Shootings in US schools

Get over it, you sanctimonious prick.

There's no need to use such language to another on these forums.

Sadly though, it does show your usual national level of tolerance - it goes along with the "nuke the bastards" attitude of the USA towards foreigners.

Trying to match my comments about shooting in US schools and a teacher carrying a gun to a shooting in the UK shows you have little or no knowlege of the facts.

I wonder why this isn't seen by the mod as a personal insult worthy of an infraction?:rolleyes:

I think the post should be reported - it's unacceptable to call other members abusive names. I did debate whether to report it, but decided not to stir things.

The mod is American though so it's unlikely anything would be said.It's one rule for one and not others.

Perhaps Gaylo will edit the post

There's no need to use such language to another on these forums.

It never seemed to stop you:

a twat is a slang term for a female vulva (part of the ******)


Don't have time to post the link to Rich's use of the "F" word, I'll get it later if necessary. I notice you didn't argue about the sanctimonius part. :D Sad to see that you have nothing better to do in your retirement than use the tragedy of more senseless deaths to promote your own agenda.

Oh. I called you a bad name, and now you want to go crying to the mods? Boo hoo. I'd like to see how far you get for reporting abusive language, you hypocrite. Get over it. At least the name I've called you is valid.
Just to be sure, if anyone does visit N'Awlins and would like to meet me, send the e-mail to my account, but include something in the title like "Hello from the Access Forum" or something like that. I get spammed pretty much like everyone else and sometimes I delete mail because I don't recognize the name. So give me a hint in the subject.
It never seemed to stop you:

Look Gaylo - I have never used an abusive term to another member directly. Please find it if you think I have, or retract that statement.

Oh. I called you a bad name, and now you want to go crying to the mods? Boo hoo.
I said I thought about reporting it but never did it, there's no point - these forums are US run now so you'd never get a ticking off.

I'd like to see how far you get for reporting abusive language, you hypocrite. Get over it. At least the name I've called you is valid.

Yes, a valid rude name, definately not a made up one.

And what I do in my 'retirement' is entirely up to me and nowt to do with a Yankee.

Also, asking whether US teachers should carry guns is a new angle - ask a simple question and get called an abusive name - typical American response to a sensitive subject no doubt.

Don't have time to post the link to Rich's use of the "F" word, I'll get it later if necessary.

There's a world of difference between using an expletive in a sentence and aiming one at a member on this forum. If your teacher had spent more time on explaining what words mean and where they should and shouldn't be used instead of worrying about spelling them then you might be considered well mannered and not just another foul mouthed YANK:rolleyes:
There's a world of difference between using an expletive in a sentence and aiming one at a member on this forum. If your teacher had spent more time on explaining what words mean and where they should and shouldn't be used instead of worrying about spelling them then you might be considered well mannered and not just another foul mouthed YANK:rolleyes:

It's normal American procedure I'm afraid Rich.

Here we go again. . . . . . .

Shooting in Delaware school


A teacher going to sue in order to carry a handgun to work - right or wrong?


Get the distinct feeling we're going to round in the same circles here.

On one hand, if you are part of the group who think that the less guns there are, the less people there are who will get shot, you will be told you don't understand the situation.

On the other hand, if you feel that everyone should be issued a gun as long as they're well-trained and only use them responsibly, since it will make everyone safer, you're going to be classed as dangerous.

Nobody's stance on this is going to changed by any comments made in this forum. People who dislike the idea of anyone getting shot are still going be against guns. People who feel that disarming everyone is less safe than ensuring yet more people are armed are still going to be pro guns. That part of the 'debate' isn't going to progress.

The bit I did find interesting in that story about the teacher was the way she outlines wanting to carry one as defence against her ex, then - almost as an aiside - throws in a comment about how having more armed adults in schools would have (in her opinion) prevented or at least alleviated the past shootings. I got the distinct impression that she thought she'd get more sympathy if she tried to tie her own problems into the tragic shootings elsewhere. To my mind, taking a gun to school is asking for trouble, trained person or not. Kids can - and do - get away with taking teachers' wallets, car keys, etc. how tempting would it be to have a gun within reach? I couldn't tell if she was proposing being allowed to carry it everywhere? In which case, where is the guarantee that someone passing her in the hall couldn't take it off her?
There's a world of difference between using an expletive in a sentence and aiming one at a member on this forum.

This wasn't aimed directly at another forum member?
Fuck off !

Follow the link if you need to have your memory refreshed. You can drop the holier than thou attitude. Not like you being a hypocritical twit is Earth shattering news.

Foul mouthed Brit. :rolleyes:
This wasn't aimed directly at another forum member?

Follow the link if you need to have your memory refreshed. You can drop the holier than thou attitude. Not like you being a hypocritical twit is Earth shattering news.

Foul mouthed Brit. :rolleyes:

Put it in context and see if even though you're American you can work out how it differs :eek::rolleyes:
Nobody's stance on this is going to changed by any comments made in this forum.
Thats true enough.

The Yanks like carrying guns and shooting things - the Brits can't understand the attraction.

This arguement will crop up about every 6 months when there's a shooting in US schools, or some freak religious sect like the Amish.

Then the Yanks will get all upset and call the Brits names and storm off in a huff only to creep back weeks later after the storm has died down a little.

Then the Yanks will get all upset and call the Brits names...


Look Gaylo - I have never used an abusive term to another member directly. Please find it if you think I have, or retract that statement.


Oh boo hoo. You seem to forget your quaint little habit of feminizing male posters' names when you're feeling snippy. (Daniella, Kevina ring any bells?) How juvenile. Still haven't manage to master the spelling of my username I see, and of course that's not an intended insult. :rolleyes:
Oh boo hoo. You seem to forget your quaint little habit of feminizing male posters' names when you're feeling snippy. (Daniella, Kevina ring any bells?) How juvenile. Still haven't manage to master the spelling of my username I see, and of course that's not an intended insult. :rolleyes:
Dan could be short for Daniella and I have no recollection of Kevina:confused:

Who is she?

Do you realize that there are currently 127 pages of posts on this topic and a total of about five have anything to do with the actual shootings?

The remainder are Brits harping about Yanks, Yanks harping about Brits and everyone else harping at all of the above.

We're never going to agree about much, but lets at least be civil with one another.

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