Trump is still the world's best bet ...

Also @Hema1 Look at what the Jews created out of that dusty piece of land now known as Israel. Before 1948, it was subsistence farms and herding because for reasons I cannot fathom, Arabs like living in the 7th century. Maybe because the Q'uran tells them to emulate Muhammad. Now, Israel is firmly in the current century and becoming very much a leading high tech hub despite the thousands of bombs lobbed at them from North and South every year. Arabs who live in Israel and who are Israeli citizens wouldn't move back to the 7th century if you paid them.

When Israel left Gaza to its own efforts in ~ 2004, Hamas destroyed much of the infrastructure and businesses built by Israel during the time of the actual occupation - which Israel had left intact for the locals to use. Today, NO OTHER ARAB country will admit Palestinian refugees and some countries, like Kuwait have expelled them for being such a problem and trying to destabilize the countries in which they lived as refugees. Now our senile President wants to import them here because we need more crazies in masks rioting in the streets.
Biden has covid.
But he has been vaccinated and boosted, has he not?
So exactly how can he get coronavirus?
We have been told time and time again that to avoid covid you must be vaccinated and boosted. Only the unvaccinated will be ill.
The only people I know who have had covid have been vaccinated and I haven't and I haven't.
But then again, could Slow-Joe-Go-Joe just be hiding away for a few weeks?
We have been told time and time again that to avoid covid you must be vaccinated and boosted. Only the unvaccinated will be ill.
In the UK we weren’t told that- we were told it wouldn’t prevent you getting Covid but would in a large number of cases (I think it was 80% or better) severely reduce the symptoms- and it was severe symptoms that increased the likelihood of death, particularly in the vulnerable. If you still got Covid you were still expected to isolate yourself
In the UK what I picked up from the COVID vacination advice was that it reduced the chance of catching it and would reduce the severity if caught. Not particularly different from the advice on all vacinations.

The isolation stuff did get totally out of hand. Married couples were in supermarkets and pretending not to know each other...

My take - people get wound up about things, some people get really wound up about things and sometimes governments get wound up about things..

It will be interesting if we get AGI and it just comes along and is ruthlessley objective about something like taxation...
Taxation always seemed to be something that there might be an objective truth to me of a pretty much unarguable optimal level.

I can imagine sections of society being very unhappy with what AGI says..
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From memory, it reduced the chance of you catching Covid by about 80%, reduces death rates significantly if you do catch it, and also reduces the risk of you transmitting the disease. It is not about a binary "you can get it or you can't", but rather altering the risk along a spectrum.

Also, I believe the risk profile was slightly different, depending on which vaccine you got.
Biden has covid.
But he has been vaccinated and boosted, has he not?
Is Biden taking Ivermectin as a cure? :unsure:

But then again, could Slow-Joe-Go-Joe just be hiding away for a few weeks?
Democrats lie. So, from the conspiracy angle, does Biden really have Covid or is this simply a false narrative to provide Biden with a face-saving opportunity to dropout of the presidential race.
Biden has covid.
But he has been vaccinated and boosted, has he not?
So exactly how can he get coronavirus?
We have been told time and time again that to avoid covid you must be vaccinated and boosted. Only the unvaccinated will be ill.
The only people I know who have had covid have been vaccinated and I haven't and I haven't.
But then again, could Slow-Joe-Go-Joe just be hiding away for a few weeks?

We were also given the impression on numerous occasions , and I think the whole world was, that to be unvaccinated was selfish and mean because you were literally killing other people by passing it on to them. Many pundits talked about "killing grandma", for instance.

That all turned out to be false. The vaccine did not stop you from spreading it nor from killing grandma.

The vaccine only helps prevent the most serious symptoms (i.e. makes you have an easier go of it). It is unrelated to transmission or infection.
The isolation stuff did get totally out of hand

Yeah, just a little bit - millions of people unemployed, lost their businesses permanently, kids went crazy in their mind and failed to learn, economies shuttered, all because of a SEVERE over-reaction by liberals.
It is not about a binary "you can get it or you can't", but rather altering the risk along a spectrum.
In the US it was binary. Joe told us repeatedly that if you took the vaccine you wouldn't catch COVID. If you didn't take the vaccine, you were a menace to society and needed to be ostracized. If you didn't take the vaccine, you were fired. We have a lot of lawsuits being brought now suing companies for wrongful termination and the plaintiffs are winning. College students were forced to take the vaccine. For the sake of future generations I hope this doesn't turn out like Thalidomide. Pushing young people who were unlikely to die even if they caught COVID to take an "emergency use only" drug was unconscionable.
And it is now being pushed on babies. Mothers are being intimidated into vaccinating infants and they are considering requiring a vaccination for entry to public school. This is also idiotic. It's not like the vaccine provides lifelong protection like the other vaccines. For COVID which is constantly changing, you need a new booster every 6 months to feed the pockets of big Pharma.
The pharmaceutical companies are too in-bed with the so-called doctors and experts who approve trials and studies. They manipulate the outcomes. They want money for their stupid and near-useless vaccine indefinitely.

Vaccinating babies, who have a better chance of growing wings out of their butt than they do catching a serious covid - is ridiculous
The New York Times cropped out the US flag from the picture of Trump.
The alternative version, with the US flag. But those on the left have not problem with Biden standing defiantly before an LGBTQ flag, or having the White House and/or US embassies bathed in LGBTQ colors.

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