Significant site upgrade

The new toolbar is 100% customisable, so I can change it around however you guys want. I already moved the coding icon and then added the inline code icon.
Don't change it on my account alone. Wait for a consensus that something needs to be changed. BUT note that INLINE CODE appears twice now. Once in the vertical ellipsis next to the text color palette, once on the main menu bar to the left of INSERT LINK.
Yes, I saw that. Maybe I should start a post on toolbar preferences. Then again, the developers will have thought it through more thoroughly than the ad hoc whims of us users.
Was just about to complain that UNDERSCORE was gone ... but it isn't. It has just moved to the three vertical dots to the immediate right of the text-color palette symbol. So FYI to others, there are a lot more text options but some old favorites have moved.
Huh, I just press Ctrl+U whenever I want an underscore.

The most annoying thing about the XenForo text editor is still here, though. When we want to stop formatting, it keeps on formatting. We have to go back later after typing to remove the underscore, italics, bold, etc.
Are we talking about underscores or underlining?

Anyway, for me every time a page loads or refreshes, a seemingly random number of red notification appears on the notification icon. Then it disappears fast. It doesn't bother me at all, really. Just reporting.
Are we talking about underscores or underlining?
Actually, I was talking about underscoring, but when I learned about the concept, it was on an Underwood manual typewriter for which you underscored using the underline. Us old fogies don't always know how that is being taught in the more modern schools. You know, the ones that actually have air conditioning and gas powered heaters. No more Franklin stoves!
Actually, I was talking about underscoring, but when I learned about the concept, it was on an Underwood manual typewriter for which you underscored using the underline. Us old fogies don't always know how that is being taught in the more modern schools. You know, the ones that actually have air conditioning and gas powered heaters. No more Franklin stoves!
Ha ha ha - ok, got it. I was homeschooled in a house with no air conditioning and two large gas-powered space heaters. Thankfully, WI is not terribly hot in the summer, but the humidity is something I can't stand....Got totally spoiled and used to AZ now. I go back to visit WI sometimes and it's 76 degrees, I'm sweating a ton already.
I see what you mean about the term underscoring - I hadn't factored that in! : )

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