The Covid cure has arrived! (1 Viewer)

The CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on GMA Jan 7, 2022

"Over 75% of deaths occurred in people with at least 4 co-morbidities so really these are people unwell to begin with"
Interview here

It's almost like she is saying it's a pandemic of the unwell, as opposed to a pandemic of the unvaccinated as dear leader would suggest.

So wouldn't it be more efficient to zero in on the folks who have 4 or more co-morbidities vaccinate them rather than the population in general? Of course, this is painfully obvious 2 years in.
People would be appalled should they ever understand how the COVID numbers were manipulated to terrify the general public. But, since cognitive dissonance will prevent the gullible from acknowledging they were duped, nothing actually will ever come of the revelation. There is no hope for people who are willing to believe that they are "safe" while siting at a table talking and eating but in danger if they are standing and walking in the same air space.
The drug barons came up with the mantra "Keep it simple, maintain the fear" and for every government it became their diktat.
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More official reports are surfacing. The CDC director is speaking. It appears that 75% of the "COVID" deaths were of people with multiple co-morbidities (I think she said 4) which explains why it went through nursing homes like a wildfire and why it kills so few children. But, is cognitive dissonance going to prevent the terrified members of the public from understanding that they are not in the immanent danger they have been told that they are in? Think about it people. Already the morbidity rate was down to less than the average flu and dropping as the number of "cases" spikes. Now reduce that number by 75%.

Good thing the CDC director was speaking in a taped interview. If she had posted on FB or Tweeted, she would have to be cancelled for spreading misinformation. That leaves the dirty work to Google to prevent anyone from seeing the clip. What a team:(
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This is the largest experiment in the history of mankind. It has resulted in draconian laws and statutes in every country, that will not be repealed. The laws complete the freedom and privacy circle started by the FAANG and anti-virus companies.

The laws will apply to everyone, except climate change delegates, politicians and tennis players.
The CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said on GMA Jan 7, 2022

"Over 75% of deaths occurred in people with at least 4 co-morbidities so really these are people unwell to begin with"
Interview here

So wouldn't it be more efficient to zero in on the folks who have 4 or more co-morbidities vaccinate them rather than the population in general? Of course, this is painfully obvious 2 years in.
Legitimate question: what counts as a "comorbidity" and how does one go about determining the number of them one has?
Legitimate question: what counts as a "comorbidity" and how does one go about determining the number of them one has?

Without looking, diabetes and obesity are probably two of them. Compromised immunity has to be another.
And remember when just a couple months ago we were debating about the usefulness of vaccines based on "the data"? But this is my point, "the data" now turns out to have been wrong to the tune of 75% in the case of hospitalizations and probably deaths coming up next.

So the usefulness was 25% what we thought it was then. Unfortunately, data changes.
Legitimate question: what counts as a "comorbidity" and how does one go about determining the number of them one has?
The only thing that should have ever counted as a covid hospitalization is someone who is admitted to the hospital because of covid.

This is the common sense metrics Republicans have been begging for for 2 years, much to the chagrin of those who wished it to be a worse epidemic than it was.
In England we are going to inject young children to save the adults.
In England we are going to inject young children to save the adults.

You're not alone, it's as crazy over here too.

I can't imagine injecting a 7 year old with a vaccine with only 1 year of safety data on it in existence .... to "save them" from something they have about as much chance of getting as being hit with a meteor.

People have just really lost sight of comparative risk taking.

They take their kid in a car, with more risk than dying of covid, but nobody is suiting them up with body armor in the car
Yep -
As I've always said, (#1, #2, #3), it is common for people to mock conservatives' "Slippery Slope" arguments, and I would too - if it weren't the case that about 80-90% of them come true, I see it over and over and over.
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