Tarrifs (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
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Yesterday, 16:06
Mar 30, 2012
It appears that Trump still does not know how tarrifs work. The tarrifs are paid by the people beacus the tarrifs are past on to the consumer via higher prices for goods.
It appears that Trump still does not know how tarrifs work. The tarrifs are paid by the people beacus the tarrifs are past on to the consumer via higher prices for goods.
You miss the reciprocal part. If they add tariffs to our exports, we add tariffs to the stuff we import from them. American car companies can't sell their cars in Germany and other European countries because the tariffs are so high that American cars are way more expensive than locally manufactured cars. If France has tariffs on California wines, then why shouldn't we add tariffs to their wines?
If the price of consumer goods from overseas goes up due to the tariff, the consumer is more likely to buy locally. It is not rocket science. Tariffs can be used as a political weapon to persuade the other country to do XYZ. Financial incentives can be effective.

Or, the overseas seller will have to cut their profit margins to compete.
Tariffs were the main source of revenue prior to income tax. It's how we built our infrastructure. It definitely works, that's why communists and socialist hate it.
Stop importing poverty. When you import poverty by the millions that's a tax on everyone, I guarantee Kamala has no clue how immigration works.
If the price of consumer goods from overseas goes up due to the tariff, the consumer is more likely to buy locally. It is not rocket science. Tariffs can be used as a political weapon to persuade the other country to do XYZ. Financial incentives can be effective.

Or, the overseas seller will have to cut their profit margins to compete.
I was saying that The Don does not know hhow they work. He said that we will take in trillions. He thiks, say china, will pay the tarrifs, and that is not true.
“In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,”
-Donald J. Trump
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I was saying that The Don does not know hhow they work. He said that we will take in trillions. He thiks, say china, will pay the tarrifs, and that is not true.

Piddling little tariffs just get passed along to the consumer/customer. But past a certain point, really restrictive tariffs DO cramp the foreign seller's sales and leave them with unmoved inventory that is suddenly burning a hole in their pockets.

I doubt seriously that a highly restrictive tariff will take in trillions. But it will change the international cash flow patterns in ways that might take a while to settle down.
@moke123 : “In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,”

This statement doesn't surprise me one bit
I can recall seeing a report in a local newspaper of a visit by the council inspectors to either a Chinese, or an Indian restaurant. There they found a dog on a worktop being cut up and three in the freezer. Rat and mouse droppings fairly common. Up until twenty years ago a friend of mine had a wholesale fish business supplying restaurants and takeaways and from time to time he'd do the rounds with the drivers to meet his clients. He said he'd often see opened and unopened tins of cat food and dog food in the kitchens. So when you come across that spongy bit, you now know what it is. Plus, will or won't they be only buying the cheapest ingredients?

Needless to say we'll only eat out at English or Italian but only those who don't dish out cheap microwaved meals. We have never, ever had a takeaway meal collected, or delivered and never will. Well, except for except for fish and chips, occasionally. But not had any of them for over three years, because they started cooking them in Canola Oil and try to kid you it's healthy.
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More of the back story

I was saying that The Don does not know hhow they work. He said that we will take in trillions. He thiks, say china, will pay the tarrifs, and that is not true.
He is 1000% correct which is why Harris/Biden did NOT remove his tariffs on "day one" as they did with many of his policies regarding immigration and fossil fuels. When the price of an imported item exceeds what someone wants to pay, they will find a domestic source. THAT is how China pays, the tariff cuts into their profit.

Ask one of our UK members to explain their VAT tax to you in small words.

Police in many cities no longer "see" crimes that they know will not be prosecuted. Not sure that killing wild geese and ducks in a parks is a crime unless they are protected by the hunting season laws. There probably are ordinances regarding pets but if the "crime" will not be punished, why "see" it?

I am quite reluctant to forward rumors like this that come from social media when there is no actual way to verify the story and it is irresponsible to "retweet" these rumors and the Trump campaign is wrong to do it. We won't say anything about what the Harris campaign does because they're covered by the press and can not possibly do anything wrong.
In the 70's, In Orange County California where I live, there were reports of Vietnamese immigrants killing and eating domestic animals as well as killing and eating pond ducks and geese.

Back in those days it was pre internet so the pictures we saw of ducks and other animals with arrows in their necks came from the newspapers.

BTW we're still struggling with assimilation, large pockets of immigrants Mexican / Vietnamese choose not to speak English 50 years later. But, I digress.
Actually the American importer pays, but whatever.
But he doesn't buy the product if he can't sell it unless he has a death wish for his company. Therefore, the exporter has to absorb as much of the tariff as it takes to get the importer to purchase the product.

We are talking about chotchkies here not necessities of life. The consumer does not ever need to buy these products to live. This is the ultimate meaning of "free market". The free market only operates when the consumer has a choice of whether or not to purchase something. There is no such thing as a "free market" when we are talking about energy, medicine or most food. If people need something to live, there is no option to simply walk away and not purchase. If my electric company raises their rates, I have no option but to pay if I want power. If the price of gas goes up, I have no option but to pay or walk. If the price of cheap T-shirts goes up, I don't need to buy.

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