There ought to be a law - hey! There is!

selenau837 said:
Actually the house here in SC just passed a law that a 2 times sex offender to children under 11 can receive the death penalty.

It is on the governor's desk as we speak for final approval.

What do mass murderers get?
statsman said:
What do mass murderers get?
Mass execution, or is it mass said at execution, either way what a barbaric way to deal with a problem:rolleyes:
KenHigg said:
I think he was placed there while the powers to be decided how to handle the situation...
But why was he locked up and treated as a criminal, for having sex when he was just fifteen, Jesus Christ, I'm glad I wasn't living there at that age? :rolleyes:
Why not just assign the death penalty to every repeat offense and be done with it? That'll take care of the crime rate!
Kraj said:
Why not just assign the death penalty to every repeat offense and be done with it? That'll take care of the crime rate!

Ahh, you do breath life to such great ideas Greg!! ;)
Kraj said:
Why not just assign the death penalty to every repeat offense and be done with it? That'll take care of the crime rate!
Would that include driving offences? :confused:
Rich said:
Would that include driving offences? :confused:
No, moving violations generate revenue. We like those kinds of repeat offenders.
I've got it! The obvious way to lessen the crime rate in a thoroughly civilised manner is to provide all prisons with copies of Col's cds and play them non-stop every day. The inmates would derive so much pleasure from the experience they'd never leave jail. That'd keep them off the streets. Now why didn't we think of that before?.................
BarryMK said:
Now why didn't we think of that before?.................

Cause we still haven't heard any of the assumed noisy and charming music on any of Col's CD's ? :cool:
rak said:
Cause we still haven't heard any of the assumed noisy and charming music on any of Col's CD's ? :cool:
The distributors are trying to keep up with demand - I understand the Netherlands is on the list as soon as EMI can get a move on. (so Barry tells me anyway;) :rolleyes: )

I understand there are limited numbers of the CD in the USA as we speak.

selenau837 said:
Actually the house here in SC just passed a law that a 2 times sex offender to children under 11 can receive the death penalty.

It is on the governor's desk as we speak for final approval.

This is a law of the lawyers for the lawyers

a. They will never excute someone for this
b. These cases will be tied up in court for years doing nothing but burning tax dollars
c. Hence, the only winner will be the lawyers
Rich said:
But why was he locked up and treated as a criminal, for having sex when he was just fifteen...
If memory serves, when this story first came out, the Boy was living with his Grandmother when she found out about the "relationship". The Grandmother was opposed (go figure:rolleyes: ) and said "no more", at which point the boy ran away to be with his Autumn Love. That was when the authorities got involved and the boy was placed in the protection of Juvenile Services because he was a runaway threat. THAT was when the pregnancy-bomb was dropped...and, of course, what made the whole story news worthy in the first place.

Kraj said:
Why not just assign the death penalty to every repeat offense and be done with it? That'll take care of the crime rate!
If offenders had something other than three squares, gym facilities, and the premium cable package to look forward to, it may indeed:eek:
ColinEssex said:
The distributors are trying to keep up with demand - I understand the Netherlands is on the list as soon as EMI can get a move on. (so Barry tells me anyway;) :rolleyes: )

I understand there are limited numbers of the CD in the USA as we speak.


Mmmm problems problems, I bet the Beatles never had this hassle with EMI. Still Rak it'll be worth the wait when you do get hold of a copy.:D .
Bodisathva said:
The Grandmother was opposed (go figure:rolleyes: ) and said "no more", at which point the boy ran away to be with his Autumn Love.

Why didn't they just lock up the woman until he was seventeen, end of problem? :confused:
Rich said:
Why didn't they just lock up the woman until he was seventeen, end of problem? :confused:

Finally, an idea with merit.
Well they got legally married, didn't they? Seems to me that if the state felt the woman deserved to be in jail, perhaps they shouldn't have put their stamp of approval on the relationship.
Kraj said:
Well they got legally married, didn't they? Seems to me that if the state felt the woman deserved to be in jail, perhaps they shouldn't have put their stamp of approval on the relationship.

An interesting sidebar. I always thought one spouse could not be compelled to give evidence against the other?
How'd they get a conviction?

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