Shootings in US schools (2 Viewers)

neither do I

Shootings in US school - who's arsed!

Its just statistics of a crazed foreigner really- who could have used a toothbrush.

I'm glad a gun owning yank helped me reach that perspective.
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I have never met a British person who is proud of Munich, the best anybody offers is that we were buying time.

I've never heard of any American being proud of the US's delay either. It's just kind of glossed over because it's not very palatable.

What I object to is not that the US stayed out of the war until attacked, but that so many Americans seem to think that they mounted their white chargers and rode to our rescue for altuistic reasons , that long diatribe earlier even talked about "rescuing allies" , erm isn't that what one does?

Can't disagree with you on that one Bri. What do you think would have happened though if Chamberlain was the US president at the time, given his actions before he entered WW2?
No, British policy was not to sit back at all. Rather, try and feed the hungry aggressor with spoils of war, that it did not have the right to give in the first place. Then in this context you try and give this hogwash story that Britain entered WW2 not to defend itself but it's more unfortunate european neighbors. The Czechs don't see it that way and neither do I.

Unlike the Americans with the Phillipines, Texas, Panama,Hawaii, etc. who's lecturing who on the spoils of war, you're having a laugh, surely?
Unlike the Americans with the Phillipines, Texas, Panama,Hawaii, etc. who's lecturing who on the spoils of war, you're having a laugh, surely?

I think you'll find that was my original point. :rolleyes:
So which bits of the US do I need a gun for protection.?

I can't beleive that you would let a poor tourist walk unsuspecting round a place where the locals think they need guns for protection.

Is Denver OK - do I need a gun there?

If you're driving through Washington, make sure the doors are locked if you stop at traffic lights
If you're driving through Washington, make sure the doors are locked if you stop at traffic lights

That would be more applicable to Johannesburg rather than Washington.
In Jo'burg, they carhack one person per 2 hours, as the stats say.
Its just statistics of a crazed foreigner really- who could have used a toothbrush.

I'm glad a gun owning yank helped me reach that perspective.
Actually, Paul, most of us are upset that we weren't there to scream "Remember Pearl!" (those Asians all look alike to us, you know) and dive headlong into the carnage with guns blazing, to exact vengence upon the heathen and smite him down with our righteous and divine, black-powder retribution.:rolleyes:
If you're driving through Washington, make sure the doors are locked if you stop at traffic lights

Better not even stop at the red lights. Push the gas pedal to the floor.:rolleyes:
Actually, Paul, most of us are upset that we weren't there to scream "Remember Pearl!" (those Asians all look alike to us, you know) and dive headlong into the carnage with guns blazing, to exact vengence upon the heathen and smite him down with our righteous and divine, black-powder retribution.:rolleyes:

Now that's sarcasm :D
Now that's sarcasm :D

Careful, some of our colleagues across the pond might see it not as sarcasm like it was intended but as another of our gun ho (which is actually gung ho) attitudes towards persons who are not of our persuasion. :p
I wouldn't take any notice of Rich's advice, it's all hearsay :p

Oddly enough that was one of the reasons a former female American aquaintance of mine gave for fleeing Washington many many years ago, still in the land of progress I expect it's all changed now:rolleyes:
So now it's an obvious fact that the UK entered the war solely for it's own defence. Good I'm glad you see it my way ;)

Good lord! I know Americans are not renowned for their grasp of history and for actually re-writing history for their own benefit but really, Britain went to war because Germany invaded Poland, a country that Britain and France had signed an alliance with, America went to war because the Japs pissed on their fire:rolleyes:
That would be more applicable to Johannesburg rather than Washington.
In Jo'burg, they carhack one person per 2 hours, as the stats say.

Yes SA does have a problem but then so does the country and city we're talking about

The United States Department of Justice estimates that in about half of all carjacking attempts, the attacker succeeds in stealing the victim's car. It estimated that, between 1987 and 1992, about 35,000 carjacking attempts took place per year, and, between 1992 and 1996, about 49,000 attempts took place per year. Carjacking has become more frequent in recent years because sophisticated devices and computer systems have prevented and discouraged theft of unattended cars.
Good lord! I know Americans are not renowned for their grasp of history and for actually re-writing history for their own benefit but really, Britain went to war because Germany invaded Poland, a country that Britain and France had signed an alliance with, America went to war because the Japs pissed on their fire:rolleyes:

Who's re-writing history? The alliance with Poland was simply to prevent the expansion of the Nazi regime. It was a defensive measure, pure and simple.
Who's re-writing history? The alliance with Poland was simply to prevent the expansion of the Nazi regime. It was a defensive measure, pure and simple.

No it wasn't seen as defensive at the time, it was to help protect our European allies, not us initially, pure and simple?
Oh please ...:rolleyes:

Then how come Czechoslovakia didn't get the same treatment, did they not qualify?

O please, we were not in a position to do anything about it at the time, I'm sure I've explained all this to you before but we're not a gun ho country, at the time a political solution was being sought. And don't bellitle a response just 'cause you don't like the message, again it was not seen at the time as a defensive measure, unlike you they did not have the benefit of hindsight

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