Useless Facts

Bodybuilder, film star, and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, "Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50 million, but I was just as happy when I had $48 million."
Hondas and Toyotas are the most frequently stolen passenger cars because they have parts that can be readily exchanged between model years without a problem. :confused:
Actually, the most common stolen cars in North America are pre-1999 Chrysler mini vans.
Due to design flaws, a three year old could steal one.
The flaws were fixed in 1999 and later versions.
Henry Flagler, one of Florida's richest land developers, had neither a bell or a knocker on the front door of his Palm Beach estate. Instead, he employed two uniformed doormen to stand outside the house and save visitors the discomfort of ringing a bell.
BarryMK said:
I am currently drinking a cup of tea.
I've just had a fag and finished my tea. Its 11am.

Just found out I have to learn the bass for "Man of Mystery" and "The Savage" (by The Shadows) by saturday night for a gig.;)

My arse has a width 47 cm when I'm sat down, and 35 cm when I'm stood up.
Pauldohert said:
My arse has a width 47 cm when I'm sat down, and 35 cm when I'm stood up.
thanks for sharing that with us Paul:rolleyes:

My bike does 64 MPG

Rich said:
Mine does appr. 120mph

Mine does about 25 mph when I'm going downhill and if I turn the pedals real fast.
In 1822, Norwegian traders made the first shipment of blocks of ice to England to meet the increasing demand for ice. But British custom officials refused to allow the ship to unload because they didn't know how to classify the ice for import taxes. By the time officials figured out and ruled the ice was a form of dry goods, it wasn't. All the ice on the ship had melted into water.
When El Salvadoran priests tried to help the nationa's numerous poor, many of the wealthy countryman responded by leaving the Catholic Church. They formed a new church that preached God was on the side of the rich, which is why He punshied poor people by making them poor. Or, as Jesus said: love thy neighbor as thyself as long as he's in the same country club as you are.
The number of stops an elevator makes on the way down to the ground floor is in direct relation to how late you are.
Yep it was the horse drawn version an optional extra was a pooper scooper
Sylvester Graham was a 19th century health faddist who developed graham flour and the graham cracker to improve the American diet. But Graham's own diet became so restrictive that his health rapidly collapsed. He died at 57 from trying too hard to be healthy.
In Salzburg Austria at the St. Augustine monestary, monks have a full scale brewery. They sell the beer on the premises in Salzburg's largest beer garden.

The only vertically integrated brewery in the Catholic Church.
statsman said:
The only vertically integrated brewery in the Catholic Church.

Vertically ?
Is there a difference between vertically and horizontally integrated breweries ?
And what about the old Romans ? They drank their own brewed stuff with tin cups, lying on their beds. Wouldn't that qualify as horizontal intergration ? ;)
I'm utterly bored today and I just broke another b string of my guitar.

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