On a more positive note...

Omnibus (Alistair Cooke), Kraft Theatre, Playhouse 90, the early Twilight Zones
I wasn't asking about specific shows, I'm talking about a year/decade/etc. in which there was a variety of high-quality TV to watch.

I think there is a great deal of worthwhile programming on TV...it's just encapsulated by gobs and gobs of crap. Hooray for TiVo!
MrsGorilla said:
It's branded as politically incorrect and immoral here, we're not allowed to watch it and judge for ourselves.
We can of course watch American cop shows and see people being shot, blasted to bits by bombs, stabbed etc. etc :rolleyes:
The Woodentops was consistently excellent. The tension between Mummy and Daddy Woodentop over Sam the farmhand's amorous advances was superbly handled. ;)
BarryMK said:
The Woodentops was consistently excellent. The tension between Mummy and Daddy Woodentop over Sam the farmhand's amorous advances was superbly handled. ;)
Thats really good Barry - it also brings to mind the question of the relationships between Andy Pandy, Teddy and Looby Lou :eek:

Personally I think Looby Lou was something of a right slapper and of course Teddy was a totally randy sod. I did have my doubts about Andy Pandy's . . er, leanings though. ;)

Kraj said:
For the same reason there's about $40 million in TBMs under the Chunnel.

Oh Kraj, a couple of days ago you said you had Rich and I on "ignore" and I was led to believe our posts were therefore not shown. I may be wrong as I don't us the ignore button, I prefer to see the opinions of some of our American colleagues, even if they are the result of propoganda by your White House.

How come you can read my post and therefore respond to it? :confused: (which I thank you)

Admit it Kraj. . . . . . .are these forums are too mundane if you blot out me and Rich? . . . . . Am I right? or am I right? :D you just can't help but read our eloquent and well structured opinions :p :D ;) :rolleyes:

KenHigg said:
Tbm ???

Texan Ballistic Missile?

Terrifically Big Mistake - (like having Ol' Cross Eyes as a Prez) ;)

ColinEssex said:
I did have my doubts about Andy Pandy's . . er, leanings though. ;)

Anyone who dresses up in a candy striped romper suit and mobb cap has to be suspect in my book. And let's not even think about Muffin the mule :eek:
KenHigg said:
Maybe I can get one of these to use when Col is being mean to me:


me? mean? - er I think not, its not something we practice on these forums. ;)

KenHigg said:
Tbm ???
When I used TBM in an earlier post, it stood for "Tunnel Boring Machine", the massive, multi-million euro machines that were custom built to carve the channel tunnels. They used two sets - one from the French side and one from the English side. When the tunnel was complete the two sets of machines couldn't pass so one set (the British I believe) was buried down below the tunnel while the other set was sent out the other side. So, there's about $40 million in machinery just abandoned below the Chunnel :)
You'd think for 40 million they could have done a reverse gear :D Jez, I've got that on my $1200 Mazda :p
KenHigg said:
You'd think for 40 million they could have done a reverse gear
Well some idiot here said it should have done a right turn and carried on going :eek:

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