Trump is still the world's best bet ... (2 Viewers)

The only thing that is free is the cheese inside the trap.
The only thing that is free is the cheese inside the trap.
Shapiro, is currently ranting, that you don't have "freedom" when you are prevented from joining a union.
He left out of his "freedom" narrative that Democrats are passing legislation forcing you to join a union should you want to work. That is not "freedom". And along that "freedom" narrative, companies that are union shops can get certain federal tax breaks. Non-Union shops don't get those tax breaks. That also is not "freedom".
The democratic convention should be interesting, will the dems have a unified front or will it be chaotic inside and out?
The democratic convention should be interesting, will the dems have a unified front or will it be chaotic inside and out?
I think they have already started marching in lock step, so they are all in on Harris. It's Harris or chaos at the convention, Pelosi won't stand for any chaos at the convention.
I think they have already started marching in lock step, so they are all in on Harris. It's Harris or chaos at the convention, Pelosi won't stand for any chaos at the convention.
The Palestinian wing of the democrat party already has their Soros funded preprinted protest signs ready to go. I think the pallets of bricks have already been delivered 🧱🧱
I keep seeing clips of Kamala Harris --- speaking......

I hesitate when I say that, but the correct term for what she is doing escapes me. ....

However it strikes me as how fair your American system is, in that it is possible to elect anyone to become president, taking diversity and inclusion to the next level. ....

There is now hope for any quadriplegic, deaf and dumb person to rise to this exalted office.
I keep seeing clips of Kamala Harris --- speaking......
If they are current, she is technically "reading" from a teleprompter. She has no coherent thoughts and it isn't because she's senile like Joe.
Well, the world is on edge about our politics, when you have such an incompetent buffoon in there already claiming there is a day one when she has been in there already with Joe for almost 4 years and done jack squat. You would have to be a complete fool to believe anything she said.
looks like firing all the engineers didn't work out too well tonight.
looks like firing all the engineers didn't work out too well tonight.
The show went on, a little late due to the hackers sent by the Dems. Didn't take Musk's remaining 3 engineers to resolve the problem much longer than it took for the black reporters hate group to get their technical difficulties worked out. So, maybe Musk was right to fire all the slackers. They were useless children who thought they were entitled to have game rooms and safe spaces and free snacks rather than actually work for their obscenely high salaries.

Too bad the Democrats failed. Smirk all you want, Trump and Musk had a fairly constant audience of 1.3 million people which is HUGE for a live audience. I was watching second hand and my group had over 200,000 logged in and so that makes 1.3 million + our 200,000 and who knows how many others were part of other groups. The people who dropped off will watch the replay tomorrow.
What I don't understand is, it is self evident that Musk and Trump & others speak the truth.

Their adversaries lie and cheat, so much so, that I just want to grab them by the scruff of the neck and rub their faces in their metaphorical sh*t.
What I don't understand is, it is self evident that Musk and Trump & others speak the truth.

Their adversaries lie and cheat, so much so, that I just want to grab them by the scruff of the neck and rub their faces in their metaphorical sh*t.
The democrats have succeeded in turning Trump and Musk into sympathetic underdogs fighting against the system, a place usually reserved for democrats.

They attack X because they are fundamentally afraid of free speech. Free speech exposes their failures and embarrassing lack of leadership.

Democrats are an empty husk of their former self pathetic, weak, and totally obvious.
Elon Invites Kamala on X Spaces

The dept of education has always been an overloaded fed-powerful monster that exerts WAY TOO MUCH CONTROL over local group conscience as they wish to express it in how they raise and school their kids. More recently they threatend deny funding to schools that don't wish to participate in their sex fetish program for children. I completely 100% agree with shuttering the dept of education. Maintain a small - SMALL - organization that exists for no other purpose except to administrate student loans, and whatever the basics are, if that.
For all the disappointment about Trump falling a couple points behind now - I have to say, I'm pretty happy about the Squad's undoing, though. That was a long time in coming

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