
I can tell you from the female point of view,
She can tell you from the victim point of view. Hadn't the faintest clue. Only woke up in the morning wondering why am I still here and was told she fell fast asleep on the couch. Nothing unusual for young kids. Didn't think anything of it and had no reason to. Even worse couldn't prove ra** despite the seminal DNA and the photos as they didn't clearly show penetration, a required element of the crime. He went to prison for disseminating the photos.
My Family member did not find out she was raped for over a month. All she knew is that she fell asleep at her best friends boyfriends house.
When boyfriend/girlfriend had a fight one night he texted her photo's of himself in the act which was then forwarded to my family member. She had no idea it had ever happened. She did learn that she had been drugged and did not just fall asleep. There are countless stories similar to this.
That's terrible moke123, probably not a common thing to happen to a young woman though. So no one else in that house including her best friend knew what happened at all? That is an extremely weird circumstance and hope that idiot gets prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Where do they get these drugs from?
probably not a common thing to happen to a young woman though.
More common than you'd think. Often unreported. I've had many cases involving date ra** drugs. Some knew right away but there were others that didn't know till they found out they were pregnant. Lots of different scenarios.

The A-hole only got 2 years and was out in 1 with good time. When your unconscious and have no memory and there were only 2 people in the room it can be difficult to prosecute. DNA alone proves nothing. Often winds up being an indecent assault.
Curious. Why keep trying to have children in this case? Doesn't it carry extremely great risk of something being wrong with the child, injury, death, or more miscarriages? Legitimate question, not criticizing, but always curious on this
After the 5 miscarriages (all early in the pregnancy), there were 2 live, healthy births (16 months apart). This is not unusual as the immune system "learns" to not reject the fetus. As my wife was in her 40's at the time, we were monitoring for pregnancy carefully. Many women might not have noticed the early miscarriages, seeing only a delayed, heavy period.

After each miscarriage a D&C was done in an abortion clinic, just make sure no tissue was left behind. There was no risk for trying again except for the normal risks of a 40+ pregnancy.
When my sister in law miscarried she went in for the D&C and she could barely speak she was so upset and crying hysterically. When the tech was doing the ultrasound before the procedure she asked "who told you you had a miscarriage?" She responded "I saw it" The tech said "I don't think I'm supposed to say anything to you but there are 2 more babies in there." It was quite the happy ending after a miserable week.

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