On a more positive note...

Rich said:
Thanks Cindy, now I understand, I wonder why it took a woman to point out that the memorial was intended for the marine corps :confused: :D

:D See, you should listen to me more often. :eek: :rolleyes:

Kraj said:
No, I didn't. :)

But you're right, most people don't think of it as a USMC memorial but a WWII memorial in general, and I think what you said about it symbolizing the struggle and sacrifices of all soldiers in WWII is probably accurate. I think a lot of people just really identify with it because it has such a human element rather than just being a cold stone monument. The next closest thing in my mind would be the Vietnam memorial with all of the names on it, realizing just how many people fought and never came home from that one.

fuzzygeek said:
Woman also serve in the Marines!

I had a couple of friends in high school that joined up a couple of years after we graduated. :D
fuzzygeek said:
I doubt if King Kong,

I haven't seen the latest version and I've not heard very good reviews of it, anyone know if it's worth going to watch ?
MrsGorilla said:
I had a couple of friends in high school that joined up a couple of years after we graduated. :D

Did they serve alongside Benjamin, I've a couple of questions concerning her dimples ? :D :D
Rich said:
Thanks Cindy, now I understand, I wonder why it took a woman to point out that the memorial was intended for the marine corps :confused: :D

And that makes your entire rant on the propaganda angle void?
Rich said:
Nope, and why are you still here, missed the bus?

Actually, I was checking on you. I was rather ugly :o . Please don't take my posts too serious - I just like getting you wound up, kinda returning the favor :)
KenHigg said:
Actually, I was checking on you. I was rather ugly :o . Please don't take my posts too serious - I just like getting you wound up, kinda returning the favor :)

When are you going to start ?:confused:
Rich said:
When are you going to start ?:confused:

I guess I'm done on that topic :)

(For now anyway - :p )

I'll see if I can dig up something else if you want...:D
KenHigg said:
I guess I'm done on that topic :)

(For now anyway - :p )

I'll see if I can dig up something else if you want...:D
But you haven't answered my post concerning capitalism marring the very fine Washington memorial site yet :mad: :confused:
Can you humor me and provide me with a link and repost your original slanderous remarks?
Rich said:
That's because unlike you I'm educated and in any case anyone who dares to criticise any aspect of America or its way of life is immediately accused of hatred and anti Americanism
That's really not fair, Rich.
You see, it's not that you criticize "any aspect" of America, you seem to criticize America constantly. I know in my heart that you have very ill feelings toward my country even though you have friends here. But, I would think that for the sake of those friends, of which I'd like to think I am one, you would lay off a little bit.
It has been drilled into us every day now for more than a year that you think we are a stupid, brainwashed, mass of people. It's beginning to become quite cruel. Like a husband telling his wife every day that she is fat and ugly.
It's passed the point of "the British like to wind people up"... it's quite hurtful. Especially when some of us have even conceeded points you have made (over and over again) in the past. Please... have some respect. Do I have to turn into a bloody fox to get your mercy? It's inhumane.

Isn't there a freaking ref around to throw in the bloody towel? Christ.... he must be in the damned Boxing Ring thread!!!!! :mad:

Enough already!

Good day to you sir.

I said... good day.
TessB said:
That's really not fair, Rich.
You see, it's not that you criticize "any aspect" of America, you seem to criticize America constantly. I know in my heart that you have very ill feelings toward my country even though you have friends here. But, I would think that for the sake of those friends, of which I'd like to think I am one, you would lay off a little bit.
It has been drilled into us every day now for more than a year that you think we are a stupid, brainwashed, mass of people. It's beginning to become quite cruel. Like a husband telling his wife every day that she is fat and ugly.
It's passed the point of "the British like to wind people up"... it's quite hurtful. Especially when some of us have even conceeded points you have made (over and over again) in the past. Please... have some respect. Do I have to turn into a bloody fox to get your mercy? It's inhumane.

Isn't there a freaking ref around to throw in the bloody towel? Christ.... he must be in the damned Boxing Ring thread!!!!! :mad:

Enough already!

Good day to you sir.

I said... good day.

I was being being bullied at the time Tess even though I was here defending the honour of your own guys :confused:

Anyway there's 256,000,000 of you against just me & Col :eek: ;) :D

I'm having a hard time understanding why you and Danny seem to be getting hung up on this "as a nation" tag, he refuses to discuss it having gotten tangled up in a point of order debacle.
Perhaps you can explain why you deem it personally offensive?
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Rich said:
I'm having a hard time understanding why you and Danny seem to be getting hung up on this "as a nation" tag, he refuses to discuss it having gotten tangled up in a point of order debacle.
Perhaps you can explain why you deem it personally offensive?

To be honest I didn't even read the entire argument, nor comment on any specific section, so I'm not sure how you could say that I am hung up on any particular point. I'm merely saying that you've been saying how much America sucks for so long that it's getting tiresome and annoying and hurtful because... I AM an American. I do identify with my country. It's the only one I have. I may not be in power or responsible for much if any of what my government does and feel betrayed by the current administration... but I'm still an American.

And Rich.... "I was being bullied..." Bullsquat! The first comment from you was made in response to someone saying something respectful about 6 young boys who respresent the bulk of our armed forces in America. Scared little boys in a horrible, dreadful circumstance called war. And then the first thing you say is "Staged... propaganda..." Obliterating any respectful tones. Kind of like calling a guy a jerk at his funeral cause he owed you 5 quid. Completely disrespectful, with no other intention than to disrupt and offend.

You started it. Don't blame anyone else this time.
When I first met you and Col, you were very charming gentlemen and I fell in love with you both. And even though you have shared some of your country's shortcomings, I certainly haven't flung back them in your face every day..... lol... actually, I don't think I've EVER said anything but admirable things about you, Col, and your country.... in SPITE of your flaws. And that is because I believe that you, Col, and the people of the UK, although flawed, are ultimately good-hearted, wonderful, compassionate people who, if given a chance to live in an ideal, peaceful world, would jump at that chance.

I am personally offended, Rich, because you have my affections and I treat you with respect, and I've commented before that this constant barrage of insults toward my country are really starting to upset me. I carved out a little boxing ring for that crap.... and it continues to pervade every post. It stinks.
TessB said:
To be honest I didn't even read the entire argument, nor comment on any specific section, so I'm not sure how you could say that I am hung up on any particular point. I'm merely saying that you've been saying how much America sucks for so long that it's getting tiresome and annoying and hurtful because... I AM an American. I do identify with my country. It's the only one I have. I may not be in power or responsible for much if any of what my government does and feel betrayed by the current administration... but I'm still an American.

And Rich.... "I was being bullied..." Bullsquat! The first comment from you was made in response to someone saying something respectful about 6 young boys who respresent the bulk of our armed forces in America. Scared little boys in a horrible, dreadful circumstance called war. And then the first thing you say is "Staged... propaganda..." Obliterating any respectful tones. Kind of like calling a guy a jerk at his funeral cause he owed you 5 quid. Completely disrespectful, with no other intention than to disrupt and offend.

You started it. Don't blame anyone else this time.
When I first met you and Col, you were very charming gentlemen and I fell in love with you both. And even though you have shared some of your country's shortcomings, I certainly haven't flung back them in your face every day..... lol... actually, I don't think I've EVER said anything but admirable things about you, Col, and your country.... in SPITE of your flaws. And that is because I believe that you, Col, and the people of the UK, although flawed, are ultimately good-hearted, wonderful, compassionate people who, if given a chance to live in an ideal, peaceful world, would jump at that chance.

I am personally offended, Rich, because you have my affections and I treat you with respect, and I've commented before that this constant barrage of insults toward my country are really starting to upset me. I carved out a little boxing ring for that crap.... and it continues to pervade every post. It stinks.

Tess for Pres!:) :) :)
TessB said:
I am personally offended, Rich, because you have my affections and I treat you with respect, and I've commented before that this constant barrage of insults toward my country are really starting to upset me. I carved out a little boxing ring for that crap.... and it continues to pervade every post. It stinks.

Can I use Danny's criteria then and post a list of posts where I haven't even mentioned the US to disprove that statement ?

And Rich.... "I was being bullied..." Bullsquat! The first comment from you was made in response to someone saying something respectful about 6 young boys who respresent the bulk of our armed forces in America. Scared little boys in a horrible, dreadful circumstance called war. And then the first thing you say is "Staged... propaganda..." Obliterating any respectful tones. Kind of like calling a guy a jerk at his funeral cause he owed you 5 quid. Completely disrespectful, with no other intention than to disrupt and offend.

That's not so Tess, I don't need to read a fictitious account with stage managed characters to be aware of the sacrifices made on our behalf, I see the evidence every bloody day. :(

You started it. Don't blame anyone else this time.

I started it because it seemed to insult the memory of everybody else that sacrificed their lives for us, I'm sorry that you don't see it that way.
So are you kind of in the middle of your busy season with the heating work?

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