Some way to evolve.
Have we seen any positive evolution of homo sapiens since the days we lived in caves?
Have we seen any positive evolution of homo sapiens since the days we lived in caves? We have acquired a wealth of knowledge including how to destroy the Earth, our home, as well as each other, but have the corporal "we" improved? We're taller and larger but that is more a function of better nutrition. We are currently filling our bodies with poisons of all kinds indirectly through our food chain and directly via "medicines" we don't actually need which are forced on us by big pharma's success in lobbying Congress. The hormones we give to chickens to fatten their breasts are making our little girls AND boys grow boobs. We won't even talk about polluting our environment. We have an obesity epidemic because our processed food contains excessive amounts sugar whether it is sweet or savory and our children's brains are rotting from their addiction to their phones and their complete lack of physical exercise while the teacher's union lobbies to lower the testing "standards" to hide what's going on in our schools. Our young adults are killing themselves with drugs provided by China and Mexico. Looks to me like we are committing suicide as a race. Some way to evolve.
Two really good ones in a row. Yeah, I have been doing some thinking myself.Completely agree with you. Musk needs to stand down in recognition of the fact that he can contribute with some good ideas, but he is not running things nor was elected. He is embarassing not just himself but those of us who root for him
You are assuming, when maybe you should be listening. And, once again, you offer veiled insults. Survival of the fittest in it's purest form ended when the first women invented agriculture.@Thales750
Got you on this one. You have confused goals with success. Evolution says that, based on survival instincts, EVERYONE - no exceptions, not even you - is going to endeavor to accumulate / concentrate assets, wealth, etc. to themselves. Some of us will be more ethical than others. Some of us will crush our enemies. Others will gang up with those who have similar non-conflicting goals as we have. But survival of the fittest says not everyone will succeed. Your complaint about the "ruling class" is actually that they are successful at ruling, whereas you are not. THAT is what is underneath all your sniping and grousing.
I've been an entrepreneur, my entire life. I don't have to "look deep" for my lack of judgment. When I refer to the ruling class, I'm mostly thinking about how wealth at that level is not about money, it's about a particular type of greed. The kind of greed that allows the lobbyist to write our laws. It's about laws that protect the monopolies. That term is a little outdated now-a-days because modern anti-trust activities are hidden within wheels.And it's kind of funny if you think about it.
Up until recently, the 'working class' tended to support Democrats. They were quite fine being the elite class until the working class started to support Trump. Now all of a sudden Democrats have invented this concept of Trump being "fascist", even though zero Gen Z even know what the word means .... in order to make it seem like conservatives are the 'ruling class'.
last time I checked, anyone could join the so-called 'ruling class'. You just need to have the balls and determination to get up in the morning and make the right decisions - the game is open to anyone, and if you go it sequentially and step by step, the buy in isn't that high.
what I'm about to say might upset some people, but here goes: In my experience, people who claim there is a 'ruling class', and viciously villify it, usually have made some bad decisions that resulted in their having limited success. Deep inside they know what I'm saying is true - anyone can be successful - but psychologically and spiritually it's much easier to blame the idea of an exclusive ruling class for one's own lack of achievement.
I don't, I know any "ruling ability" I lack is a lack of my own determination - because my brother grew up in the same minimum wage home I did, and is now a CEO.
In many ways we are living in the best of times. And, we are on the precipice of greatness never dreamed of before.I felt about the same way, until (on a dare from my brother, who is about half-conservative and half-liberal, maybe even 2/3 conservative on issues, but who thinks I am just a little bit too indoctrinated with right wing stuff) - to read the book PROGRESS by Johan Norberg. I took him up on it and came out of it quite cheerful. On most major metrics that can be measured we are better off than we used to be IF you want to limit yourself to his metrics, which is and should be a subject of robust debate, but at least the book cheered me up a bit by quoting a bunch of stuff about deaths from Diseases, deaths from Violence, deaths from Starvation, Climate pollution (the least good but still supposedly improved), Education and Persecution and a host of others.
I still feel that the somewhat-more ethereal stuff is very important too, and unmeasureable. Something about the "good" when children obeyed their parents and parents took care of their children and marriages were for life and sexual adventures were for marriage and hence there was something special about them so abortions were hardly needed, and people generally had more exercise & honor and patriotism - many areas we could say are going down, but his book did cheer me a bit if you so need or can use
Please feel welcome to counter any of my dogmatic and simplistic explanations. Years ago, I knew a guy, I was living with his daughter at the time.As far as @Thales750 and @Isaac go - I find both have dogmatic simplistic explanations which seldom hold up to examination. But then I find that on so many watercooler topics.
When I was working with the U.S. Navy, their annual "security refresher training" emphasized that FB was one of the worst things to join (as opposed to tech forums such as AWF) because it lulls you into a false sense of security or perhaps comfort is a better word. People who reveal too much on FB usually get visits from nefarious people with burglar tools and sticky fingers. Gee, grandma, do you think it was a good idea to publish our vacation plans?Of course FB is like taking out a neon sign.
As far as the the most fit to rule, maybe they are. But why should the mases bow down to them when we don't have to. Why should we allow them to own our government, just because they do?
Please feel welcome to counter any of my dogmatic and simplistic explanations. Years ago, I knew a guy, I was living with his daughter at the time.
He was an actual rocket scientist, well engineer actually. He headed up the space flight simulation program at NASA for Singer Link, (that's right, the sewing machine folks) Anyway, out of the 700 or so folks that worked at Singer, in the early 80s, none of them could beat him at Chess.
Nor could I, but I still played him consistently for the whole time I was with his daughter. And, you know what, I learned how to beat him. So please, challenge whatever I say that is dogmatic, or simplistic, and I will appreciate the lesson.
To thine ownself be true, and all that.That statement about dogma and simplicity doesn't bother me at all, partly because if I were to be 'accused' of anythings, I'd be relatively happy for them to be dogma and simplicity! And partly because I know that most of the stuff I assert end up in the same category of debate - I'll throw out an opinion that can't really be proven or disproven, and someone else will try to 'disprove' it through 'studies', which makes little sense to me, as a study can't disprove an opinion and many studies quoted set about to prove a biased opinion in the first place, not ironically. That's probably where the 'up to examination' comes from.
If anything I resolve to be an even simpler person in 2025 - with purer dogma
That isn't evolution. It is man learning about his environment and learning how to control it. We have lots of cases where animals are shown to have learned how to use tools and the have simplistic ability to communicate with each other. The most amazing tool use I've seen is a fish that has huge front teeth. The fish picks up clams and bangs them on rocks or coral to break open the shell so it can eat the contents. Members of the ape family, use rocks to open nuts and youngsters adopt sticks and treat them as a human child would a baby doll. Due to less sea ice, one group of polar bears has learned to hunt beluga whales from partially submerged offshore rocks.On most major metrics that can be measured we are better off than we used to be IF you want to limit yourself to his metrics, which is and should be a subject of robust debate, but at least the book cheered me up a bit by quoting a bunch of stuff about deaths from Diseases, deaths from Violence, deaths from Starvation, Climate pollution (the least good but still supposedly improved), Education and Persecution and a host of others.
When I was working with the U.S. Navy, their annual "security refresher training" emphasized that FB was one of the worst things to join (as opposed to tech forums such as AWF) because it lulls you into a false sense of security or perhaps comfort is a better word. People who reveal too much on FB usually get visits from nefarious people with burglar tools and sticky fingers. Gee, grandma, do you think it was a good idea to publish our vacation plans?
I simply maintain that if we can tear down their institutions and take their wealth, then they deserve it. According to your manifesto. And if we can do the same as the founding fathers, and the early 20th century government to work together to break up the ultra rich's wealth machines, than more power to us.
Agreed, I didn't really mean to be tying it to evolution, which I don't believe as having anything to do with the origins of mankind in the first place unless God allowed some of it as part of his process.That isn't evolution. It is man learning about his environment and learning how to control it. We have lots of cases where animals are shown to have learned how to use tools and the have simplistic ability to communicate with each other. The most amazing tool use I've seen is a fish that has huge front teeth. The fish picks up clams and bangs them on rocks or coral to break open the shell so it can eat the contents. Members of the ape family, use rocks to open nuts and youngsters adopt sticks and treat them as a human child would a baby doll. Due to less sea ice, one group of polar bears has learned to hunt beluga whales from partially submerged offshore rocks.
If the earth's climate is changing to something we cannot survive, can we evolve? Maybe not fast enough physically, but we are capable of learning how to live underground if the need arises or we can board a spaceship and head for the stars. Some even think that's how humans got here to begin with.
Evolution is about survival of the fittest. Our brains and opposable thumbs give us a huge advantage over every other species that has ever existed. We don't necessarily have to adapt physically to succeed when we can use our brains to control our environment to some degree. We didn't have to grow wings to spread across the oceans and around the world. We invented ships and then flying machines.
unless God allowed some of it as part of his process.
Isaac, I've had this discussion before with others. If you are going the God route then go all the way.
To say that God DID NOT make our presence on this planet LOOK LIKE evolution did it would be to implicitly limit your God's powers. Did you really want to do that? Because there is more positive evidence for evolution than for many other scientific principles in other disciplines. Evolution has literally MILLIONS of pieces of evidence that, when analyzed via genome analysis, will fill in and mesh with our cousins and ancestors. That's how we know the order of certain species... because we can see the genetic variations that led from one to the other. That's how we know that man and monkeys are cousins on the evolutionary time frame. That evidence would be something done by your God. Do you not believe that fossils represent animals made by God?
However, now I must apologize because I see that this discussion has hijacked the thread.
The concept of God and Intelligent Design can be very broadly interpreted. What we are doing today to manipulate the genome of plants and animals is terrifying in its implications. We have no idea of the downstream implications of what we are doing. What could possibly go wrong? Jurassic Park gives you a clue The scientists who cloned the dinosaurs never understood the frog DNA they used to fill in the gaps. The book makes the actual problem clearer. I don't know anyone who "got it" from the movie. But the species of frog they chose had the ability to change sex if there became an imbalance in the community. Since the scientists only cloned females on the theory they would be easier to control, they never thought about what could happen if some of those females became males and impregnated the females. Then the computer "bug" was to "know" there were 8 of species A in the pen and to stop counting when it got to 8. They were only worried about losing an animal, not breeding new ones. So, if the code had counted all of each type and then compared to the expected number, they would have realized immediately that the clones were somehow breeding. So, the disaster was caused by incomplete information regarding the frog AND a computer bugTo say that God DID NOT make our presence on this planet LOOK LIKE evolution did it would be to implicitly limit your God's powers. Did you really want to do that? Because there is more positive evidence for evolution than for many other scientific principles in other disciplines. Evolution has literally MILLIONS of pieces of evidence that, when analyzed via genome analysis, will fill in and mesh with our cousins and ancestors. That's how we know the order of certain species... because we can see the genetic variations that led from one to the other. That's how we know that man and monkeys are cousins on the evolutionary time frame. That evidence would be something done by your God. Do you not believe that fossils represent animals made by God?
I think God lives in the little pieces, the Universe is God, and our brains are an antenna to the divine.I'm OK with God having 'started' everything and then allowed evolution to take its course, I just struggle with believing that all these processes came without a intelligent designer.