Shootings in US schools

Rich said:
Yeah like pointing out that America puts a century's out of date scrap of paper higher on the list than their children, makes you wonder why the likes of Charlie the five minute wonder boy resort to slinging insults instead of getting a grip on the problem and himself of course

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America

Definitely out of date.
Matty said:
I always see Colin and Rich as those grumpy old relatives you see a couple of times a year at family gatherings. They just blather on about the same old stuff (the government's taking my money, kids these days, etc) and you just pat them on the head because they don't know any better.

I'm really not sure how far off the truth that is... :p
You mean like the grumpy old farts America chose to lead their country?:rolleyes:
First I want to apologize to any UK posters (except Colin and her wife Rich, oops, I mean fellow countryman) that read the helpful hint (the one about it being your job to back up your own posts). I meant that directed to Rich and Colin, who seem to think they can call anything they want fact, and not have to back it up. Afterwards, I would like to say thank you Colin and Rich (you guys are always together) for posting about 5 times each since my last post, and somehow avoiding saying anything that has a thing to do with the current topic, and instead, taking cheap shots (again) and trying to start arguments about religion in the US. Guess what Rich, did you know that a higher % of UK are christian (88%) than in the US(85%)? The US has more # wise, but that is because we have a larger population.

You silly children keep impressing me with your sheer blockheaded closeminded comments. Keep it up, I love starting the day with a good laugh, reading your posts, and picturing you angrily chopping keys on your keyboard while you act they way you claim our government is. Have a nice day. Talk to you tomorrow! :D
If we can make your day a happy one, then we're happy to oblige;)

Always glad to help our American colleagues.

Maybe tomorrow you can read some of our posts that have factual back-up, or would that spoil your day?

"From 1993-2000, the U.S. was the leading supplier of conventional arms to the developing world, with sales of USD 61.5 billion. In 1999, the U.S. manufactured over four million firearms for domestic sale or export.

More than 300 U.S. companies produce arms and/or ammunition, and the country is estimated to have one of the world’s largest domestic markets for small arms. An estimated 34% of the nation’s 280 million citizens own personal firearms, and there are thought to be over 200 million firearms in private hands.

Private gun ownership is generally not subject to either licensing or registration. The private resale of guns is largely unregulated in the United States, making it difficult to prevent their acquisition by youth, criminals, and other prohibited individuals.

Guns are a significant cause of death among U.S. citizens, especially urban minorities and youth. Firearm homicide and suicide rates are the highest in the developed world. The majority of domestic gun violence is attributable to handguns."

Try doing some research for yourself instead of trying to dodge the issue with silly diversions:rolleyes:
You realize, I am sure, that those statistics start over 13 years ago? lol. That means Colin was only 2 years old. (I was going to say "and still in diapers", but I dont want to offend if that stage isnt over yet, I get the feeling Colin's clock is a little slow, but don't tell her I said that, you know how she gets.)

Nice crime rate % there, Mr. Clean. By the way, this isnt over a decade old.

Colin, I did a search on "Posts by Colin and Rich with factual backup" and the search results were nonexistant. Please send links to said posts. I am sure you remember them easily, considering there are most likely very few. (I really did look):(

Rich, what are you talking about diversions? lol, I bring up % rates on Christians in our two countries because of the ramdom comment to made to start an argument (Rich posted: "Just like going to church where the same message is repeated over and over eh?"), and you come back with arms stats from some survey (without a link) that started 13 years ago and is at best almost 7 years old? By the way, its probably true, although I think most of those were left here when the Brits dropped them and scrambled out of the US after the revolutionary war. They still smell like crumpets. Jeez, see what you do to me? Now I am taking cheap shots too, lol. I retract that statement. Backspace button is broken, or I would remove it....thats a joke, Colin, with an undercurrent. (poor kid, you gotta help her keep up if your going to go fast) On a happier note, I would love to visit the UK sometime, and was wondering if I could crash on your couch?
Worley said:
Colin, I did a search on "Posts by Colin and Rich with factual backup" and the search results were nonexistant. Please send links to said posts.
You are a sad person.:rolleyes:

On a happier note, I would love to visit the UK sometime, and was wondering if I could crash on your couch?
for a fee, you can - we don't do charity:rolleyes:

Rich said:
You mean like the grumpy old farts America chose to lead their country?:rolleyes:

*Pats Rich on the head*
Warley said:

Nice crime rate % there, Mr. Clean. By the way, this isnt over a decade old.

Stop trying to split hairs, we're talking about gun deaths not crime in general, the vast majority of which here does not cause death

As for your attempt to whitewash my church quip

(CT) Church attendance in the Church of England has dropped. The latest
statistics which are based on 1995 figures show that the average total
Sunday attendance for the Church of England was 1,045,000 in 1995."

and it's in rapid decline, now what was your point again?

Warley said:
that started 13 years ago and is at best almost 7 years old?

Look up the latest statistics, they're even worse
According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, there were about 215 million privately owned guns in 1999. The NRA estimates that half of all American households (total US population is 294 million) have at least one gun owner.
Rich said:
Kicks the kid in the nuts to teach him respect for his elders:cool:

Such violent thoughts and tendencies from a professed peacenik such as yourself. That'll not win any converts to your quest for peace...
There are times when mild chastisement is benificial especially when I could have taken the American route and blown his head off
Rich said:
There are times when mild chastisement is benificial especially when I could have taken the American route and blown his head off

Wow Rich, Is that what we do?
Rich said:
What's the difference between me and the US thinking it's the law of the World?:rolleyes:
OK, so what is YOUR definition of US?
Maybe that is the problem, what you are calling the US and what the US really is...

I say that because I don't think the US is the "law of the world." :confused:

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