Westboro Baptist Church (2 Viewers)

selenau837 said:
Eh, don't swear much! Bloody hell!!!! That's funny!

Yes that's true, we Brits aren't known for our foul language, it's an American trait, something to do with a lack of vocabulary :p
selenau837 said:
Nope, Coke Zero!! Gotta keep the balls of my nice new tongue ring shiny. And the coke should do it. :D
what pray is coke zero:confused: is that what we call diet coke in the UK?

I remember an old saying my Mother used to say

"Knacker lacquer adds a lustre to your cluster":D ;) keep yer balls shiny at all times;) :rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
what pray is coke zero:confused: is that what we call diet coke in the UK?
It is much better than Diet Coke. It actually take more like real coke. It doesn't have the nasty after taste.

ColinEssex said:
I remember an old saying my Mother used to say

"Knacker lacquer adds a lustre to your cluster":D ;) keep yer balls shiny at all times;) :rolleyes:


Interesting Col...very interesting.
The reference was of course to snooker balls, because as you know you get a kick back if they're dirty.:rolleyes:

We used to have a snooker table at home - when I was younger, so much younger than today;)

Snooker is the proper way to play what you colonials call 'pool' - much more skill needed:D

ColinEssex said:
Snooker is the proper way to play what you colonials call 'pool' - much more skill needed
Thought that was "Billiards" and Snooker was more akin to Nine Ball... OK...British translation/input, please...:confused:
Bodisathva said:
Thought that was "Billiards" and Snooker was more akin to Nine Ball... OK...British translation/input, please...:confused:

I thought Snooker was a octagon playing table with little post sticking up in the middle of the table. They appear to be obsticals, but I don't know. Never played it.

"Snooker is a billiards sport that is played on a large (12' × 6') baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. It is played using a cue, one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls (worth 1 point each) and 6 colours: a yellow (2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points) and black ball (7 points). A player wins a frame of snooker by scoring the most points, using the cue ball to pot the balls in the manner described below. A match consists of an agreed number of frames. Snooker is particularly popular in English-speaking and Commonwealth countries, and the Far East."
Matty said:

"Snooker is a billiards sport that is played on a large (12' × 6') baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. It is played using a cue, one white ball (the cue ball), 15 red balls (worth 1 point each) and 6 colours: a yellow (2 points), green (3 points), brown (4 points), blue (5 points), pink (6 points) and black ball (7 points). A player wins a frame of snooker by scoring the most points, using the cue ball to pot the balls in the manner described below. A match consists of an agreed number of frames. Snooker is particularly popular in English-speaking and Commonwealth countries, and the Far East."

That actually looks like fun. I love to play pool myself. Playing pool is about the only time I have decent 'English'. :D ;)
selenau837 said:
I thought Snooker was a octagon playing table with little post sticking up in the middle of the table. They appear to be obsticals, but I don't know. Never played it.

That's skittles ;)
Rich said:
That's skittles ;)

Wow, I thought skittles was a rainbow colored fruit flavored candy. :) I guess you learn something new everyday.
sounds like "Skittles" is "Bumper Pool"..."Snooker" is close to "Pool"...but not quite.
Bodisathva said:
sounds like "Skittles" is "Bumper Pool"..."Snooker" is close to "Pool"...but not quite.

Yeah, what he said!!!
Snooker sounds like fun, by why exactly does it require more skill than billiards?
Billiards, or Straight-Pool, only requires that you pocket a ball during your turn, scoring is usually one point per ball, you continue shooting until you miss. From the description of Snooker, the object would be to seek out the balls with the higher point value as opposed to taking the easiest shot. Of course, "house rules" are always different, but that is the basic idea.
Bodisathva said:
Billiards, or Straight-Pool, only requires that you pocket a ball during your turn, scoring is usually one point per ball, you continue shooting until you miss. From the description of Snooker, the object would be to seek out the balls with the higher point value as opposed to taking the easiest shot. Of course, "house rules" are always different, but that is the basic idea.

Sounds almost like 9 ball. Because you have to shoot the balls in turn.
Sort of, but in nine ball, you have to pocket the balls in turn, but whoever sinks the nine (assuming in rotation or by using the next ball in the rotation) wins and the only points assigned are the number of games won.

But...imagine a game of Pool where you take either "stripes" or "solids". In that case, you have to stick to "your" target balls, but there's not a point system established, so I suppose Snooker would be a combination of Billiards and regular Pool.

I'm sure the British contingent will correct me...
Bodisathva said:
Sort of, but in nine ball, you have to pocket the balls in turn, but whoever sinks the nine (assuming in rotation or by using the next ball in the rotation) wins and the only points assigned are the number of games won.

But...imagine a game of Pool where you take either "stripes" or "solids". In that case, you have to stick to "your" target balls, but there's not a point system established, so I suppose Snooker would be a combination of Billiards and regular Pool.

I'm sure the British contingent will correct me...

All the same, it sounds like fun.
I even have my own pool stick. :eek: :D ;) I would love to find a place around here that played that style. :( Sadly, I'm sure I won't. I guess I'll just have to hop a plan to the UK to play skittels. :D
Sink a red, then a colour, then a red, then a colour, and so on until all the reds are sunk, then the colours have to be sunk in the correct order

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