't remember) and make you slaves to all men." Israel/Jews have not kept His comments, at times, and He did just as He said He would but a direct order of Israelites being slain does not come to my mind. Now if you talking about battles that they have lost due to not following His direction, yes, that has happened.
ShaneMan said:
I said I wasn't being a smart butt, but I guess you couldn't resist being one.
I see you've met Rich. ;) :p

Rich said:
Didn't he order the slaying of the Israelites ?
Um, actually he repeatedly orders the Israelites to slay the Palestinians. In the Old Testament, the Jews are God's chosen people. (Gee, you'd think the Jews wrote the dang book! :rolleyes: )

ShaneMan said:
Thanks for taking the time to explain. I don't know what to think about Iraq and what we're doing. It seems that whoever I talk to has a strong opinion about it and seems to be able to spout off all of these facts but yet no matter which side you listen to they always have this big list of facts and sometimes they use the same facts but just slanted toward whatever they want to believe. I think we needed to do something. You can not sit back and just keep getting bullied around. Otherwise it will just keep coming but I can't defend whether we have done the right thing.
Happy to help. Yeah, it sounds like that's the gist of it. I'm not the type of liberal weenie who thinks violence never solves anything, I just think we misplaced our efforts in a big big way.
KenHigg said:
At the moment it just kinda all of us against Rich...:D
That's understandable, you're American :cool: :p
and thus don't take kindly to any criticism
Rich said:
That's understandable, you're American :cool: :p
and thus don't take kindly to any criticism

Who does? What would being an American have to do with it?
You are putting up a good fight. Kudos. Good thing you had 10K posts to prepare...:):)
Rich said:
That's understandable, you're American :cool: :p
and thus don't take kindly to any criticism
Whereas you, Rich, are the model of gracefully accepting criticism. :rolleyes:
Kraj said:
Whereas you, Rich, are the model of gracefully accepting criticism. :rolleyes:
What have the Brits done since the end of WW11 to merit criticism ? :confused:

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