Westboro Baptist Church

Rich said:
Sink a red, then a colour, then a red, then a colour, and so on until all the reds are sunk, then the colours have to be sunk in the correct order

Are you pretty good with the stick and balls Richy boy? Can you sink them pretty well? ;)

It sounds like a fun game. I wouldn't mind trying it out myself. :D
selenau837 said:
Are you pretty good with the stick and balls Richy boy? Can you sink them pretty well? ;)

I've never had a problem sinking my..................damn, I musn't :mad:
Rich said:
I've never had a problem sinking my..................damn, I musn't :mad:
Oh go ahead. You can't blame the fish for taking the bait, can you?
Rich said:
That's skittles ;)
Thats table skittles or bar billiards. (for our US friends) Real skittles is played in pubs, out the back on a proper bowling alley - its like ten-pin-bowling but with only 9 pins. The balls are much smaller and the gaps between the pins are bigger. So unlike ten pin, where you can't miss - you have to be accurate to hit the pins or the ball goes straight through.

Real skittles is played in leagues mainly in the West of England. Both my Father and I played in league skittles.

We have pool tables in pubs in the UK. Its very easy to play because the pockets are bigger and the table is very small. I played recently and cleared all my striped balls but was still unclear if I had won:rolleyes: . Snooker is a much more complex game and unlike pool, requires a high degree of skill.

Bodisathva said:
Billiards, or Straight-Pool, only requires that you pocket a ball during your turn, scoring is usually one point per ball, you continue shooting until you miss. From the description of Snooker, the object would be to seek out the balls with the higher point value as opposed to taking the easiest shot. Of course, "house rules" are always different, but that is the basic idea.

You are correct, though you wouldn't go for the highest value if it would compromise your next shot, as you want a long run. The main difference is the size of the table. It is considerably larger than pool table. The base is made of slate, which is extremely smooth and flat. They weight a lot. I've only played on a professional table twice. It is much easier to play on a pool table. I have to hand it to guys that can really play.
Rich said:
I've never had a problem sinking my..................damn, I musn't :mad:

*wicked kitty grin* Muhahahaah!!!!!! Yes Richy boy??
Snooker 101

Pool tables are usually 4 X 8 feet. Snooker tables are 6 X 12 feet. There are 15 red balls in snooker. You must sink a red ball first which is worth 1 point. You then sink a coloured ball which are worth 2 to 7 points depending on the colour. You then sink a red, then another colour etc. Red balls are out of play when legally pocketed. The coloured balls are returned to the table when sunk (each colour has its own spot on the table). When all of the reds are sunk, you then sink the colours in point order until the table is cleared. If you are playing a red and sink a colour, you not only lose your turn, but also the number of points the colour is worth. As balls must be shot in specific order, you can try to snooker your opponent by placing him in a situation where he can't get a clear shot at the ball they're supposed to play.
There are a number of very rich snooker tournaments each year, primarily in the UK. The best players make a very good living at it.
ColinEssex said:
I remember an old saying my Mother used to say

"Knacker lacquer adds a lustre to your cluster":D ;) keep yer balls shiny at all times;) :rolleyes:


Oh dear, I read that at first as "Knicker lacquer"...it changes the tone of the saying quite a lot!

*sigh* My dad was a bit of a snooker shark in his youth. :(
statsman said:
Snooker 101

Pool tables are usually 4 X 8 feet. Snooker tables are 6 X 12 feet.
:eek: Geez...not exactly something that fits between the TV and the sofa, is it? BTW, that's a bar table, regulation pool table is 9'...well, a hair over, but you get the idea.:D

I think I just found something else for that "Things to do before I die" list:D

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