You're not the first to notice this
Isn't one of the signs of insanity repeatedly performing exactly the same action in the belief that it will have a different outcome? I assume that includes typing (copying and pasting?) the same message onto multiple websites. If you were genuinely trying to get a point across and had failed on numerous occasions, wouldn't you at least rephrase what you were saying? If you were sane, yes. If you weren't just trying to annoy people, yes.
Either a harmless lunatic or a wind-up merchant who gets kicks from typing this nonsense.
Did you miss the part, where I can get dressed myself.
My goal with this topic, has always been, to move the threads forward, while we all try, and better understand it.
I have nothing to hide. Search every thread, I have ever posted.
It's nothing more, than the History of this option.
Don't waste your time, analyzing Tim.
I do enough of that, for the both of us.
What you could do, is help to make this option better!
On Friday, Rush Limbaugh has open mike, where you can talk about anything you want.
Let him decide, if this is something worth exploring or not.
Please fill free, and inform him all about this topic, or me, and get his take.
What would it hurt?
Don't like him, then please fill free to inform somebody else.
Please fill free to inform them about this option, or if you want to take the easy route, just blast me with them if you like!
All I ask is one thing. Think before you talk, and don't make the mistakes I have!
Just get to your point, and let others decide!
There is nothing wrong, with people wanting more!
Why should a hundred of the wealthiest people on this Earth, have more
money, than 2 billion other people?
If you want to focus on something wrong, take a look at that!
Please fill free to explain why I am crazy?
Please fill free to explain what my true agenda is?
If I was truly crazy, I never would of made it here!
But, just to keep your mind at rest, let's explore that.
So what type of crazy person am I?
One, who has gotten better, at answering your questions with more questions, only showing more reason why, we need to explore this option more!
I am not a computer generated thread placer. I am somebody on one end of a computer, trying to interact, with somebody, on the other end. Trying to tune there thoughts into my thoughts, like a radio station, and trying to raise the level of pleasure with that in my thoughts, because there is no better option, than imagining you, as the real deal as well, even if you are numb to that option right now, by natural chance, or choice.
I am on not!
Please show your support, and do the little things, like be my friend at this site, and take a moment to really think, as you view all the different images, I have posted on my profile, and show your support in this topic, by having an open thoughts, and see what happens, as we make a difference, in this field of science, our culture, and everything else.
Go a head and put me out of work, and let our Government take care of me. That is one way to do it, if you were crazy, But, I got too much of that John Wayne hat, in me for that!
Look, you are capable of training, a harmless crazy person!
See Tim run, to answer an questions you have, when ever you have one.
I am your go to guy, when it comes to this topic.
Have better applications?
Please fill free to replace me, and flight like some of the people, at these other forms have done.
did they get it, as I was trying to explain it at that time?
do, and I probably was not getting it as well.
Everyday, is a new reality, and i have no problem moving forward on anything positive, if you are!
Who said, that history could not be made, more than once, under the same topic.
How many softer side of Sears, history moments have there been now, under this topic?
Believe it or not, but the world right now, is not centered around my free option yet.
I have a lay over, at your Forum.
Do you have a problem with that, and why?
What even, after I am given the chance to try my option, that I continue to come back to this Forum, would you hate, or like that option?
Some people spend all there life, leaning against the wrong gate. Hoping for somebody crazy like me to come along, just in case there is other options.
I'm sorry that I have pushed this option hard, but for most of the time. I was doing it all alone.
80% don't care about my problems, and the other twenty percent are glad I have them.
Just by caring for others, as I do, in my own way, has helped you in more way, than you will have to wait, to find out.
sure, some don't get it, but that is just because they are not focused, on what you are focused on. that does not make it wrong.
It was not wrong for a crazy dreamer like Ronald Reagan to use Space Wars, to bring down a wall, for people who needed it.
I'm sorry, that the bad guys have not done to me, what they had done to John McCain, or if the timing was not right, for McCain to pick me out of Dayton, like he had to fly Sarah Palin to do, but i do believe everything happens for a reason, and I am no different.
Believe what ever you want to believe, go where ever you want to go, but here at this topic, at this time, we are trying to build a better float.
When should we display this big picture float wall option?
Ronald Reagan wall problem, was no different than mine, except mine is invisible.
It is so easy, through out life, to throw up walls.
We do it everyday, as we put on different hats.
All these walls are invisible, to know body else but you!
I like to limit my walls!
I like to imagine in my right thoughts, that I have everything I need to fix every problem we have, and I start there!
Where do you start?
I have no doubt, that I can be replaced, at any moment, just like other leaders through out our History.
I don't ask for fancy fan fair, after this option, and many more is completed, because you believed in me up to my thoughts.
I'm not offering cool-aid, or help in hiding, afterlife out of body slaves.
They seam to do a good job, with that on there own.
Everybody has emotions, regardless what walls you see today or not.
Today I feel laid back, and there is nothing to write home about.
The stock market, and those hundred wealthy people, are just waiting for you to put more money in there vending machine, called the stock market, so they can drop it like a rock, and use that money, to hang out on Tiger Woods new boat, but that is just a thought.
As good as some of us, may love Golf.
It don't hurt to get your Orb in order!
It don't hurt to get your economy positive the right way!
It don't hurt, trying to find ways to protect our kids from going to war, so we can place more military ships, looking like this one.
It don't hurt to believe in me?
Am I God?
Do you believe God knows his own communication phone number?
That is who I am.
The person he asked to help set up that call, probably because everybody else was too busy on there own cell phone too listen.
Believe it or not, but I truly do like being an introvert.
I believe I learned that personality better, after my near death experience.
Why, because that is my back up plan, if you do not get on board with my reality option.
Do all I can now, to make this option happen, as fast as possible, before my conveyor of life runs out.
They come in all types of shapes and lengths, depending on your life style, and as far as I know, there is only a few ways to get around it, and that is to communicate in a timely manner, and learn from your mistakes!
Is it possible, for you, to live a better quality of life, in the afterlife, than what they are doing now, based on nothing more, than better communication?
I think we can!
I believe, as others, that we get better at things we focus on, if we address it in the proper mind set.
could I go home, driving the same point home?
You bet you, I can, because I have always had this feeling, that one day, I will be associated with a filibuster, and i don't know why.
Quick review:
What was your question again?
I have no problem, just answering you comments if you like, or leaving, if that is what you want.
Some will always want me to go back to what ever hole I climbed out of, and that is life.
Others just can't sit in the passenger seat of life, and let this option pass you by.
Opportunity happens everyday, in this world of reality, and sure, if you know, the gate you are on, is the best "A" list out there, and the Bible told you so, then hug your religious leaders, because they love that, and support your political leaders, because they love that, and just leave me alone, if that what you love.
Am I satisfied, where we are at with this topic?
In unselfish ways we are, and I have no doubt, that I could stand in front of the gate of who ever, and do my best to justify my actions, but what is my selfish NASA personal diaper thought?
Do even more, for this option, before I die, like actually see it happen.
Did Lincoln get a chance to see all people free?
Did Kennedy, get to see us land on the moon?
Did Mr.King, get a chance to see his dream fulfilled?
Some people threw walls up, when the Beetles were associated with God, and regardless what John might imagined. somebody else, had a different plan.
I always like to expect the worst, for moments like that, so I am not surprised when it happens.
Sure I could of had help, and made a book, but this topic is an open ended option, and it will always be that way, because we can not be destroyed, but we can be temporally ignored.
I believe that i have posted enough, that you see it, and the only thing stopping you from seeing it more, is your invisible walls.
Hello, anybody in there?
this topic is like life, and life is a crazy roller coaster, but after the smoke clears, only you can decide how scary my present, present, is too you!
Should we call the bomb squad, or accept Tim as a blind squirrel, who just might be lucky enough, to find a nut for you every now, and again!
How should we tag Tim?
He was the guy, who made all those card board signs, or something!
Nobody likes a cardboard spammer!
Will I be taken down for my dream, like these people?
I offer a chance, for us all to open it together!
Can you hear me now?
Do you want to hear me?
What invisible mental walls are holding you back?
Feel like a good one, would you like to share?
I don't know everything, never claimed too, but if every thing has been said before, then why did you learn something new from me?
Could I be better at explaining this free idea concept, if I had more time and options?
Sure, but that is not the case at this time!
So what was the question again?
Should we leave Tim, and his ability to justify just about everything that could make you change color, or should we opt out, and take our chances, like people do, when they go on a diet, knowing that the success rate, for failure is 99%, but they do it anyway.
I can even help with that option, if you like, but not until we keep this option moving the right direction.
so what am i asking from some of you, that has the ability to make things happen at work, and in things you enjoy.
Get the word out about this option, feel free to ask tough questions, about this option, imagine a life, where you have time, money, and a better purpose, than the hat role you are playing now.
If I am wrong with my option, do with me, what ever you like.
If I am right, I will be happy, if you are happy!
I win, if you win!
Last quick media review today:
Don't forget, Friday is open mike day, with Rush Limbaugh, so try and spend less time at the water cooler, and give him a call.
If vocals is not your thing, then email him.
If they thought last week Boston tea Party was the next thing, why don't you inform them different.
With my free idea, you might even be able to interact with our founding fathers. Now can they do that?
Like it or not, but my topic is internally energy filled, in our natural Red, White and Blue colors!
I am not here to fight, if that was the case, I would not want your support, for an option, that I believe, will help end, death fighting!
For those of you, that support my effort, regardless if you believe them now, or not.
Thank you,
Tim Brewer