Should taxes be raised on the wealthiest people?

Fundamental difference between conservatives and non. Philosophies, lenses. Smallest possible government, personal responsibility, fairness.
This is why you're sitting around asking what's the benefit to society and I'm wondering why that's even on the priority list.
It doesn't matter what the benefit to society is; it matters whether it's fair.
Why did the Colonist go to war with the Crown?
Why did they break up Standard Oil, and US Steel?
Why do we have Antitrust Laws?
Why did the Colonist go to war with the Crown?
Why did they break up Standard Oil, and US Steel?
Why do we have Antitrust Laws?
Fairness, Fairness and Fairness

Why do you elude the contents of my post, preferring to ask new questions instead? Hint: you cannot answer this by changing the subject with a new question
What did they do that successfully avoided inflation?
That is a seriously weak response. The Fed is the primary mechanism for reducing inflation. In ways your answer inferences that Biden was not responcible for the inflation. The root of the inflation actually happened during Trump's administration.
How did they get inflation under control in the early 80s?
Hint: it was multiple solutions.
That is a seriously weak response. The Fed is the primary mechanism for reducing inflation. In ways your answer inferences that Biden was not responcible for the inflation. The root of the inflation actually happened during Trump's administration.
How did they get inflation under control in the early 80s?
Hint: it was multiple solutions.
In other words, you see my point. Got it.
What did the Biden administration do to cause inflation?
They were incompetent for starters, Janet Yellen and the media sycophants told us it was transitory remember?

“I think I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take,” Yellen told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on “The Situation Room” when asked about her comments from 2021 that inflation posed only a “small risk.”

The admission was the latest indication that the administration’s expectations of a normalizing economy were thrown into disarray by the continuing pandemic and the war in Europe.

Another Biden DEI success story.

They were incompetent for starters, Janet Yellen and the media sycophants told us it was transitory remember?

Another Biden DEI success story.

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Being wrong about it does not make you the cause of. It started during the Trump Administration, why don't you blame him? Let me answer for you. It's because you are Brainwashed.

Would you like to have a real conversation about Taxes and the economy? Or should we continue this sophomoric game?
Whatever. Being right is everything? The point is that the Biden Administration did not casue the Inflation.
Please cite proof of that, and not just graphs that show corresponding inflation and presidential administrations. That's just a time correlation.

Of course you can't, because thousands of economics experts who are twice as educated on the issue as you and I combined, cannot agree; many think Biden admin's policies caused it and many don't - therefore the sophomoric thing is pretending you can answer the question in the first place.
The Fed is the primary mechanism for reducing inflation.
Another statement that documents your complete lack of economic understanding. The Fed's goal is to have a +2% inflation rate. That is not reducing inflation, that is increasing inflation. The goal of the fed, should be for a 0% inflation rate.
Please cite proof of that, and not just graphs that show corresponding inflation and presidential administrations. That's just a time correlation.

Of course you can't, because thousands of economics experts who are twice as educated on the issue as you and I combined, cannot agree; many think Biden admin's policies caused it and many don't - therefore the sophomoric thing is pretending you can answer the question in the first place.
You can't speak for my level of knowledge of this. You really don't know how long or intensely I've been immersed in following the economy. Or, even for that matter ,if I have to brain power to comprehend it. I know most people only repeat what they have been told. One of my favorite mentors was Alan Greenspan, I read everything I could find From and about him.

I haven't posted a graph of correlation between administrations and inflation. However, if the inflation started during the Trump administration how would you justify blaming it on Biden?

Inflation triggers much quicker than it subsides.

The only question in this round is If the Inflation can be shown to have started in Trump's time in the Office, than what are you using as evidence that it you can blame it on Biden? First off I'm not blaming Trump for it he had very little to do with it, if any. I know exactly where, and when, it started, and why.
You remind me of Redditt, the toilet of the internet. Whenever a discussion comes up that remotely involves medicines, everyone commenting claims to be a doctor or expert chemist.
Another statement that documents your complete lack of economic understanding. The Fed's goal is to have a +2% inflation rate. That is not reducing inflation, that is increasing inflation. The goal of the fed, should be for a 0% inflation rate.
Bad choice of words on my part. I know that they do not want 0% that's like second grade knowledge. I should have said limit or contain.
I do like your choice of words though, " your complete lack" just like all the rest of your binary opinions. It works great for the choir masses. I forgive you.

Why do you think 0% would be optimal?
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You can't speak for my level of knowledge of this.
That's true, but I CAN speak to the % of people in online forums pretending to know something they don't. Pretty high.
Some members exhibit it more than others, in some it's more obvious than others, but it certainly ubiquitous + noxious.
You remind me of Redditt, the toilet of the internet. Whenever a discussion comes up that remotely involves medicines, everyone commenting claims to be a doctor or expert chemist.
Stick to the points and see where it falls. You said that people with twice the education... You have no idea what I know. Stick to the facts,
As abrasive as Steve R. is he still posts actual facts.
If the inflation started in Trump Land, is it Bidens fault?
That's true, but I CAN speak to the % of people in online forums pretending to know something they don't. Pretty high.
Some members exhibit it more than others, in some it's more obvious than others, but it certainly ubiquitous + noxious.
Answer the question, please

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