What's Happening

lynsey2 said:
aww those are ace pic's Kraj
Thanks very much! (And even though I'm taken, it's ok to say I'm really hot :p )

lynsey2 said:
is that your cat? how cute! its a really good photo too. :D
That's, that's our little baby. :) His name is Czar; he's a Russian Blue and - believe it or not - is gay.

The story you read is quite upsetting. I can't possibly understand what kind of person takes pleasure in torturing an animal. :o
Rich said:
That's how you missed mine!
Nice try. I don't think she'll buy that one...
no chance Rich!
moohaahaaa i still have my contacts :rolleyes: heehee

anyone know of a good site to get a good deal on a holiday, was thinking about going somewhere hot at christmas time? the canaries or something???

Dad asked me to have a look and he said if i find something good he might even just pay for me to go!!!!!!!!(for my xmas) :D :D :D so i'm on the hunt! :p

cant seem to find much though ... :rolleyes: typical!
lynsey2 said:
no chance Rich!
moohaahaaa i still have my contacts :rolleyes: heehee

Your informant now spends most of her time drowning her sorrows having made the wrong choice over which football team to support.
As such she too missed it :p :D
Now in Uganda. The 2006 opposition No1 contenter has been arrested. A lot of fracus as the whole city seems that its going on strike. People are rushing out of offices to pick their kids out of school to home.A rally has been called in the middle of the city as the police that has been recently filled with uneducated Militia in preparation for next elections (in 4 months time) prepares tear gas cannisters to polute the atmosphere. Beware, there might arise another deadly WAR in Uganda in the next 6 Months.
lynsey2 said:
anyone know of a good site to get a good deal on a holiday, was thinking about going somewhere hot at christmas time?

I have heard that you can go here for a pretty good price... :D
Friday said:
I have heard that you can go here for a pretty good price... :D
Was wondering why the pic potrays every woman as naked.
Ha! :o

no chance! :p

what are you like! :rolleyes: boys will be boys (at whatever age) right enough!

hey you lot! I need some serious help on this holiday front! cant find a thing... well at any kind of half decent price! Flying from Scotland sucks. :( was going to fly from London and 3a5yJ3t it down from Scotland but ... donno how safe that would be you know what they are like for delays, and I would go banzi if I got delayed down to London then missed my flight away.
Rich said:
Your informant now spends most of her time drowning her sorrows having made the wrong choice over which football team to support.
As such she too missed it :p :D

Oh really!! We are the champions......my friend ;) Man U win anything did they.......yep thought not :D :p :cool:


Why don't you check out www.latedeals.com

You may find something on there, we fly out to Spian on Sunday...after we thrash celtic on Saturday and get our revenge :cool: We were meant to be going to Portugal for the footy but like you say flights were a nightmare. We couldn't get a direct flight so we just decided on spain instead.

I'm sure you'll find something.

Maybe catch up with you soon.


PS We are out on Saturday night when we return from Glasgow, not sure where yet but if we are down your way I'll give you a text.
Hayley Baxter said:
You may find something on there, we fly out to Spian on Sunday...after we thrash celtic on Saturday and get our revenge
Which year Hays? You'll be too old to enjoy your holiday if you wait for that to happen :p :D
Rich said:
Which year Hays? You'll be too old to enjoy your holiday if you wait for that to happen :p :D

This weekend Rich, you wait and see we'll deliver! It's payback time :)

We're just giving them a head start because we know they can never cross the finishing line, it makes it all the sweeter to snatch it from their grasp when they think they've won.........you have a short memory don't you :D

Hayley Baxter said:
you have a short memory don't you :D

No, you only just scraped home last year :p
Remind me again who just knocked Chelsea of their bloody perch in the league :cool:
Rich said:
No, you only just scraped home last year :p
Remind me again who just knocked Chelsea of their bloody perch in the league :cool:

Yes but the fact is, league tables don't lie and it's who's there at the end of it that matters :cool:

To the best of my knowledge, the blues still sit proudly at the top of the table. :D I will however give you some credit for defeating them with a flukey goal and some sheer desperate defending :p

Ahhh too bad I had a nice little song that you were sure to have loved but unfortunately it's too big to attach to the forum!

Hayley Baxter said:
Ahhh too bad I had a nice little song that you were sure to have loved but unfortunately it's too big to attach to the forum!

Mail it then ;)

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