
The Military gave the advise to not shoot it down.
And you were in the room when this happened? I have several retired and active duty military friends and they were aghast that Biden actually did not allow the military to shoot down the balloons as soon as they crossed into our airspace.
I am so tired of you talking down to me.
Then stop making statements like that so I won't have to explain reality to you. Were you in the room when the military brass told Biden to not shoot down the balloon? Were you in the room when the military told Biden to evacuate the military from Afghanistan first and let our citizens and Afghan employees fend for themselves? How about the disposition of the billions worth of military equipment? Maybe we could have just given it to our allies. Several were very close, they might even have brought in their own trucks and people to move it. Maybe we could have bombed Bagram to smithereens rather than leaving it intact for the Chinese?
He was using initials to communicate. I can't stand that.

Don't EVER work for a government entity then because half of what they say involves agency acronyms. When I worked with the Navy as a contractor, my assigned machines were in a network with data exchanges (FTP-style) among a total of 18 different systems - each with its own system name but ALSO each for a different hosting department or office with an acryonym. Not to mention the literally DOZENS of other agencies that were not part of our daily connection schedule.
Don't EVER work for a government entity then because half of what they say involves agency acronyms. When I worked with the Navy as a contractor, my assigned machines were in a network with data exchanges (FTP-style) among a total of 18 different systems - each with its own system name but ALSO each for a different hosting department or office with an acryonym. Not to mention the literally DOZENS of other agencies that were not part of our daily connection schedule.
I was a database developer at TSA. I got a lifetime of "letter names" jammed on me. Not being a cool aid drinker, I was very frustrating.
And you were in the room when this happened? I have several retired and active duty military friends and they were aghast that Biden actually did not allow the military to shoot down the balloons as soon as they crossed into our airspace.

Then stop making statements like that so I won't have to explain reality to you. Were you in the room when the military brass told Biden to not shoot down the balloon? Were you in the room when the military told Biden to evacuate the military from Afghanistan first and let our citizens and Afghan employees fend for themselves? How about the disposition of the billions worth of military equipment? Maybe we could have just given it to our allies. Several were very close, they might even have brought in their own trucks and people to move it. Maybe we could have bombed Bagram to smithereens rather than leaving it intact for the Chinese?
I get it. there is no power on this earth that will make you question your beliefs. After 4 more years of MAGA and the destruction of all protections of our citizens, you will still be a true believer.
And you were in the room when this happened? I have several retired and active duty military friends and they were aghast that Biden actually did not allow the military to shoot down the balloons as soon as they crossed into our airspace.

Then stop making statements like that so I won't have to explain reality to you.
Reality? So you are allowed to make condescending statements because your opinions are popular here. It's all warm and fuzzy isn't it?
I get it. there is no power on this earth that will make you question your beliefs. After 4 more years of MAGA and the destruction of all protections of our citizens, you will still be a true believer.
Trump supporters are so wired, that they cannot, and will not admit to themselves that they have been taken for a ride by the biggest liar and conman in world political history. Stalin and Putin instilled real fear into the population, They had to comply or die, MAGA fans are walking into the bullshit with glee, the only excuse they will have is to claim stupidity and they are not ready to do that yet.

In five or six years time there will be virtually No trump supporter who will admit to supporting trump or MAGA. Those who laugh last last longest.
I get it. there is no power on this earth that will make you question your beliefs.
You are making up facts not in evidence. We do have the trail of the diamonds and that trail leads from the Biden crime family back to China.

In five or six years time there will be virtually No trump supporter who will admit to supporting trump or MAGA.
In your dreams.

You should probably use the wayback machine for two examples to see the Democrat party line on immigration and abortion pre the outbreak of TDS. Trump was a lifelong Democrat. His children are Democrats. He ran as a Republican in 2016 because the Democrats had already anointed HRC as their nominee and the clock was ticking. If Trump wanted to run in 2016, his choices were as an independent or as a Republican. The two-party system has such a lock on politics, it is close to impossible for a third party candidate to win the Presidency so Trump took the only option he had. Register as a Republican:)
Did you really need to interpret what I said? Do you think I am not capable of saying that McConnell's action was justified if I thought it was justified? Don't make me into a progressive. I am quite capable of saying what I mean and meaning what I say. I don't think that saying that McConnell's action was 100% wrong was in any way wishy-washy so why you would infer something so off the wall is beyond me. Your Karnak the Magnificent hat has lost its power.
But wait. You felt the need to add the kinda like... piece after agreeing that McConnell stealing two Justices from the American people was wrong.
So if not justifying then why add that?
But wait. You felt the need to add the kinda like... piece after agreeing that McConnell stealing two Justices from the American people was wrong.
So if not justifying then why add that?
I wasn't justifying anything. I was just pointing out that both parties make really bad choices on occasion. Not that one justifies the other. McConnell's "100% wrong" preceded the latest Democrat "100% wrong" outright rejection of an impeachment and so the Democrats may have justified their action based on the previous "wrong" by McConnell.

I'm pretty sure your mommy told you that two wrongs don't make a right. Well they don't. But that doesn't stop politicians from making bad choices and saying they'll deal with the blow back if it ever happens. Well Republicans - BlowBack happened. But what is extra bad for the Democrats is that the Republicans are not going to forgive this. And no Senate will in the future ever again accept an impeachment order for any member of their own party. That is seriously bad for democracy since the party of the person being impeached should have no relevance on whether or not the Senate does its duty to hold a trial. But, now it does.
I was a database developer at TSA. I got a lifetime of "letter names" jammed on me. Not being a cool aid drinker, I was very frustrating.

I'm a big proponent of, "stop using acronyms" in business settings. Half the people on the call might have no idea what it means and half the people using them are just trying to sound important by doing so at least about half the time.

Good communication in business settings demands people reduce their use of acronyms and just type or say it out all the way - this way you don't have people on the meeting that aren't understanding what you're saying.

Of course businesses need to have acronyms, but that doesn't mean people should verbally abbreviate everything all the time - a good communicator knows their audience and if in doubt, spell it out
I don't mind acronyms because it becomes possible to have a translation table for JOIN queries to convert USMC to United States Marine Corps or USAF to United States Air Force. The ones that get me are the half-and-half abbreviations. The department where I worked was, at different times, COMNAVRESFOR Code 10 (Commander, Navy Reserve Force, sub-office #10), COMNAVRESFORCOM (Commander, Navy Reserve Force Command), and NAVRESINFOSYSOFF (Naval Reserve Information Systems Office). For that last one, we actually wanted to go full acronym but NRISO was already taken. Eventually, the Navy did yet ANOTHER realignment and we became NEDC NO (Navy Enterprise Data Center New Orleans), which was still easier than writing it out in full. I retired while that one was in effect so I have lost track of where they went.

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