
You insinuate that all Americans act a certain way because you 'ARE LEAD TO BELIEVE'.

I didn't say that - I used the word 'led' not 'lead' :rolleyes:

The reason I do, is that it's usually referring to a common generalisation we have in the UK about something in the USA. i.e. all USA cars are automatic, or all southerners hate ******. Some people here whine on when I generalise.

I am usually seeking clarification. Is there a problem with that? If I just state categorically 'all USA cars are automatic' then I'm accused of USA bashing and KennyBabe will report me.

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If you're thinking of getting a bike, I have no advice. I "made" them take
that clause off my license a few years ago. I really don't care if I never
get on a bike again.

However, I have a lot of friends (mostly Harley riders) that bike recreationally
and they seem to enjoy it. They tend to bar hop a bit, but ...

I haven't followed this thread too closely, but if you just wanted to cruise
I'd think that the BMW is the smooooothest option available. The Harleys
aren't that rough a ride (just loud), but that's their choice.

Anyway, I've been removed from this for years but I just wanted to respond
so that you'd get some feedback without a lot of sniping.

Enough of this, back to why we're here in the first place.

btw, do MVPs have caddies? I could like document your work or something.

see ya,
As stated in another thread, the majority of cars in the US are automatic transmission. This is not because Americans can't drive manual transmissions, it' simply the way the auto market is over here.

There are a number of vehicles (and not just the luxury ones) where a manual transmission is not even an option. Starting around the 70's automatics just took over the market.

It is quite possible to go through your entire driving career without ever having seen a clutch. My sister is in her 40s and I had to teach her to drive a manual last year.

I will leave it to others to determine if this is a good or bad thing.
Thanks for the info Wayne. I do golf, so a caddie would be welcome (but no my golf OR my alleged MVP abilities!). :D
I didn't say that - I used the word 'led' not 'lead' :rolleyes:

The reason I do, is that it's usually referring to a common generalisation we have in the UK about something in the USA. i.e. all USA cars are automatic, or all southerners hate ******. Some people here whine on when I generalise.

I am usually seeking clarification. Is there a problem with that? If I just state categorically 'all USA cars are automatic' then I'm accused of USA bashing and KennyBabe will report me.


Or the generalization that all Brits are pompous, arrogant, obnoxious xenophobes who can't stand anything unless its British especially if it's American.

Wait a minute... :D


No laughing, I'll caddy for you.

At least we got a word in edgewise here.

See you back on the forum.

Or the generalization that all Brits are pompous, arrogant, obnoxious xenophobes who can't stand anything unless its British especially if it's American.

Wait a minute... :D


Not really, I've known plenty like that
Col, it seems to me, through reading most of this garbage that you and Ken have been bickering about, that you are the epitome of every brit I have ever met in my entire life. Granted I haven't met many, but all the ones that I have look down their noses with that arrogant, pompous attitude. You seem to want to exclude yourself from this group.

Originally Posted by statsman
Or the generalization that all Brits are pompous, arrogant, obnoxious xenophobes who can't stand anything unless its British especially if it's American.

Wait a minute...

Not really, I've known plenty like that [/QUOTE]

This is not to say that I am taking Ken's side. He doesn't ever want to stand by what he says and applogizes at ever turn. I do not wish to be lumped in with him.

I am asking you now to not generalize about Americans and I will make no further generalizations about Brits. I come here for information and to be entertained, not to be insulted.
He doesn't ever want to stand by what he says and applogizes at ever turn.

Would you mind pointing out a few examples?

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IMHO anyname could be meant as an insult depending on who is using it. I don't take offense to anyone calling me a redneck because I see them as a person who grew up on the farm and works hard in the sun all day. But some use it as a term for poor drunks with personal hygiene issues from the south...

Anywho... Why aren't you a scouser?

When not too long before you were taking it as an insult.

You start arguments and then back down, what kind of redneck are you?
I'm proud to be a beer drinking, dirt track racing, down home redneck. I would never take it as an insult. When somebody tries to use it as one, it does nothing more than show their ignorance. Be proud of what you say and stand by it, don't appologize for it when somebody takes offense to it, afterall, wasn't that the point with all of your namecalling?
Where did I appear to take it as an insult?
One more thing Ken,
Reporting people? I don't know why anyone would unless there was something very personal and/or offensive. I have come across neither of these in anything that I have read.
So with 43 posts to your credit you're going to be the judge and jury? Hang around a while and put up with his insults. Then if you want to hear my side I'll be glad to share it.
I think you'll find that he is the only one that I consistently take issue with.

'One more thing Ken...' <- That's just a tad presumptuous isn't it :)

Where did I appear to take it as an insult?

I didn't say it as an insult. I said Ken was a redneck gunslinger.

He's a redneck because of living in Georgia and he's a gunslinger because he carries a gun (sometimes) - where's the insult? Isn't it the truth?

I also agreed with Stat

Or the generalization that all Brits are pompous, arrogant, obnoxious xenophobes who can't stand anything unless its British especially if it's American.

It's true in many many people in the UK - more so since 2003 oddly.

No I haven't been here long, the difference between me and you is that I won't put up with his crap.

I won't get in feeble arguments with someone who obviously doesn't know what he is talking about and merely makes generalizations according to what stereotypes he's heard about.

I have said nothing about being "Judge and Jury." I haven't judged anybody, I am merely making comment as to what I have read. Why let him get to you? This is not the place for the useless bickering.
I didn't say that you used it as an insult. I was making a point to Ken who asked for an example.

You still seem to be excluding yourself from the pompous, arrogant group. Whether you agree with stat or not doesn't make any difference.


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