Useless Facts

In 1933, an art history textbook with photos of Michelangelo's Sistine Chaple painting "The Last Judgment" was impounded by U.S. Cutoms officials for containing "lewd pictures"

Italian art lovers who attended the unvailing of Michelangelo's statue of "David" were shocked by the statue's nudity. They threw stones at what was later recognized as a masterpiece.

In Germany in 1853, a statue of "Venus de milo" was arrested and tried for public nudity. The artist being unknown and dead for several centuries, the statue itself was convicted.
During Prohibition in the US, America hosted the Summer and Winter Olympics (Lake Placid and Los Angeles 1932). European athletes who cosidered moderate amounts of alcohol to be an essential part of training were so upset that they couldn't drink they threatened to boycott the Games. The Bureau of Prohibition made a special order permitting it for health reasons. The order did not include American athletes.
18th Century astronomers the Herschels' were brother and sister. They made their own telescopes, but didn't have much money. They would use molds made from horse dung to craft their mirrors. They actually made the worlds best telescops this way for the time.
Using one of their poop scopes, the discovered a planet twice as far away from the sun as the planet next in line, Saturn. The Herschels rewarded school kids with endless giggles by naming the planet Uranus in honor of the Roman god who was the father of Saturn.
But Uranus wasn't their first choice. They wanted to name it George, in honor of King of england, George III. But who ever heard of a planet named George?
FoFa said:
18th Century astronomers the Herschels' were brother and sister. They made their own telescopes, but didn't have much money. They would use molds made from horse dung to craft their mirrors. They actually made the worlds best telescops this way for the time.
Using one of their poop scopes, the discovered a planet twice as far away from the sun as the planet next in line, Saturn. The Herschels rewarded school kids with endless giggles by naming the planet Uranus in honor of the Roman god who was the father of Saturn.
But Uranus wasn't their first choice. They wanted to name it George, in honor of King of england, George III. But who ever heard of a planet named George?

Being that hind sight is 20/20, I think George would have been better than Uranus. Uranus isn't taken very seriously. :D
FoFa said:
18th Century astronomers the Herschels' were brother and sister. They made their own telescopes, but didn't have much money. They would use molds made from horse dung to craft their mirrors. They actually made the worlds best telescops this way for the time.
Using one of their poop scopes, the discovered a planet twice as far away from the sun as the planet next in line, Saturn. The Herschels rewarded school kids with endless giggles by naming the planet Uranus in honor of the Roman god who was the father of Saturn.
But Uranus wasn't their first choice. They wanted to name it George, in honor of King of england, George III. But who ever heard of a planet named George?

The pressing question in astrophysics is:
Is it pronounced Ur - anis
Or Urin-us

More toilet humour follows.
Most goals scored in a World Cup qualifier: Australia 31-0 American Samoa, 2002 qualification.
Most goals scored, player, tournament: Just Fontaine (France), 13, 1958
Most goals scored, player, match: Oleg Salenko, 5, Russia vs Cameroon, 1994.
Most Americans to watch a World Cup Final


statsman said:
Most Americans to watch a World Cup Final



Most Americans to watch it for reasons other than because they were trying to be trendy:


statsman said:
Most Americans to watch a World Cup Final


Number of Americans who think the World Cup Finals only have USA teams.

100,000,000 (the rest have never heard of it, nor ever heard of Germany)


ColinEssex said:
Number of Americans who think the World Cup Finals only have USA teams.

100,000,000 (the rest have never heard of it, nor ever heard of Germany)



Nah Col think you are a bit out there in you estimate

100,000,000 ...there's not that may of them Is there ?.

Just seems like it eh :D :D :D

Number of Americans that would have watched had we known we'd get to see the next closest thing to a French Military Action:eek: :

Bodisathva said:
Number of Americans that would have watched had we known we'd get to see the next closest thing to a French Military Action:eek: :


Stone me if thats not opening the door and inviting comments about war mongering I do not know what is

Okay Rich/Col just start with a small broadside otherwise they'l get a bit techy....again

:D :D :D
Bodisathva said:
Number of Americans that would have watched had we known we'd get to see the next closest thing to a French Military Action:eek: :

Just tell them to read the real history of WW1, not the American version:rolleyes:
Bodisathva said:
Number of Americans that would have watched had we known we'd get to see the next closest thing to a French Military Action:eek: :


French - Military - Action.

Classic example of an oxymoron.
At this very moment there is a kind of heat wave ongoing on the majority of European countries.
Today's record in the center of the Netherlands is an unbelievable 37.8 Degrees Celcius. :eek:

What the heck am I doing in this office anyway !!
rak said:
At this very moment there is a kind of heat wave ongoing on the majority of European countries.
Today's record in the center of the Netherlands is an unbelievable 37.8 Degrees Celcius. :eek:

What the heck am I doing in this office anyway !!

Would you rather be outside? :eek:

We're going through something like that here. The high yesterday (and forecasted for today through Friday) was a whopping 104, or 40 degrees Celsius. On Saturday we're going to have a "cold front" come through that will lower our temps to about 32.78 Celsius. :rolleyes: We go through this every July and August here though. We'll have several days where we reach in excess of 100 (37.78 Celsius). It's the worst time to live here. :mad:

I guess that's my useless fact. July and August are the worst months to live in Oklahoma.
MrsGorilla said:
Would you rather be outside? :eek:

We're going through something like that here. The high yesterday (and forecasted for today through Friday) was a whopping 104, or 40 degrees Celsius. On Saturday we're going to have a "cold front" come through that will lower our temps to about 32.78 Celsius. :rolleyes: We go through this every July and August here though. We'll have several days where we reach in excess of 100 (37.78 Celsius). It's the worst time to live here. :mad:

I guess that's my useless fact. July and August are the worst months to live in Oklahoma.

I'm from Oklahoma originally, and I always tell people we only have 3 seasons here. Summer, winter and August.

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