What's Happening

jsanders said:
I have been really sick these last few days. .
Are you infested like Kenny? :confused:
Rich said:

This picture shows several things: Look on the window sill...coffee cup, assorted hand tools, tape measure, toilet paper (?). Up in the corner we see an exhaust fan, maybe. Above the window I see lath, while elsewhere I see cinder block construction. Rich, are you going to cover the masonry work with TP? :D
Rich said:
Are you infested like Kenny? :confused:

Whut? Me? Whut do ya mean infested?
I get sick for one week and look at y’all. Pull yourselves together.
And Rich,
Other things have occupied my mind for a while but I’m back now. I give you one (and one only) chance to put your tail between your legs and run home to mommy.

Not going to take the offer? I didn’t think you would.
jsanders said:
Not going to take the offer? I didn’t think you would.
And lose the change to keep correcting you on worldly matters, don't be silly that would be an abrogation of my duty :cool: :p
Friday said:
This picture shows several things: Look on the window sill...coffee cup,
I've now removed it to the dishwasher

assorted hand tools,
I have to appear keen, even if they're all blunt

tape measure
yes but I don't use it as a rule, everthing's done by eye 'cause I figure that's what I'm going to use to look at it with afterwards

toilet paper (?).
To mop my furrowed brow

Up in the corner we see an exhaust fan
the remnant of an old water heater

, Rich, are you going to cover the masonry work with TP?
No, TCP after banging my head against it, that's all that'll stick.
It's almost the same as the wall here that I keep banging against :D

Tess hows the job now? Its great to hear you are enjoying!

I love my new job! I'll have to let you all know what I have been up to HA! life’s a soap!

Sara your pic is fab! really absolutely lovely. Congrats.

basic version,
This yr . got a new job Jan moved to London, worked there... never felt so alone ever, got a job at home, moved back, bought a house with warren (boyfriend yr.5) smashed the car (or rather got my car smashed into!!!) love my new job.

in fact is that not warren in the background of you pic hay????

whens the B+B Tess??? I'll come visit when its up and running! :rolleyes:
lynsey2 said:
in fact is that not warren in the background of you pic hay????

He's been sneaking out without you :eek:

That pic was taken in The Crown Hotel, Cowdenbeath, I very much doubt that Warren would feel the need to venture to C/Beath but hey...you never know.... :p .... besides I didn't know he existed then did I - Lyns as secretive as ever ;) This was on the Friday night before I met up with you on the Saturday.

Been quite an eventful year for you Lyns hasn't it!

Hi Lyns - great to see you again! Sorry to hear about your crash. Hope it's all getting sorted out and you're not suffering from it.

What's that about a B&B Tess!? Have I missed something?
The B&B is simply an option we have since we bought some land (2.74 acres) in Stone Mountain, Georgia, close to Stone Mountain Park. It is large enough and zoned appropriately to build a B&B on the property as well as an owner's residence. It's something we've thought about doing after we get tired of working for other people's companies.

I'm sure it is an amazing amount of work though... but it sounds so simple. We've joked about it being the only B&B to encourage late nights and sleeping through breakfast. Maybe ours will be a Bed and Brunch.... lol so we wouldn't have to get up so early. I'll leave muffins out for the early morning risers, but if they want pancakes, they'll have to wait until 11, when god intended people on vacation to awaken. :)

But whatever we do, it won't be any time soon. We still have kids in high school and we won't make them change schools at this point. That's not nice.

I told my dad that we'd probably not do anything until the kids finish their pre-paid college educations in Florida. He said, "By then, Josh may go with you, but the girls could be married with husbands of their own!" I said, "Well, fine, they'll still move with us." He thought about it a bit and said, "Well, Aimee's husband may put up a fight, but Alyssa's will have no choice." LOL (She's the boss, see?)
Aaah I see! Sounds like a great idea, for when the time is right!
Ah.... well the property is on Rockbridge Rd!
And if you are only 15 minutes from Stone Mountain, may I suggest you find "Bundos" which is a small restaurant near the Stone Mountain Villiage. It is out of this world for Italian food. The owners, Carmen and Tony (not married, just partners) are the waiters and Carmen is also the main chef.

Try it, seriously! Let me know what you think. I wrote a review on it on epinions.com too. I was THAT impressed.

By the way, did I happen to see you at the Yellow Daisy Festival this year????

Will do. We used to go to the laser shows. It's closer to work than from home. We live on the other side of Atlanta so it'd be close to a 45 minute to an hour drive from home... :(

How'd you end up with a place in Stn. Mtn? Weren't they going to outsource the upkeep, etc. to a private firm for the park?
I rode the duck!
Driver scared the crap out of me when he charged into the water. He asked everyone.... "Do you want to go into the water fast or slow?" I thought he was joking. Everyone said "Fast!" I'm thinking, he's going to ease this baby in.... he'll not just ...... OH CRAP!!!!!
I screamed.... my husband laughed his ass off. And then I did too.

We ended up there one year because of a fluke! We were running from Hurricane Ivan and ended up in a crappy motel. My sister, whom I called to say I was fine, asked where I was. I was a town over from Stone Mountain. She had been to the park several times and suggested it as THE place to stay. And, that weekend, the Yellow Daisy Festival was going on....we fell in love with the place... and the rest is history.

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