Trump Administration Predictions (4 Viewers)

Simple. As long as it is in reserve, it has potential value. The moment after you use it, it is consumed and is no longer oil... at which time it has no value whatsoever. (If you made plastics or tires or other substances with it, THEY have value - but the oil does not.) That same idea applies to ANY commodity futures market. Value is ALWAYS defined by utility. Ever since Gronk the caveman traded pelts for a new spear, value has always been based on who would use something and how they would use it. No standards involved. Relative utility value. Money only comes into play because in a complex economy, it is impossible to have a formal list of values for every known item... so we invent dollars and put a price tag on things at the point of sale.
You're choosing not to get this because it comes from sources you have been taught to have contempt for.

"Value is ALWAYS defined by utility." Realy? And what value does gold bullion have?
Realy? And what value does gold bullion have?

It has the value that the speculators will pay for it. If gold had an intrinsic value, it wouldn't be escalating in market value. But now it is just another commodity. Gold has the same (logical) value as a dollar bill. Namely, what can you buy with it? Sure, the magnitude of purchasing power of those two items is different - but the concept is the same. The value is whatever value you can get for it.
It has the value that the speculators will pay for it. If gold had an intrinsic value, it wouldn't be escalating in market value. But now it is just another commodity. Gold has the same (logical) value as a dollar bill. Namely, what can you buy with it? Sure, the magnitude of purchasing power of those two items is different - but the concept is the same. The value is whatever value you can get for it.
You're contradicting yourself Doc. Oil's the deal. Without oil, nothing happens. For 70 years the dollar has been the world's reserve currency, and a huge part of that is oil. The Saudis needed to have an avenue to invest, and they needed the Soviets to stay off their shores,
So they let the Americans back their currency with oil.

Maybe part of your reluctance to agree is because your belief that inflation is caused by quantitative easing. The last 70 years of oil backed currency has disproved that theory, Which makes inflation a Capitalist flaw. We can't have be the greedy Capitalist, its has to be all the fault of Government, and especially the Socialist in Government.

Things are changing, Ai and the robots are marching. What are people going to believe in when no job will be done by people? Old wives tales, reminiscing about the good ol' days.
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The media has been reporting both Mexico and Canada are either calling Trump or in Trudeau's case visiting him in Mar-A-Lago. He's not even in office yet. They are wasting no time, they want to negotiate as quickly as possible. Pretty sure they're seeing "the big picture".
Yup. He has opportunity. I won't be disappointed, and neither will his worshipers. I don't expect much, and they will ignore any fact necessary to continue their delusion. So we're all happy.
Yup. He has opportunity. I won't be disappointed, and neither will his worshipers. I don't expect much, and they will ignore any fact necessary to continue their delusion. So we're all happy.
One thing is for sure Biden and his crime family have set the bar pretty high with all their criminal activity, it's embarrassing.

Watch for Biden to pardon his brother Jim and other Burisma players. This should be a major scandal but the Biden faithful will look the other way and point 👉 to Trump's cabinet as they deflect.
One thing is for sure Biden and his crime family have set the bar pretty high with all their criminal activity, it's embarrassing.

Watch for Biden to pardon his brother Jim and other Burisma players. This should be a major scandal but the Biden faithful will look the other way and point 👉 to Trump's cabinet as they deflect.
I never wanted Biden to be President, I just wanted Trump less. Still, it's a sad testimony, when we resort to using the losing party to set the bar.
I never wanted Biden to be President, I just wanted Trump less.
Well, did you get what you voted for? How much do you pay for eggs? How many illegal aliens did you take into your home? Are you happy with the new "justice" policy. If j'accuse, you must be guilty if you are not a Democrat. You practice that one regularly. What do you think of Biden pardoning his son? We always knew he would do it. Why did he lie about it until the election was over? Hopefully, the pardon will backfire since Hunter will have to answer questions about his father's money laundering scheme because he can no longer take the 5th.
Truly this answer of yours is literally the best example of you having absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Please, do try to make me look stupid on this one.
Clearly you don't understand the concept of "moral hazard". Sure wish the government would cover my loses if I make bad investments. When banks make loans that make no fiscal sense but for which the Congress has created an artificial market, why not make loans on overvalued property to people who have no income to sustain the payments? Buy the house for the inflated value of $500,000, then sell it the next month for $600,000. As long as the buyer can get a mortgage and the music doesn't stop, you just have to keep moving the property. Last one holding the bag loses. That turned out to be the US taxpayer even when we weren't playing the game.
Well, did you get what you voted for? How much do you pay for eggs? How many illegal aliens did you take into your home? Are you happy with the new "justice" policy. If j'accuse, you must be guilty if you are not a Democrat. You practice that one regularly. What do you think of Biden pardoning his son? We always knew he would do it. Why did he lie about it until the election was over? Hopefully, the pardon will backfire since Hunter will have to answer questions about his father's money laundering scheme because he can no longer take the 5th.
You still think this inflation was caused by Biden? Where do you get your economic information?

Are you kidding? Immigration needs fixing, but it has been a bipartisan election point for 50 years. Perpetuated for one reason to divide the nation and get people elected. Nothing more, well except keeping the wizard (capitalist overlords) behind the curtain.

And the whole country benefitted by the flow of illegal aliens. You should try turning the dial on your info box. All you do is repeat the latest talking points of the Fascist Right. I hear those exact words coming from the local Rednecks.

I mean the exact words. You don't even notice.

You don't care to even believe Trump's transgressions, and you expect others to care about Biden's. I know you can't fathom a world where anyone could see Trump as anything but a savior.

Agree or not, he had to pardon his son. You can continue to rave about Biden all you want, unless you want to have an economic discussion, don't expect me to respond. I don't care about petty politics I care about war, healthcare, economic, and how to sustain the middle class.
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Clearly you don't understand the concept of "moral hazard". Sure wish the government would cover my loses if I make bad investments. When banks make loans that make no fiscal sense but for which the Congress has created an artificial market, why not make loans on overvalued property to people who have no income to sustain the payments? Buy the house for the inflated value of $500,000, then sell it the next month for $600,000. As long as the buyer can get a mortgage and the music doesn't stop, you just have to keep moving the property. Last one holding the bag loses. That turned out to be the US taxpayer even when we weren't playing the game.
I see you have heard some of the talking points of the story.

But the part that you missed, (not commanded to repeat), is that lack of regulations in the derivatives market, and the reserve requirements of the big banks being too low by a single percentage.

This was the root cause of the failure. Maybe you could find the exact bill passed by congress that created the fall.

By the way, a Republican presided over the fall, a Democrat over the rebirth. And then a flim-flam man from New York took all credit.
I never wanted Biden to be President, I just wanted Trump less. Still, it's a sad testimony, when we resort to using the losing party to set the bar.
For the first time in many years the American public has seen the democrat party for whom they really are, liars.

Its clear the democrat party is rotten to the core and its been exposed. I feel bad for their supporters, they are locked into a cult like ideology with no way out. Their only choice now is to double down on Trump, like we are seeing on this thread.
Agree or not, he had to pardon his son.
Yes, and the pardon needed to be retroactive to 2014 otherwise Joe, Jim, Hunter and probably Obama would all be implicated in a very nasty money laundering scheme 🤔
Thank you for asking, we are just coming to the end of the mechanical design phase. I've had the GPT write some code (functions) in Python just to see how it would do in that environment. I'm leaning towards Python and it's multiple operating system capabilities.
Obviously, it will require some machine learning, I would hesitate to tie it directly to an LLM as that has the potential for the system getting in a bad mood and reeking havoc. I know, a little Sci-fi there.

There are several robotic platforms available, that are written in Python and have the ability to be customized for a system like ours.
The very next step is to take the 3D models of the components and put them in Blender. Blender is written in Python and has a Python console the GPT claims it could write a simulation the would be executed in Blender.

So that is the next goal.

Be careful if you are using chat gpt to write code for you. I once tested it with a "what is wrong with this code?" question on code that did nothing but declare an Integer variable and then loop too many times to successfully increment it. It was the easiest "answer is overflow" question in the world. ChatGPT gave me 3 other things it thought might be wrong with it, none of them right, and none of them accurate.

I was just curious as my son is finishing his master's in robotic engineering so he has worked with most of the robotics related coding stuff.
Good luck with it !!
What are people going to believe in when no job will be done by people?

They say we'll all work 3 day workweeks, sitting in recliners having machines put a straw berry milkshake to our lips (as we can't move any more of course), like Wall-E movie
For the first time in many years the American public has seen the democrat party for whom they really are, liars.

Its clear the democrat party is rotten to the core and its been exposed. I feel bad for their supporters, they are locked into a cult like ideology with no way out. Their only choice now is to double down on Trump, like we are seeing on this thread.

Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

It seems they weren't locked into cult-hood this go around. This could be good for actual Democrats, not necessarily woke liberals though. It is reminiscent of 1964 for Republicans.
Be careful if you are using chat gpt to write code for you. I once tested it with a "what is wrong with this code?" question on code that did nothing but declare an Integer variable and then loop too many times to successfully increment it. It was the easiest "answer is overflow" question in the world. ChatGPT gave me 3 other things it thought might be wrong with it, none of them right, and none of them accurate.

I was just curious as my son is finishing his master's in robotic engineering so he has worked with most of the robotics related coding stuff.
Good luck with it !!
You have to be careful whatever you get from it. I think a good test will be to see how well it can write Python Script in the simulations, We need that for a round of funding.
They say we'll all work 3 day workweeks, sitting in recliners having machines put a straw berry milkshake to our lips (as we can't move any more of course), like Wall-E movie
I think that eventually we'll go back to the 95% taxes on the highest bracket. Then capitalism will be to see who can get the biggest market share. Of course, they could let all the poor just die.

If you think about it. Why have poor people ever been allowed to live?
Why have poor people ever been allowed to live?

I predict that if we continue going the way we are, with half the country paying taxes for the benefit of the half not paying any, then society may re-evaluate that ... who knows
After further research, I stand on the idea that "petrodollars" is merely a nomenclature issue. It is a convenient name applied to dollars spent on oil. But we talk casually about food dollars, transportation dollars, housing dollars when we budget our purchases using formal budget techniques. The use of the Petrodollar is simply because the DOLLAR (not the petrodollar) is seen as the most stable and viable of currencies.

However, you have to watch out for the Triffin Effect - which requires the dollar to dynamically expand in response to demand at the global level but doing so reduces its stability, whereas keeping it stable can cause depressions due to insufficient working currency for businesses.

This idea reminded me of the Heisenberg Principle and the Goedel Completeness theorem. (The commonality is a tight linking between two inter-related factors that can't act independently, so favoring one up disfavors the other.) Which makes me think that the Triffin Effect is statistically based.

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