Useless Facts (1 Viewer)

rak said:
I'm utterly bored today and I just broke another b string of my guitar.
I broke the b string of my Strat the other day.

Odd how both Europeans used the description "of my..." whilst an American guitar player would have used "on my..."
Darn.. I just broke another e string on my ukelile
KenHigg said:
There's the first line of a new tune :D

I broke the b string of my Strat the other day...
and wondered why my Hagstrom faded away..
Snappy little ditties danc'n in my head,
While doct'r strat just lay there dead...
Bodisathva said:
Odd how both Europeans used the description "of my..." whilst an American guitar player would have used "on my..."
well I was close:rolleyes: a Strat is an American guitar:D

even more odd...he breaks the strings "of" his guitar and "on" his uke...
I went to a very bag gig last Saturday. There was a terrible tinny indie pop band called the fast emperors. Needless to say the C string broke. Though to be honest it didn't make much difference they were so bad, possibly they were a bit better.
KenHigg said:
Snappy little ditties danc'n in my head,
While doct'r strat just lay there dead...

The stray cats were a weird but melodic band
wonder where my hag was goin' to land ....
I broke the dental floss while cleaning my teeth last night.

Sorry, I'm not musical.
rak said:
Vertically ?
Is there a difference between vertically and horizontally integrated breweries ?
And what about the old Romans ? They drank their own brewed stuff with tin cups, lying on their beds. Wouldn't that qualify as horizontal intergration ? ;)

"Vertical Integration" is a business term referring to owning all aspects of a business. The manufacture, dstribution and sales networks (but I'm sure you already knew that).

Kind of like the Dallas Cowboys who own the team, the trademarks, the stadium they play in and the ticket distribution. As soon as they get their own satalite in orbit, they'll have their own TV Network as well.

By the way, it's very good beer.
statsman said:
I broke the dental floss while cleaning my teeth last night.

Sorry, I'm not musical.

Well you are, because that's a pretty good line to be added to the blues in Gm as constructed in this post.
Something like :

I broke the dental floss while cleaning my teeth last night...
and took another VI Beer while the Dallas cowboys were at fight ..... :D

I was so mad there was red it my sight
So I sat right down and had another pint.
Health offcials in the 1950's urged parents to use wallpaper coated with DDT in their baby's nursery to get rid of flies that carried diseases.
One officially unanticipated side effect: The DDT wallpaper made more kids sick than the flies did.
English scientist Frederick Lanchester was an aeronautical pioneer who established the principles of flight in the 1890s, before the Wright Brothers came to the same conclusions.
When Lanchester presented his original ideas to the English scientific societies, he was rejected. The other scientists thought his curious notions would never lead to successful flight.
The "experts" were so convincing (you know how intelligent that English accent sounds) that Lanchester gave up his flying pursuits and moved on to other studies, none of which led to anything as amazing as the airplane.
FoFa said:
English scientist Frederick Lanchester was an aeronautical pioneer who established the principles of flight in the 1890s, before the Wright Brothers came to the same conclusions.
When Lanchester presented his original ideas to the English scientific societies, he was rejected. The other scientists thought his curious notions would never lead to successful flight.
The "experts" were so convincing (you know how intelligent that English accent sounds) that Lanchester gave up his flying pursuits and moved on to other studies, none of which led to anything as amazing as the airplane.

Too bad he wasn't from Ohio.
In the 18th centuary an English person who took a bath was considered eccentric. The English writer Samuel Pepys was suprised when he learned that his wife had taken bath - once in her life. But he was shocked when she announced that she intended at some point to take another.
a certain foul word was "allegedly" derived from the crime of adultery. when people where placed in stocks for their crimes in ye olde days their crime was carved into the wood above their head. What they called adultery then was too long so instead of "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge" they shortened it to its acronym. :)

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