
And you think this is good?
yes, drain the swamp.

Are you completely unaware of all of the alternate electors who have been sent to Congress in the past?
I know all about it. Do You? I'd love to hear your version of it. Do you know the differences between the Hawaii electors and Trumps?
Your almost there. Again I'll state that I'm talking in generalities as neither you nor I know the intricacies involved. These issues are extremely fact based on a case by case basis. Just because a defendant wants something it does not create an obligation for the prosecution to provide it. Generally anything the prosecution is going to use at trial must be exchanged. Same goes for the defense.
I think you have the makings of a strawman argument there. I have only ever argued that the prosecution has an obligation to provide documentation that is in their possession. And that the defense does not need to ask for it. They should get it automatically. It is part of the constitution in the 5th and 6th amendments. The prosecution were arguing that the defense was slow to ask for it, but the defense was arguing that it is not their job to chase up the prosecution.
Again, it was litigated and according to the article you provided the judge found the prosecution did not have an obligation to pursue those records on behalf of the defense, nor was SDNY required to voluntarily provide them. We don't even know the scope of the request and there are exceptions such as attorney work product that may apply. I can't tell you the reason without more information.
The Klan judge considered the 200,000 page document dump only warranted a 3 week delay to the trial.
What a surprise. More indictments of Trump Aides in Wisconsin today. Who saw that coming?

Hmm, busy day for lawyers

More lawfare?
I have only ever argued that the prosecution has an obligation to provide documentation that is in their possession. And that the defense does not need to ask for it. They should get it automatically.
That is correct but it didn't sound like you understood the care, custody , and control issues. That's what occurs in the early stages which are then followed by a series of PTC's where discovery issues are hammered out. It's there that deadlines get set, and often extended, that leads to non compliance issues which applies to both sides. It's not a simple process.

the 200,000 page document dump
I think the biggest I've had were 2 pdfs, one was @10,000 pages and the other just over 20,000. It was the raw data of 2 facebook accounts which were generated over a weeks time. Pages were loaded top to bottom with tons of info. Thankfully out of all the data the only relevant stuff was the timestamp, the sender, the recipient(s), and the message, which in many instances were one or two words sentences. I wound up writing an app to parse that out.
More lawfare?
No. Just our institutions doing what they're supposed to.
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You know what is a simple process? Indicting Hunter Biden on FARA charges. That would be simple to do, but David Wise won't do that even with a mountain of evidence to support it. If they did, it would tie Joe Biden and another certain former president into the charges as well. I guess some privileged folks are above the law and never get indicted on the charges that matter. They already chose to put their heads in the sand on that issue and it's the most important one.
You know what is a simple process? Indicting Hunter Biden on FARA charges.
Not so simple when you don't have credible evidence. Do you mean David Weiss, the trump appointed US Atty. Isn't he the one who charged Smirnov for fabricating the story that all the republicans fell for? Whatever happened with that whole impeach Biden thing? Did Comer Pyle finally give up?
The Klan judge considered the 200,000 page document dump only warranted a 3 week delay to the trial.
These are the same people who believe that it is OK to drop a 3,000 page bill in congress 24 hours before the members need to vote on it. This is why we end up with such bad laws. No one knows what they are voting for or against. As Pelosi famously said about the "affordable" care act - you have to pass the bill to know what's in it.
I was referring to the Texas Government which is seated in Austin.
So was I;) The Republicans in the Texas state government have been co opted by the artsey crowd in Austin.
I Know your a stickler for quotes, at least when it comes your messiah.
The actual quote is below and the "you" she was referring to was the audience at some conference, not congress.
Of course there were a lot of words before the quote but I guess putting it in context doesn't fit in with the false narrative.
But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.

An awful lot of time was spent discussing it so it's hard to believe no one knew what was in it.

■ The House held 79 bipartisan hearings and markups on the health reform bill over an entire year.

■ House members spent nearly 100 hours in hearings, listening to 181 witnesses from both parties. They considered 239 amendments, both Democratic and Republican, and accepted 121.

■ The HELP Committee, in charge of the process, held 14 bipartisan roundtables, 13 bipartisan hearings, and 20 bipartisan walkthroughs.

■ The HELP Committee considered nearly 300 amendments, and accepted more than 160 from Republicans.

■ The Finance Committee held 17 roundtables, summits, and hearings. It also held 13 member meetings and walkthroughs and 38 meetings and negotiations.

■ The Committee also held a 7-day markup of the bill -- its longest markup in in 22 years, resulting in a bipartisan 14-9 to approve.

■ That markup resulted in 41 amendments to revise the bill, including 18 by unanimous consent or without objection.

■ The Senate spent 25 consecutive days in session discussing the ACA. This was the second longest consecutive session in American history. In total, the Senate spent more than 160 hours considering the legislation.
They say the polls indicate Virginia is in play for the election. Last time Biden won it by 11 points.
Keep convicting!
These are the same people who believe that it is OK to drop a 3,000 page bill in congress 24 hours before the members need to vote on it. This is why we end up with such bad laws. No one knows what they are voting for or against. As Pelosi famously said about the "affordable" care act - you have to pass the bill to know what's in it.

So was I;) The Republicans in the Texas state government have been co opted by the artsey crowd in Austin.
I enjoy watching the state of Tx keep austin in check.
Not so simple when you don't have credible evidence.
Your trying to say that it's perfectly OK to receive money from foreign governments or entities (work on their behalf) and not report it? That 1.6 Million that Hunter pulled out of ATM's over a four year period was for keeping a seat warm on board at Burisma and not reportable? This is exactly what they do when there are real crimes, they just put their heads in the sand and say there is no evidence. The money trail doesn't lie. We're not talking one or two levels of hiding the trail, this thing goes much deeper than that. Why is it necessary to create such a twisted trail of payment accounting with such a tangled web? The actual red flags noted by involved banks absolutely noticed the fraud potetial just from the shady way the money was being moved around. If that isn't damning evidence enough to investigate further, I don't know what is. There literally no other reason for doing such a thing except for covering up the trail by way of compilated transfers in the hopes that no one notices or someone like you says there is no credible evidence.

In contrast we have such solid evidence like this one that was used for a cover up:
More than 50 former intelligence officials said emails alleged to have been found on a laptop belonging to Hunter Biden show signs of a Russian disinformation operation.

That was considered evidence by deferring to experts, and it was all a lie to do more quick cover up. Pay attention to what is actually going on.
That special cover up attorney general refuses to release those audio tapes of Bribem. Pay attention to what is going on.
An awful lot of time was spent discussing it so it's hard to believe no one knew what was in it.
All anyone heard were the talking points. If you like your doctor, you can keep him. If you like your plan, you can keep it. The average family will save $2500 per year in premiums. Every talking point was a lie. The "controversy" was caused by the few people who had read the bill along the way and were disputing the above claims.

My husband and I paid for our own insurance. Our premiums doubled. My daughter and the twins were covered by a corporate plan. Her deductible went from $500 to $4,000!!!!! and it is more now.
as usual, the only people it may have "helped" was the few people who intiially signed up for it - at the rest of our expense, which it most definitely did not help
I Know your a stickler for quotes, at least when it comes your messiah.
I think "messiah" and "cult" accusations are a positive thing, because it shows both envy of the enthusiasm Mr D brings, and also in contrast the complete lethargy Biden supporters have towards their leader.

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