Ukraine (1 Viewer)

Biden is not being blamed "Because he belongs to the other party."
Biden refused to acknowledge Russia's concerns
@Steve R.
Are you familiar with the term confirmation bias? It's the tendency to see things according to your own preconceived notions.

I'm here only for less than 2 months. So apparently I don't know you well. I may be wrong but your posts give me the impression your attacks to Biden is based on the party he belongs to. I simply can not imagine you would have said the same IF he was one of your side politicians and has done or said the same. Tramp provoked China, Biden went after Russia. But it doesn't mean they have the right to start a war.

I sincerely apologize if I'm wrong. It's just how your posts strike me.
Again my apologies.
Just like Putin is not the one who has the responsibility for this war.
I believe that everyone who commented on Biden's complicity in this war said specifically, that Putin wanted to do this and would likely have done it at some point anyway but Biden poured gasoline on the fire by refusing to acknowledge Putin's righteous concerns regarding Ukraine and NATO. Biden gave Putin a "reason" however weak to invade Ukraine NOW.

Only an idiot waves his dick in the face of a despot. Now Biden is bloviating on what we will do in retaliation. He is daring Putin to attack us directly. All you people who thought Trump would pull the trigger were wrong. Trump did everything possible to contain Russia, China, North Korea, and the Islamic terrorists INCLUDING showing them respect in public which you never understood. We have no idea what Trump said to them in private but no one was willing to take him on. Trump is the only President in more than a generation that didn't start a millinery conflict. He kept trying to end our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan but our own military leaders actually lied to him and did not draw down our troops as he directed. They disobeyed a direct order from their Commander in Chief and should have been tried for treason. But Biden is weak so he will use his big stick if Putin pushes.

I want to know why the EU and UK are sitting this one out. Why is Biden the one confronting Russia? What is Germany going to do if Russia decides it wants Germany? The Eastern European countries KNOW what it is like to live under Communism and they are willing to fight to prevent a recurrence. But Germany gives up its independence willingly to Russia for gas and oil because the tree huggers wanted them to stop using nuclear power and "renewables" are nowhere close to being able to run an industrialized country?
but your posts give me the impression your attacks to Biden is based on the party he belongs to
That is your opinion and you are entitled to it. Your bias is confirmed based on Google, Twitter, and FB.

They censor conservative opinions so all you see is what they want you to see. We aren't going to change your mind. Biden could have been a decent president. If he had lived up to his campaign promises, we would be in much better shape. But instead, he went total woke from his first day in office. The people who are pulling his strings tell him what to say and if you care to notice, they almost never let him near a mic if he isn't reading a teleprompter because he is too incoherent to actually answer questions.
I have been earnestly praying for peace. Haven't been sure what else to say... There isn't much to debate on this one.

So much for all Bidens bragging about putting Putin in his place, and bragging that if they elected Trump, "think what could happen to Ukraine". Oops, got that backwards buddy..
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The major point made by Judge Jeanine Pirro concerning Biden is near the end.
The abbreviated summary: Judge Pirro points-out that Biden's self-serving political objective to minimize suffering in the US is not working. The residents of both the US and the Ukraine are suffering for the simple reason that Biden has refused to rescind his personal illogical "war" on domestic hydrocarbon production in the US.
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I have been earnestly praying for peace. Haven't been sure what else to say... There isn't much to debate on this one.

So much for all Bidens bragging about putting Putin in his place, and bragging that if they elected Trump, "think what could happen to Ukraine". Oops, got that backwards buddy..
As much as i believe a lot in prayer, i think some other leaders for selfish reasons encourage putin to go ahead, when russia invaded cremia years ago, nothing concrete was done by Global leaders except lip service and sanctions, more of such actions will be done by the leaders of the countries i mentioned in my previous post, once putin succeeds in his take over of ukraine, he hates and feels in secured with the popularity of the current ukraine president.
Sanctions do mean something. The stock market has collapsed in Russia, businesses are hit, access to raw materials cut, inflation will rise, civilians will be unhappy. The sanctions when they annexed Crimea were too small though. It cut GDP in Russia by 1%. Useless!
Sanctions have not worked in curbing Putin's excesses.
Just to toss this in and also as a reminder. Think of all the US military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan. Potentially this could equipment could have been made available to the Ukraine had it been withdrawn before the US left Afghanistan.
Just to toss this in and also as a reminder. Think of all the US military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan.
Why would the US Govt leave behind such an amount of weapons, these weapons if it falls into wrong hands can lead to more war and instability in Afghanistan.
Speaking of incompetence. The Biden administration, according to the New York Times, requested that China assist the US in avoiding a war in the Ukraine. Instead of helping the US in this regard, China rebuffed the US, shared the information given to them by the US with Russia, and (China) even took the side of Russia! What did the Biden administration expect?

This disclosure, surprisingly, appeared in the New York Times which is unabashedly pro-Biden. So its curious as to why the Times would publish such an article? I was unable to read it due to a pay-wall. So the National Review article will have to suffice.
Each time, the Chinese officials, including the foreign minister and the ambassador to the United States, rebuffed the Americans, saying they did not think an invasion was in the works. After one diplomatic exchange in December, U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with Moscow, telling the Russians that the United States was trying to sow discord — and that China would not try to impede Russian plans and actions, the officials said.
Moreover, Biden's foreign policy incompetence has been "pushing" both Russia and China to form a cooperative alliance of convenience. For the US, this is bad as the US will be facing adversaries on two fronts.
Historically speaking, Russia and China have had a complicated, often contentious, relationship, but they are probably closer today than ever before. The two recently signed a huge energy pact that allows Putin to weather the pain of Western sanctions. Then again, China also helped Russia endure sanctions after Crimea went the way of Tibet. So why would anyone believe that “President” Xi Jinping, who views the existence of Taiwan much in the same way Putin views the existence of Ukraine — or rather, non-existence — do anything to dissuade an invasion in the first place?
So Americans will after 4 years vote out the government?
A bit more complicated. Mid-term elections will be occurring in November 2022. That may change the "look and feel" of the legislative branch, but not the executive branch (the office of the President). So there may be a partial change to how the government functions as a consequence of the election.

There is also the problem of the "deep state", which is more or less, the established bureaucracy. You may want to take a look here: "The Deep State Exposed II (AKA Military/Industrial Complex)". The concern here, is that any new President may not actually be able to change and/or control the "government" as the people in the bureaucracy "slow walk" (resist) implementing policy changes. That was one of the major problems that Trump had when he assumed the office of the Presidency.
So Americans will after 4 years vote out the government?
If the world hasn't been burnt to a crisp by nuclear war first.

There is an election in November of this year. It is what we call a "mid-term" since it is halfway between presidential election cycles. Every member of the House of Representatives serves two year terms so 100% of the House members are up for reelection in November. The Democrats have only a very small majority 222-212 in the House, 1 vacant for a total of 435. And the Senate is 50-50. The Vice President is the tie-breaker in the Senate. The House numbers are based on state populations but has a cap of 435 so if one state gains a seat, another state loses a seat. The Senate is fixed at 2 per state. Senators serve 6 year terms so approximately 1/3 are up for election every two years. It is the 2 Senate seats that make the Democrats push to make Washington DC a state because DC (our seat of government) is over the top Democratic (these are the deep state people because they are the invisible government workers) and having two more Democrats in the Senate will give them a bigger cushion. Our Constitution SPECIFICALLY states the the District of Columbia NOT be a state but the Democrats don't believe in the Constitution. They think it is merely guidance to be discarded if it is inconvenient to them.

So, as you can see, the Democrats have no where near the "mandate" they think they have. America overall is marginally center-right. Both Democrats and Republicans are generally moderate. Each group leans slightly left or slightly right depending on the topic. Generally, the population is center-left on social issues and center-right on financial issues. It is only the large cities that are hard-left on everything. They would force us all to dye our hair purple or green if they could.

Because of the current displeasure with the Biden administration, there is a good chance that enough votes will swing such that the Democrats lose control of both houses. Currently, they control both houses plus the Presidency. But their margin is so slim that they are not actually able to push through all of their radical agenda because there are still some rational Democrats left in the world. But they've pushed through enough to cause serious inflation mostly in the fuel area but that ripples to everything because everything has to get where it needs to go and that cost has risen by 40% in less than a year and meat is up 10-20%. Aluminum foil is as precious as gold. We are in an inflationary spiral that will be very hard to stop. Once prices start rising, they won't go down again unless we go into a depression. With a Democrat President and Republican House and Senate, we will have stagnation which isn't all that bad but it won't let the Republicans fix any of the things Biden broke unless the Republicans manage to get a 60% majority so they can overturn a Presidential veto. So Congress passes bills and Biden vetoes them. 60% of Congress needs to vote to overturn the veto and get the bill passed.
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There is also the problem of the "deep state", which is more or less, the established bureaucracy. You may want to take a look here: "The Deep State Exposed II (AKA Military/Industrial Complex)". The concern here, is that any new President may not actually be able to change and/or control the "government" as the people in the bureaucracy "slow walk" (resist) implementing policy changes. That was one of the major problems that Trump had when he assumed the office of the Presidency.
Thank you for the enlightenment, I will check the link.

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