Trump is still the world's best bet ...

By out of context do you mean reporting what actually happens, rather than the fantasy world that Trump lives in
But none of your recent posts in this thread have born any semblance of reality so we might ask what world do you live in? Also, you might want to learn how to separate facts from opinion.
BTW, there needs to be legislation re the border.
So, none of the existing laws matter?? You know, the ones that the Biden administration are ignoring. How about having the border agents cut the razor wire so the illegals won't get hurt as they cross the border outside of a valid border crossing. We wouldn't want any one crossing illegally to get hurt by barriers that are erected to keep them out. How about welding the doors in the fence open so that the criminals are not inconvenienced by having to go around the barrier?

What, exactly, happened to the concept that the Executive branch is the branch that ENFORCES our laws, not facilitates breaking them? They probably don't show those videos in your "reality" zone.
As a foreigner, I still can't understand why out of 300 million people, there can't be better candidates for President than Biden or Trump.
Hey Colin, people in glass houses.........didn't we vote Boris in?

And aren't we on the verge of voting no-zest Starmer in as PM. Plus dopy Angela Raynor, she who couldn't run a tap, in the cabinet and running the country. Along with all of Loony Labour and the crackpot woke brigade in the background. all keeping very quiet at the moment. Make no mistake, Clown Corbyn will be in the government within a year. If Labour had been in at the start of the Covid fiasco, we'd still be in lockdown.

But yeah, Biden is something else. He was over here and inspecting the guard and he looked like he'd gone. You see those people in a rest home just drifting along on cruise, nothing going on behind the eyes.
The best choice between Biden and Trump? I would have thought it would be to emigrate. Australia seems like a good bet.
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Now that Biden has flip floped on the wall his core supporters will have their knives out. Things are looking up.
Uncle G, I doubt China can do much right now, but as bad as they are, they are getting worse economically. Look up some articles by Peter Zeihan regarding the Chinese economy and the absolutely astounding 70% drop in the Chinese birth rate. Their economic indicators are not healthy. In about 10 years, if they don't somehow figure a way out of their dilemma, they will have a country with too many retirees and not enough young workers to support their economy. The aging profile left behind by the Chinese "one child per family" led to families getting abortions of female fetuses - because daughters live with their parents but retiring parents live with their sons. And now... no children because not enough wives to go around.

To answer your question another way... China doesn't need or want to infiltrate us via corrupt politicians, because most of our politicians aren't honest enough for their purposes. BUT, you say, what do you mean by an honest politician? The answer is that an honest politician, once bought, stays bought.
I'm pretty sure that the birthrate problem in China can be directly attributed to the 1-child policy. Since women are worthless, female fetus' were aborted at an alarming rate. So, unless the Chinese men can have babies like American men can, nothing can stop the slide.
But none of your recent posts in this thread have born any semblance of reality so we might ask what world do you live in? Also, you might want to learn how to separate facts from opinion.

So, none of the existing laws matter?? You know, the ones that the Biden administration are ignoring. How about having the border agents cut the razor wire so the illegals won't get hurt as they cross the border outside of a valid border crossing. We wouldn't want any one crossing illegally to get hurt by barriers that are erected to keep them out. How about welding the doors in the fence open so that the criminals are not inconvenienced by having to go around the barrier?

What, exactly, happened to the concept that the Executive branch is the branch that ENFORCES our laws, not facilitates breaking them? They probably don't show those videos in your "reality" zone.
I'm pretty sure that the birthrate problem in China can be directly attributed to the 1-child policy. Since women are worthless, female fetus' were aborted at an alarming rate. So, unless the Chinese men can have babies like American men can, nothing can stop the slide.
From what I've read in the media if a guy decides he is a woman then apparently he is then a she and can do all the things a lady does. Then all the Chinese trans he/she needs to do is produce. Maybe they'll need to attend a lab in Wuhan where they tinker about with things? Then problem solved.

Mind you if there are millions of refugees looking for somewhere new to live, why not pack the lot off to China? They are exactly what XI needs and loads of work in the factories. After all they are nothing but a drain on resources in the West. Apart from the fact that we've no need for nearly a million goat herders who will never pay any tax or support themselves.
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Mind you if there are millions of refugees looking for somewhere new to live, why not pack the lot off to China?

China might allow it, but also might not. Don't forget, these refugees haven't been indoctrinated from birth in the Chinese economic or political system. To the Chinese Communist Party, they would be too disruptive. After all, while not praising them for breaking immigration laws, they DID have enough initiative to do something affirmative in nature to escape intolerable circumstances. They didn't just passively accept their personal circumstances. That makes them too independent-minded for the CCP.
China might allow it, but also might not.
I think it will be in the might not. China is obsessed with controlling the world's resources and if they thought that the refugees could be in any way beneficial, they would have been shipping them over by the boatload before now. Pity really because we don't want them. How much tax from how many people is needed just to keep one of them for a year? Little wonder that taxes are rising, services are declining and budgets insufficient.
The culture is being replaced with a non-western culture due to birthrate dropping in western society.
but you only look at the ones that fit what you want.

I've been thinking about YouTube's algorithm and how it seems to tailor videos to our preferences. It's not that I'm actively searching for certain types of videos; it's more that YouTube seems to figure out what I like and shows me more of the same. I even use different accounts to prevent it from pinning down my political leanings. This leads to what's known as the 'filter bubble' effect. Our feeds become echo chambers, reinforcing our existing views and shielding us from different perspectives.

This can deepen divisions, even among families and friends. In my view, it's troubling when people can't discuss politics with their own siblings without getting upset. We should be able to engage in spirited discussions, even with a bit of heated debate, but still maintain respect and communication at the end of the day.

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