Westboro Baptist Church


Registered User.
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Today, 00:48
Oct 4, 2005
Am I the only one that thinks this guy's WAY too mental to be left roaming the streets?:eek:


And now he's "demonstrating" at the funerals of soldiers claiming that "God" killed them in retribution for defending a country that "tolerates gays"?:eek: Added to which, the moron claims that his constitutional rights to "peaceably assemble" protects his right to do so? Do his constitutional rights actually permit such a grotesque perversion of the constitution?

This will not end well...
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Damn, no fags in heaven, there's enough no smoking signs down here :mad: :rolleyes:
Damn, no fags in heaven, there's enough no smoking signs down here

Thats a bummer!
Rich said:
Damn, no fags in heaven, there's enough no smoking signs down here :mad: :rolleyes:
is there anything nice in heaven?

and where exactly is heaven? we look "heavenwards" to the sky, but it hasn't shown on any photos yet:confused:

Rich said:
Millions of virgins apparently, Christ knows where they come from though :confused: :rolleyes:
Not Essex thats for sure:rolleyes:

Have you heard that a few muslem extreamist are destroying Islam??? Well, we in the christian community have ours to...... Jim Jones, David Koresh, Fred Phelp etc etc. Not just men of God who slip up i.g. Jim Baker, but people who truly distort the foundation of a religion to create an evil, ville entity based on deception and hate. Tim
Bodisathva said:
Am I the only one that thinks this guy's WAY too mental to be left roaming the streets?:eek:

The guy is a wacko, along with the rest of his "congregation". :rolleyes:
MrsGorilla said:
The guy is a wacko, along with the rest of his "congregation". :rolleyes:

Would I be correct in also concluding that he's Republican ? :confused:
The "church" (actually comprised of those members of his immediate family who haven't managed to escape) is being sued by the father of one of those soldiers for invasion of privacy. Me, I would have tossed on "intentional infliction of emotional harm" as well. From the quotes I read, they actually seemed surprised that someone had done this.
I'm suprised the guy isn't prosecuted for inciting hatred ?:confused:
by the way are those the type of sprinkles one might find on the toilet seat?
Idjit said:
The "church" (actually comprised of those members of his immediate family who haven't managed to escape) is being sued by the father of one of those soldiers for invasion of privacy. Me, I would have tossed on "intentional infliction of emotional harm" as well. From the quotes I read, they actually seemed surprised that someone had done this.

I think I've mentioned before, this group is based here in Topeka, KS. We all just love having Fred and his hate-mongerers around. He even wears a bullet-proof vest given to him by the Topeka Police Dept. They live in a compound with a fence around it. Yes, Westboro Babtist Church, just one more thing to make you proud to be from Kansas...:(
Rich said:
I'm suprised the guy isn't prosecuted for inciting hatred ?:confused:
by the way are those the type of sprinkles one might find on the toilet seat?

No, those earn you a fate worse than death! :mad:
chef_tim said:
Have you heard that a few muslem extreamist are destroying Islam??? Well, we in the christian community have ours to...... Jim Jones, David Koresh, Fred Phelp etc etc. Not just men of God who slip up i.g. Jim Baker, but people who truly distort the foundation of a religion to create an evil, ville entity based on deception and hate. Tim

You're saying Jim Baker was a man of God? :eek: Where on earth do you draw the line?:confused:
chef_tim said:
but people who truly distort the foundation of a religion to create an evil, ville entity based on deception and hate. Tim
Thats the basis for religions isn't it?. . . . . deception and hate?

Religion is like fanatical football supporters, they hate any other religion to the extent they will fight and kill on behalf of their "team":rolleyes:


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