What's Happening

Rich said:
Mail it then ;)

I don't know your email address :mad: You can mail me your picture too Rich, in return I'll forward you on all the mails I've had from these glory hunting Hearts Supporters in my office having a dig at The Gers :mad: fair swap ;)
Hayley Baxter said:
Yes but the fact is, league tables don't lie and it's who's there at the end of it that matters :cool:
Did I spot that Wigan Athletic are above Man U and Arsenal in the Premiership? :confused:

Welcome back Col, hope everything is fine on the home front, especially the missus.

Yes Wigan are going well but have a tough programme ahead.

Thanks Bri - the Mrs is still in hosp - but getting there slowly.

I wonder what Wigans wage bill is compared to Man U or Arsenal?

Yes good point Col - too many of the players these days are over paid and damn right lazy :mad:

Rich - Here's another Song for you

Blue Xmas

Ha Ha - that's well funny :D

Hayley Baxter said:
Yes good point Col - too many of the players these days are over paid and damn right lazy :mad:


No different to politicians then :mad: :D
Hayley Baxter said:
Yes good point Col - too many of the players these days are over paid and damn right lazy :mad:
I read somewhere that David Beckham is looking to earn £750,000 per week :eek: and most other players in the top teams are on £80,000 to £100,000 per week, how can that be justified? surely its the fans that have to foot the bill by paying huge prices for tickets.

How much is a season ticket for Man U or Chelsea? and I bet that doesn't cover cup or other international games

ColinEssex said:
I read somewhere that David Beckham is looking to earn £750,000 per week :eek: Col
' wouldn't be so bad if they could actually play football :rolleyes:
Rich said:
Why did he get the boot? :confused:

Mr Romanov was dictating to him too much so the guy got fed up with it. Nobody else wanted the job, apart from newly appointed Graham Rix that is who the fans are up in arms about!
ColinEssex said:
How much is a season ticket for Man U or Chelsea? and I bet that doesn't cover cup or other international games

Don't know about Man u or chelsea but a Rangers season ticket costs between £340 - £560 depending on the area of the stadium you are seated. This is for home league games only and they usually throw in a a CIS cup game. It isn't too bad really.
Hayley Baxter said:
Don't know about Man u or chelsea but a Rangers season ticket costs between £340 - £560 depending on the area of the stadium you are seated. This is for home league games only and they usually throw in a a CIS cup game. It isn't too bad really.
Wish I could afford to flush £500 down the pan :eek:
Hayley Baxter said:
Don't know about Man u or chelsea but a Rangers season ticket costs between £340 - £560 depending on the area of the stadium you are seated. This is for home league games only and they usually throw in a a CIS cup game. It isn't too bad really.
Gosh, £500 seems alot to me. I appreciate that true fans are a hardy lot but surely there must be some rising swell of resentment at the costs. Then there's the on-costs, like the meat pie or cuppa tea at half time. Plus travel expenses to away games.

But then again, if someone collects things as a hobby, they'd probobly pay £200 to get a good example of something - horses for courses really.

Its just a shame that neanderthals like Wayne Rooney et al are on such huge salaries. If I was a keen fan like you Hales, I'd pay up but resent it ;)

Perhaps it needs the fans to make a stand and refuse to pay, that'll get the Finance Director a sleepless night or two :D

I don't usually miss the money as it's paid in advance at the start of each season so going to the game itself then becomes less expensive as the ticket is already paid but there is always the extra for cup games and away games, I have cut down on the away games though. I know for a fact it's a lot more in the Premiership as the most expensive ticket in the scottish league is obviously the big one, Rangers v Celtic, ticket price for saturdays game at their ground is £33 and increases slightly each year. I went to Arsenal v Newcastle at Highbury in Jan and the ticket price was around £40 odd, can't remember the exact price now.

Anyway Tess, please accept my apologies for turning your lovely thread into a footy conversation...... :o

Hayley Baxter said:
Anyway Tess, please accept my apologies for turning your lovely thread into a footy conversation...... :o
me too - I don't usually hijack threads :o

hijackers the lot of ya! football :confused: thats where they kick the round ball about eh! :confused:

heehehhee :p only joking!

Hay, my bad :( we were supposed to do lunch and i forgot eh! :mad: work is fairly hectic the now, starting this new thing and its totally brilliant! Hard work getting everything all set up etc ready for the boom (that hasn't quite happened yet! ) text me for sure, possibly the day before or early on so i remember else i'll forget!

ooooooohhhh i feel and advertisment coming on ...

(i'll make it short n sweet, worth a look we are aiming at small businesses, pass it on to anyone you feel could be doing with it)

http://www.intrelate.com/iib.html tells you about it

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Tess ... my bad i'm a hijacker too :eek:
it does kinda show you all what im doing with myself now so... not as bad a hijack as the football one :D

oooh guess what guess what!

booked a holiday from http://www.canariescancellations.com/

going to tenerife (canaries) i double checked a map before i booked :p

its going to be great 3rd Jan for a week, weather is not 100% great (22ish) but a damn site warmer than here for sure. :D :D
Haven't been able to take much of a lunch break anyway past two weeks as my fellow colleague went off on hols and left me with loads to do but she's back now which is why I can play on the forum a bit this week :cool:

You can't be forgetful at you age Lyns, surely not :eek:


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