Trump is still the world's best bet ...

The New York Times cropped out the US flag from the picture of Trump.
I'm surprised they didn't replace the background with fire and brimstone from hell.
The NYT is not even good enough to be used for toilet paper. And to think, 20 years ago it used to be the highlight of my Sundays. Even back then they had an obvious bias but it was nowhere near what we see today.
I heard that Trump has God as his running mate now that they're such good pals.
I heard that Trump has God as his running mate now that they're such good pals.

Yes, he hears directly from God so we'll be waiting on his next word from the Lord in order to all obey whatever he says
Yes, he hears directly from God so we'll be waiting on his next word from the Lord in order to all obey whatever he says
Good, I'm sure the Lord will do whatever Trump says.

It reminds me of that old joke - 'what's the difference between God and a Consultant Surgeon? - God doesn't think he's a Consultant Surgeon '
Good, I'm sure the Lord will do whatever Trump says.

It reminds me of that old joke - 'what's the difference between God and a Consultant Surgeon? - God doesn't think he's a Consultant Surgeon '
i's just kidding Colin
With JD's alledged sexual preferences going viral yesterday, this one is pretty funny

Now I understand the democratic party! I just knew there was something wrong with it, the way they demonize their adversaries... It's all a plan to rid the USA of its Constitutional Republic Status, insidiously steer it into a democratic condition, and then change that into a dictatorship... And they're going to do it if you don't wake up America!

They do everything they can think of to grow the dependent half of the country so that their takeover will have a veneer of legitimacy through votes.
Trump will protect your free speech.

Trump will protect your right to own property

The democrats will take everything away under the pretence that it is for the good of all .. Then you will wake up in a USA that is like North Korea:-


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