
what do you expect him to do? Attack Russia and start a nuclear war?
What kind of action would satisfy you?
Sanctions do mean something. The stock market has collapsed in Russia, businesses are hit, access to raw materials cut, inflation will rise, civilians will be unhappy. The sanctions when they annexed Crimea were too small though. It cut GDP in Russia by 1%. Useless!
what do you expect him to do? Attack Russia and start a nuclear war?
What kind of action would satisfy you?
Not at all. Biden is a wannabe strongman. Talk tough, but in the end do nothing meaningful.
Trump was the "victim" of a political hit-job by the Democrats
Completely agree. No one seems to care about the unjust victimisation of Trump. Their hate for him clouds caring about the criminal acts of others who tried to set him up.
For the moment, I would like a simple answer to my hypothetical question? HOW would you like your gov to respond to that scenario?
Not at all. Biden is a wannabe strongman. Talk tough, but in the end do nothing meaningful.
I agree. He wants to act tough, but climbing the stairs and a gust or two of wind causes him to collapse.
For the moment, I would like a simple answer to my hypothetical question? HOW would you like your gov to respond to that scenario?
Well, I would expect our country to respect their right to determine their own future. Besides, I did answer that I would not expect them to invade. That is a pretty simple explanation.

Let me ask you a counter-question: If you wanted to expand your empire and continue to annex another part of your neighbour, would one strategy be to claim you have to do this, that you had no choice and you are coming to the defence of your neighbours?
I did answer that I would not expect them to invade. That is a pretty simple explanation.
You did but I somehow missed it, sorry.

We have fundamental differences of opinion on some major points in your reply so there is really no point in discussing Putin's actions. I am certain both the UK and the US would do the exact same thing. In fact we DID threaten to use nuclear force if they did not evacuate Cuba.

But...I am probably in a the minority on this way of thinking and I really do not want to go down this rabbit hole.
You didn't answer the question.
What do you expect him to do?
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I think geography is less relevant nowadays. Is having missiles on your doorstep that much different than having missiles that can travel across the world? And what about ships and subs, who also have these weapons. No one knows where the subs are.

Maybe a good question to ask would be what countries have NATO annexed? For Russia to think NATO would attack Russia, a nuclear power with an unstable leader, is ludicrous. Sure, they need to keep themselves secure, but destabilising Europe and causing a war is the opposite to giving themselves security.

Does anyone here think that NATO has the will, desire or inclination to do a land invasion of Russia? Then Russia has nothing to fear.

The truth is, that Russia wants to expand, and therefore, if countries join NATO, they have nowhere to expand to by force. Consequently, they oppose countries who want to join NATO, since they want to invade at some future date.

Just read his speech the other day. It is about what he considers catastrophic errors of previous administrations for giving away Ukraine etc. This war is nothing about NATO. It is all about imperialism.
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Russia has 20,000 tanks. Why do you think they have so many? For invasions. The UK, for example, is a much richer country than Russia, but we have 400 tanks. Russia has built a sizeable army at the cost of their civilians. The same has happened in North Korea. The leader lives in luxury, spending huge amounts on military, whilst his population starves.

Someone should give Putin a joystick, rather than play war games with real lives.
This is what Putin and his thugs call a peacekeeping mission:

Giving up energy independents has devastating consequences. Armour runs on fossil fuel, it's one reason you see China and Russia promoting green alternatives for the "WEST" but not for their countries. Germany is caught in the middle of this debacle, they have a limited military and dependence on adversaries for some of their energy needs. The USA is also caught up in this naive/childish view of energy under the current administration.
I saw a video of Trump arguing with German ministers saying you expect the US to defend them against Russia but then you enrich the enemy by getting most of your gas from them.
Giving up energy independents has devastating consequences. Armour runs on fossil fuel, it's one reason you see China and Russia promoting green alternatives for the "WEST" but not for their countries. Germany is caught in the middle of this debacle, they have a limited military and dependence on adversaries for some of their energy needs. The USA is also caught up in this naive/childish view of energy under the current administration.
By coincidence, Charlie Gasparino of Fox News just remarked that Biden's energy policy, of shutting down US domestic energy production has essentially funded Putin's invasion of the Ukraine by driving-up the price of oil. Russia makes its $$$$ by exporting oil and gas.

Editorial comment that demands repeating. Every-time, reporters ask what the Biden administration is doing to reduce the price of oil, Biden refuses to acknowledge that he could allow US domestic production to be increased. Biden evidently has pleaded (a demeaning appeal by a supposed super power) with OPEC, that has not gone to well. Evidently, in March of this year, the US imported Iranian oil which would seem to be a violation of the supposed sanctions being imposed on Iran. It also demonstrates extreme duplicity by the Biden administration.

saw a video of Trump arguing with German ministers saying you expect the US to defend them against Russia but then you enrich the enemy by getting most of your gas from them.
A great video and another unfortunate example where those maligning Trump falsely claimed that he was mentally unhinged. By contrast, Biden is clueless.
@Steve R. Good points about the oil. The US is no longer energy independent, something that Trump worked hard to achieve. Now we are left with Russia holding the West hostage to its oil and gas. John Kerry has lost the plot, worrying this crisis will divert attention away from climate issues, and that war increases carbon footprint! :ROFLMAO:
Historically Trump appears to have courted Putin despite/because of their shared Meglomainia? Similarly with Kim Jong-un.
Didn't Trump get impeached over some Ukraine related incident?
Clearly you've never read The Art of War or the Prince. But you did drink the cool-aide:)
what do you expect him to do? Attack Russia and start a nuclear war?
Biden started this war deliberately. All he needed to do was to assure Russia that Ukraine would not become part of NATO. It was Biden who was threatening Russia by arming Ukraine and pushing to have them join NATO. Doesn't mean that Putin wouldn't have invaded anyway because he certainly has expansion desires but he didn't do it while Trump was president and he wouldn't have done it now if Trump were president.

Biden has made us so weak and so poor that China is poised to invade Taiwan as soon as Xi sees which way Biden wiffs on this invasion. China taking Taiwan would be a DISASTER for us. And all the left cares about is diversity and inclusion so our armed forces are also weakened. All they care about are flight suits for pregnant pilots. Can anything be less important for an air force?

Why are pregnant women flying anyway. All those G's can't be good for the baby.
Biden started this war deliberately.
It's so sad to see a murderer starts a war and killing innocents, yet the Americans blame their president over it. Because he belongs to the other party.
Just like Putin is not the one who has the responsibility for this war.
It's so sad to see a murderer starts a war and killing innocents, yet the Americans blame their president over it. Because he belongs to the other party.
Just like Putin is not the one who has the responsibility for this war.
Biden is not being blamed "Because he belongs to the other party." Biden is being blamed for incompetence. Biden refused to acknowledge Russia's concerns. I refer you back to my posts here. Not one of those commenting stated that Biden is being blamed because of his Democratic party affiliation. Note the comments by Tusli Gabbard, who is a Democrat.

Biden tweeted on Feb. 21, 2020 that Putin “doesn’t want me to be President.”
“He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.”
Biden is a bully, a strongman wannabe. He has treated Putin with contempt. As a life-long politician, Biden should know much better.
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