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Rich said:
What have the Brits done since the end of WW11 to merit criticism ? :confused:
I didn't say the Brits, I said 'you, Rich'.
reclusivemonkey said:
Go ask the inhabitants of any European holiday resort that one...
You mean all the ones that are quite happy to take our money ?:confused: ;)
Kraj said:
I didn't say the Brits, I said 'you, Rich'.
depends on whether the criticism has any merit :cool:
Rich said:
depends on whether the criticism has any merit :cool:
Those who gracefully accept criticism do so irregardless of merit.
Rich said:
depends on whether it's justified
Is there a difference between cricism that has merit and criticism that is justified?
reclusivemonkey said:
Would you like to clarify that nonsense?
research how many European resorts are quite happy to take the yobs money when allowing them to get pissed out of their heads and then complain about the results, then come back and tell me it's nonsense :rolleyes:
Rich said:
depends on whether they belong to another faith that supports or even promotes hatred in its doctrine

Somehow I don't think so. Then, those who have no religious affiliation at all are incapable of hate then? Think about what you are saying before you just spew insulting remarks at those who believe differently than you do. You are adamantly insisting that you don't believe in religion because you have an open mind and think for yourself but everytime someone offers a differing opinion you find some way to attack it. This, to me, defies the very definition of "open mindedness".

Christianity does not support or promote hatred. In fact, it does just the opposite. Have there been people who have misused that over the years? Yes. Does that make all Christians bad? No.

(Ahhh, I feel better now.) :)
Rich said:
terminology :cool:
Ah, so you're just repeating yourself and swapping some words with synonyms? That's what I thought. Quick question: are you familiar with the psychological term 'projection'? Might do you some good to read up on it. Just tossin' that out there...
MrsGorilla said:
Christianity does not support or promote hatred. In fact, it does just the opposite.
Come off it, just about every war in history has been fought in the name of Christianity and what happened to turning the other cheek? :rolleyes:
Kraj said:
Ah, so you're just repeating yourself and swapping some words with synonyms? That's what I thought. Quick question: are you familiar with the psychological term 'projection'? Might do you some good to read up on it. Just tossin' that out there...
you still haven't justified the criticism or even suggested what I've posted that's worthy of criticism
Rich said:
you still haven't justified the criticism or even suggested what I've posted that's worthy of criticism

Everything. :rolleyes:
Rich said:
research how many European resorts are quite happy to take the yobs money when allowing them to get pissed out of their heads and then complain about the results, then come back and tell me it's nonsense :rolleyes:

PMSL. Research! You couldn't even spell it. Tell you what Rich, save me some time. You obviously know all about it, like you know all about everything. Why don't you tell me how much money from tourism the inhabitants of resorts get, not bar owners, or tour operators, or hotel chains; tell me the results of your "research". My parents have lived in Benidorm for the last ten years, I know exactly where money from tourism goes. Its certainly not to the everyday inhabitants of the places where loutish British people cause havoc and mayhem. Save yourself the bother; you don't have time to do any research you are too busy contradicting as many people as you possibly can.
Rich said:
Come off it, just about every war in history has been fought in the name of Christianity and what happened to turning the other cheek? :rolleyes:

Somehow, I don't think so. You obviously didn't read my full post either, just chose one sentence to be rude about, as always. Instead of being childish and telling me to "come off it", why don't you present some constructive arguments? I already said that I agree bad things have been done in the name of Christianity but that doesn't make all Christians evil. That would be the same as saying all people from the UK are rude just because you're rude. :rolleyes:

I'm really not trying to argue here anyway, I just don't appreciate the blanket statements that you have made and continue to make and the way you portray all Christians as hateful while proclaiming to have an "open mind". :cool:
Rich said:
Come off it, just about every war in history has been fought in the name of Christianity and what happened to turning the other cheek? :rolleyes:

No some wars have been fought in the name of Christianity, but just about every war in history has been fought in the name of Religion.
Rich said:
Come off it, just about every war in history has been fought in the name of Christianity and what happened to turning the other cheek? :rolleyes:
Wow. With comments like that, it's a wonder Ph.D.s in theology and history aren't flung at your doorstep like newpapers. :rolleyes: You want some justified criticism, ok - here's some: there are so many things wrong with the statement above that I don't even know where to begin correcting you. I friggin' dare you to display graceful acceptance. The gauntlet has been thrown; show me you posses an ounce of maturity by saying, "You know Kraj, I disagree with you but instead of arguing, I'll just let it go. I apologize to anyone I may have upset as it was not my intention" and then say no more about it.

And with that, folks, I'll be switching into 'ignore the idiot mode' and staying away from this thread.
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MrsGorilla said:
I'm really not trying to argue here anyway, I just don't appreciate the blanket statements that you have made and continue to make and the way you portray all Christians as hateful while proclaiming to have an "open mind". :cool:
I never said "christians are hateful" that's your interpretation of what I said
Well, Well, Well,

So much for intellectual repartee.

You know what I think; I think you Brits are jealous, I think you haven’t done anything of any value since WWII, except see your empire collapse.

I think your tired of living on a damp island on the edge of the North Atlantic when Americans have 4,000,000 square miles of fresh virgin country side, that you lost by being to damned tyrannical in your dealings.

I think you’re bummed because you lost your tax base in Hong Kong in 99, I think you wonder why Australia, a fricken penal colony for Christ sake, has a better standard of living then you.

I think you’re just pissed off because its cold there and we have Florida.

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