Job Titles

Dam got me again Selena
alastair69 said:
Dam got me again Selena

Muhaha....Likes the sound of that, but now sure how I got ya. Appears we are both having dumb blonde moments. :eek: :rolleyes:
LOL @ YOU........................(Trying to use 10 Spaces Up)
alastair69 said:
LOL @ YOU........................(Trying to use 10 Spaces Up)

Ohh, now you are laughing at me..*does typical female, turning it around and blowing it out of porportion**giggles*
Whoo seriously hi-jacked thread - impressive :)

Once again back on topic, my official title is Support Technician but I much prefer Video Network Specialist (just to boost my ego) :D but it is actually what I do ;)

I'm part of a contracted support team for a very large financial institution and I specifically support their European video conferencing network.

As I've been around PC's since whenever so end up doing a bit of IT stuff, web design etc.

I got suckered into doing a couple of databases for admin purposes purely on me saying "you know you could do that in Access, it could be so much better and easier", "Really ?... have you used Access before" and very stupidly replied "Yes I did a simple one a while ago".........doh....oops - Dug my own grave there :D but you guys really help me out and I've been around ever since, trying to give a bit of my knowledge back in the Apps and Windows forum.
Minkey said:
Whoo seriously hi-jacked thread - impressive :)

Yeah I know, I keep telling them not too :eek:
anyway now the threads back on track :rolleyes:
I'm the senior executive technical support engineer for the company :cool:
Rich said:
Yeah I know, I keep telling them not too :eek:

You started it Richy boy. :p

Rich said:
I'm the senior executive technical support engineer for the company :cool
Wow, such a title for such a young man Rich. I am impressed. ;)
Rich said:

Originally Posted by jsanders
They do let me sweep the shop.

how long did it take for you to figure out which end you had to use, or did they show you ?

The first off topic one you had. :p
Operations Analyst, health insurance...I don't really analyze much though. I get the data, create reports, administer our web site, develop access databases for a couple departments...which I regret ever saying I knew access cause they need much more than I can provide. I need a raise and an assistant.

Oh and if someone can go answer my question in the forms section I will do anything you ask.
Hannainnc said:
Operations Analyst, health insurance...I don't really analyze much though. I get the data, create reports, administer our web site, develop access databases for a couple departments...which I regret ever saying I knew access cause they need much more than I can provide. I need a raise and an assistant.

Oh and if someone can go answer my question in the forms section I will do anything you ask.

Ruh roo deary! May wanna be careful with that. :D
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Hannainnc said:
Oh and if someone can go answer my question in the forms section I will do anything you ask.

I think you would be better off editing your posts to explain what you want a little more clearly. If you look throughout this forum, people get help without offering money or displays of body parts... its not exactly hard to find that elsewhere on the internet.

You could also reply on the threads that people have helped you with to tell them whether or not the advice they gave you helped or not. If I've tried to help someone previously and they don't tell me either way what happened, I will quickly tire of helping them. I'm not saying you need to ingratiate yourself. Just a simple "That worked" or "Nope, that didn't work" will suffice. It also has the added benefit of helping other people searching the forum.
reclusivemonkey said:
You could also reply on the threads that people have helped you with to tell them whether or not the advice they gave you helped or not. If I've tried to help someone previously and they don't tell me either way what happened, I will quickly tire of helping them. I'm not saying you need to ingratiate yourself. Just a simple "That worked" or "Nope, that didn't work" will suffice. It also has the added benefit of helping other people searching the forum.

I think i've said thank you to you before right? Execpt maybe on that SQL tift we had. :o I'm not sure I got a chance too. :eek:

That is a great thing to do though, it also validates as to whether I gave correct info or not. That is how I learn the best. :D
selenau837 said:
I think i've said thank you to you before right? Execpt maybe on that SQL tift we had. :o I'm not sure I got a chance too. :eek:

LOL No idea. I don't keep a record. It was just some general advice to Hannainnc. I looked at her past threads and saw people helping out and no response from her. I took a quick look at her question and there wasn't enough info for me to get a grip of it. I generally take a quick look at things, and if I've done something similar, or think I can help out I jump in. I mostly only look at unanswered threads though; ones with one or more people helping I steer clear of. I don't think get several replies from different people helps anyone.

Again, don't remember any "tift", SQL or otherwise... I have a history of substance abuse though, so the memory is not good!

selenau837 said:
That is a great thing to do though, it also validates as to whether I gave correct info or not. That is how I learn the best. :D

Yeah. It does get out of hand sometimes though; see here ;-)
reclusivemonkey said:
I think you would be better off editing your posts to explain what you want a little more clearly. If you look throughout this forum, people get help without offering money or displays of body parts... its not exactly hard to find that elsewhere on the internet.

You could also reply on the threads that people have helped you with to tell them whether or not the advice they gave you helped or not. If I've tried to help someone previously and they don't tell me either way what happened, I will quickly tire of helping them. I'm not saying you need to ingratiate yourself. Just a simple "That worked" or "Nope, that didn't work" will suffice. It also has the added benefit of helping other people searching the forum.

I wasn't offering body parts...yikes. Sorry for that misconception. I was trying to lighten things up a little. I thought I did explain clearly what I needed help with. I've been searching the forum for three days now and have been unable to find the way to do this after experimenting several times. I apologize if I have offended anyone in here. I did think I posted clearly, even included screen prints. Perhaps there is a special lingo that you all use which I am unfamiliar with. I guess unwanted sarcasm and abrasiveness is a standard on this forum? I offer more information that other posts, yet they illicit responses, even requests for more information, but mine does not. But thanks for the help anyway and the warm welcome! I'm sure that keeps people here! Good job!

Selena thank you for attempting to help me.
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Hannainnc said:
I wasn't offering body parts...yikes.

05-23-2005, 11:18 PM
Replies: 2
query with rows based on date range?
Views: 170
Posted By Hannainnc
If I post a picture of boobs will someone respond?

If I post a picture of boobs will someone respond?


Hannainnc said:
I thought I did explain clearly what I needed help with.

Its not a matter of explaining what you need help with. We need to work out where you have gone wrong, you've described what you want to happen, not what you have tried in order to accomplish this.

Hannainnc said:
I apologize if I have offended anyone in here. I did think I posted clearly, even included screen prints.

I never said you had offended anyone. I was trying to help. Your screenshot doesn't help at all in determining what the problem was.

Hannainnc said:
Perhaps there is a special lingo that you all use which I am unfamiliar with. I guess unwanted sarcasm and abrasiveness is a standard on this forum?

Yeah, its called English. I wasn't being sarcastic, or abrassive. Again, I was trying to help. Learning how to ask a question is by far the best way to get an answer, but clearly you aren't going to take this on board.

Hannainnc said:
I offer more information that other posts, yet they illicit responses, even requests for more information, but mine does not.

You're taking things too personally. You can't compare any two posts. There could be a post I look at that makes no sense to me that someone else understands immediately. Thats just the luck of the draw.

Hannainnc said:
But thanks for the help anyway and the warm welcome! I'm sure that keeps people here! Good job!

Ah there you go, now that's a good example of sarcasm and abrasiveness. And you wonder why you don't get any help.

Goodbye and good luck.
haha, that post I made about boobs was a long time ago. Looking up all my old posts...hello freak stalker. I never said my boobs btw. I guess your knowledge in access is at the expense of your personality.
Hannainnc said:
haha, that post I made about boobs was a long time ago. Looking up all my old posts...hello freak stalker. I never said my boobs btw. I guess your knowledge in access is at the expense of your personality.

You might care to remember that the help given here is done so free of charge and in people's own time. The advice you've received on how to present your problem is excellent. It's a two way street, no-one on these boards owes you anything. Pissing over the people who do try to assist is unlikely to help your cause. I'm almost glad I'm not knowledgeable enough to help you with your problem.

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