The Packers Win !!!

MrsGorilla said:
I would like to have seen the Bears but I was there from Jan-July so I wasn't there during football season. :mad:
Don't didn't miss anything. :rolleyes:
Kraj said:
Don't didn't miss anything. :rolleyes:

I know, but it still would have been neat to be in Soldier Field for a game, no matter how bad the Bears were back then. :p
MrsGorilla said:
I know, but it still would have been neat to be in Soldier Field for a game, no matter how bad the Bears were back then. :p
True, to see it before the spaceship landed. :rolleyes:
Kraj said:
But since when has Chicago fandom ever been based on winning records? (OK, we had the Bulls in the 90s, and the Blackhawks are pretty consistently decent.)

I think that is true for any fan base. I live near Buffalo, NY, and we have only the losingest teams around - the Bills, and the Sabres. Although the Sabres are doing pretty well this season, I'm reserving judgment til after January. This is there typical modis operandi - they are fantastic in the beginning of the season, then they taper off in the middle, and then try to circle the wagons to secure a playoff berth. Didn't work very well the last time.

And the Bills? They just routinely suck. But I love my Bufflao sports!!!

Kraj said:
Packers suck!

Sorry... Chicago law dictates that any resident must react negatively to any mention of the Packers or face a fine. My most humble apologies. :D :p

I've been a Bears fan for many years now and so far they're having a pretty good season. I made a prediction jokingly to a friend of mine after week 4 that the Bears win the superbowl by beating the Colts 20-10 (He's a HUGE Colts fan). At that time the Bears were 1-3 so it would be quite interesting to see if my little prediction came true. :cool: Odds are Bears won't get that far though.
I'm a Steeler fan, so sorry to any Bears fans that we had to kill your winning streak. :D ;)

American Football 101

1. The fld is 100 yards long and 50 yards wide.
2. 22 players line up against each other. 11 on offense, 11 on defense.
3. Two basic was to score: The a player on the offense carries the ball into or catches the ball in the end zone, this is called a 'touchdown, worth 6 points. After a touchdown, the offense is allowed the chance to kick the ball trough the goal posts for the 'extra point'. Or the offense can kick the ball through the goal posts. This is called a field goal, worth 3 points.
4. When the offense first get the ball, they have 4 tries to get the ball into the end zone. These attempts are called 'downs'. 1st down, 2nd down, etc.
5. If the offense moves to ball 10 or more yards, they get a new set of 4 more downs.

Thanks for the explanation Ken. I think I understand that, would have to actually watch it now to get the full picture! Have to say our football seems so much simpler but I guess our tactics/formation/offside rule etc you may find confusing :p

Hum... I don't really know. What would you call it? (He asked with caution :) )
KenHigg said:
Hum... I don't really know. What would you call it? (He asked with caution :) )
Don't tempt me, please, it's Christmas.:D
I'm really curious as to why it's called that, where did the game originate?
Lambeau Field. (?) Just kidding Hum... Not sure- Not much help huh. If Kraj was here he'd google it for us... :)

Serious, I always thought they called it football cause you had the kicking stuff -
KenHigg said:
Lambeau Field. (?) Just kidding Hum... Not sure- Not much help huh. If Kraj was here he'd google it for us... :)
Ask and you shall receive. :) As far as I can tell, (European) football was played with a large number of variations and the two most popular emerged as rugby and football/soccer. Therefore, rugby is officially known as 'rugby football'. When the British colonized North America, they brought sports with them, with rugby football being most popular. Over time, new rules and variations were introduced into the game and it evolved into American football.

Hayley, I agree that American football is much more complex than the European version. As a soccer player, it took me quite some time to appreciate football for the game that it is. Once you really understand what's going on, the game transforms from a bunch of morons butting heads like goats into a fascinating strategic competition.

If an American is confused by the European offside rule, just tell them the line of scrimage is where the last defender on the field is instead of where the ball is. That should work well enough. :)

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