
Hard to say, but MAGA is certainly determined to take the power of protecting the people and turning it over to the Crown. They want to but the Fox in charge of the chicken coup.
Now imagine Don junior and Melania were the gatekeepers.
Please, educate me. SHOW ME THE ACCOUNTING of how the money was spent. All of those audits are public information and published. I could find any audit. Our own military can't keep track of my money and Ukraine is at war.

The reason for NATO's founding after WWII was to protect against Soviet expansion. The move was successful and the USSR collapsed during the Reagan administration. NATO should have been disbanded then and they should have all high-fived each other on their success. They didn't. There was too much military spending on the table and the NeoCons were not giving it up.

Over the years we've had agreements with Russia, to not expand NATO beyond the member countries. NOT treaties, but agreements. Agreements are not voted on by congress. They are hand-shakes and our hand-shake is worthless apparently. Joe was looking for a fight and so decided to start one by pushing NATO to take Ukraine - Ukraine was probably paying him but we don't have the cancelled check yet. NATO did not want to accept Ukraine due to their corruption but Joe kept pushing. Taunting the bear. Pushing until he got his way and Putin invaded. Sure Putin is ultimately the bad guy. He didn't have to invade. But, we also didn't need to push him either. In any event, it is not our country being devastated but we sure have some culpability in starting the fight.

It's useless Pat, all they know how to say is Russia Russia Russia
Partial Truths as usual.
So, there is an accounting somewhere???? Where?
NATO has another mission, to make it where the US is not the sole provider of security for the world.
That's rich. I'm sure you must have been very happy with Trump when he insisted that our allies pay their "fair share" rather than leaving it to us to fund NATO and the UN so that the countries of Europe could spend their money on their welfare state rather than their defence budgets:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

This week Biden actually took credit for Trump's work getting other countries to pay up their UN and NATO obligations. Typical Biden lie.
Nope, wrong. That has been debunked many times. The rule had more details to it, including who controlled the Presidency and/or the Senate.
Taking that into account, McConnell actually DID stick to the rule.
Which rule?
The one that says the current president can't appoint a justice 10 months before the election or the rule that states a president can appoint a justice days before the election?
Maybe you can provide a citation for your claim?
It was 100% wrong. Kinda' like the Senate's current decision to not conduct the trial for the impeachment sent to them by the House. Since when does the Senate majority leader decide the outcome of an impeachment? The Constitution specifies a trial. But the Dems think the Constitution is simply guidelines written by old white slave owners so it can be ignored if inconvenient. That is going to burn you when Trump gets elected and if the Republicans lose the House, the Impeachment will be in the Senate's hands the day after Trump takes office.
It was wrong but justified, in your opinion.
Meanwhile AOC is trying her best to make an ass out of herself by suggesting a SCJ can be removed if she doesn't like the decision. Her reasons for doing so are the weakest in American history and don't even come close to exceeding what was tried back in 1804 against Chase. It has no chance whatsoever of succeeding. But the lawfare continues.
When Chinese balloons fly over your country, I call that a national security threat. Under the current admin, they view it as services rendered for all those diamonds ($23M from 2016 to 2017) the Biden's got in one of those shell companies they have.
Pure fiction. The military decided what to do with that spy balloon.
Meanwhile AOC is trying her best to make an ass out of herself by suggesting a SCJ can be removed if she doesn't like the decision. Her reasons for doing so are the weakest in American history and don't even come close to exceeding what was tried back in 1804 against Chase. It has no chance whatsoever of succeeding. But the lawfare continues.
Do you work for the government?
Unless you have figured out a way to completely evade taxes, we ALL work for the government.
Not only that, if you think you own your house because you paid for it already, see what the state does to it if you don't pay the taxes on it.
It was wrong but justified, in your opinion.
Did you really need to interpret what I said? Do you think I am not capable of saying that McConnell's action was justified if I thought it was justified? Don't make me into a progressive. I am quite capable of saying what I mean and meaning what I say. I don't think that saying that McConnell's action was 100% wrong was in any way wishy-washy so why you would infer something so off the wall is beyond me. Your Karnak the Magnificent hat has lost its power.
Pure fiction. The military decided what to do with that spy balloon.
No. That isn't how our country works. The Commander-in-Chief decided to not shoot down the balloons. You know, the same guy who made the absolutely brilliant decision to evacuate the military from Afghanistan and leave the civilians to fend for themselves and $85B of advanced military equipment for the Taliban to sell to other terrorists. Not to mention abandoning a billion dollar air base to China.

Apparently the Chinese wanted more payment for the diamonds and allowing them to spy on our infrastructure and military installations was the payment. Way to go Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unless you have figured out a way to completely evade taxes, we ALL work for the government.
Technically, when you work for an organization, they pay you an income. So how come we are paying (taxes to) the organization?
Which rule?
The one that says the current president can't appoint a justice 10 months before the election or the rule that states a president can appoint a justice days before the election?
Maybe you can provide a citation for your claim?

It wasn't a rule, it was an informal protocol - and McConnel exercised his legal power in any case.

I'm just pointing out that depending on how you define this "protocol", he did abide by it. Claims that he did not depend on re-defining the thing first. (as I always say, most liberal new ideas depend on re-defining words and concepts such as Racism, Privilege, Equity, Gender, and the list goes on and on of redefined words which they now depend on for their ideology - ridiculous)
No. That isn't how our country works. The Commander-in-Chief decided to not shoot down the balloons. You know, the same guy who made the absolutely brilliant decision to evacuate the military from Afghanistan and leave the civilians to fend for themselves and $85B of advanced military equipment for the Taliban to sell to other terrorists. Not to mention abandoning a billion dollar air base to China.

Apparently the Chinese wanted more payment for the diamonds and allowing them to spy on our infrastructure and military installations was the payment. Way to go Joe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so tired of you talking down to me. The truth is you actually believe you are more intelligent than I am.
The Military gave the advise to not shoot it down.
Trump worshiping is some dangerous business.

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