Should taxes be raised on the wealthiest people?

Lowering the upper tax bracket is the single largest contributer to our people's financial problems
Wrong. Stupid, wasteful and excessive spending is the problem. The high tax rate on the rich is for show. Congress offers sufficient deductions so that no one ever has to pay that much.

The purpose of taxation is not to steal from the rich to give the money to the poor although our current system actually does that.

"Tax the rich" is the mantra of the ignorant. We could solve that problem by better educating our children in how Capitalism actually works.
An empty unsupported statement.
Now we know my statement is supported.


Please state clearly, without emotional grandstanding, what your exact beliefs are, and some evidence to support them would be good.

Contrary to what you accused, I don't have an agenda here. I just want to see if people can defend their beliefs.
Wrong. Stupid, wasteful and excessive spending is the problem. The high tax rate on the rich is for show. Congress offers sufficient deductions so that no one ever has to pay that much.

The purpose of taxation is not to steal from the rich to give the money to the poor although our current system actually does that.

"Tax the rich" is the mantra of the ignorant. We could solve that problem by better educating our children in how Capitalism actually works.
Once again, you can say nasty things because you are a moderator.

Tell us how spending is the problem.
And please, teach this ignorant citizen how "capitalism actually works".
Now we know my statement is supported.

View attachment 115403

Please state clearly, without emotional grandstanding, what your exact beliefs are, and some evidence to support them would be good.

Contrary to what you accused, I don't have an agenda here. I just want to see if people can defend their beliefs.
You have dumped a lot of data-points but did not provide any analysis as to what that those data points mean. Furthermore, for a person who claims that they "don't have an agenda here", you do have an agenda. Your agenda is that the poor are entitled to expropriate the wealth of those who are better off.
It's a good question, sorry you can't understand it?
All those great grand kids got paid for the property. They probably had options that you aren't aware of, and took the road they traveled so they could buy a Condo in Costa Rica.
I design houses for those kinds of folks, I know what goes on behind the scenes, as usual, people that get emotional about these things are almost always the most brainwashed.
Well maybe the kids would have rather kept the home that's been in their families for decades but because of the value of the property going up, many times because their neighbors sold their modest homes that were replaced with McMansions that caused a huge increase in the assessments and huge increases in property taxes. I see a lot of that in my area. Nice, small house on a huge lot surrounded by 10,000 sq foot homes. These people are literally taxed out of their homes. They don't want to sell.
Have you noticed that's a firm pattern with almost all of people from a different stripe politically here - they will virtually never share an opinion, only lob at those who are. Disrupt, deflect, drown in citations, but never risk an opinion. I find that very interesting actually. It says a lot I think, still pondering just what.
An empty unsupported statement.
It's a beginning. We have to establish a series of fact, before we can seek to understand. At least the foundation for my observation is valid. Next I would have to offer evidences that would support that lowering the highest bracket tax liability has caused systemic problems for our country.
I knew this was going to be a hostile adversarial enviroment.
That's why I chose it.
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Absolutely. Huge part of what society you want to belong to, concepts of fairness, totally subjective.
In this thread, my goal is to participate in conversations that I knew would be hostile and adversarial. It's a test to see how well I can research the data, and produce a supportable hypothesis
If you cared about the poor you would stop printing money immediately, inflation is the cruelest form of taxation.
Indeed , inflation is the scourge of the lower classes.
However, the cause you state is incorrect.
All you have to do is look at the deficit spending over the last 40 years and inflation for same period and you will discover that there is zero correlation between borrowing money, printing money, quantitative easing, or an the other "Trickle Down" imaginary inflation root causes.
This last round of inflation was caused 100% by capitalist greed.
This is actually fairly easy to prove.
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In this thread, my goal is to participate in conversations that I knew would be hostile and adversarial. It's a test to see how well I can research the data, and produce a supportable hypothesis

Fundamental difference between conservatives and non. Philosophies, lenses. Smallest possible government, personal responsibility, fairness.
This is why you're sitting around asking what's the benefit to society and I'm wondering why that's even on the priority list.
It doesn't matter what the benefit to society is; it matters whether it's fair.

You call your self pragmatic, but pragmatism doesn't exist in a vacuum; it's accompanied by a priority or objective. Pragmatic as to what end? If I fix my car, it's pragmatic as to not getting in an accident; but if I don't fix it, it's more pragmatic as to keeping money inside my checking account. You're pragmatic but you're not sure as to what end, so you keep bringing up random ones.

Pragmatism might call a scientific study that "proves" I am totally worthless to society, and I might be put out to pasture.
Conservative philosophy on sanctity of life would preclude that. I'll take over arching solid philosophies over outcome-oriented, manipulated scientific studies any day.

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