Pay your bills (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
, 20:20
May 22, 2010
Understanding how the economy works take a lot more effort than most people are willing to give it. The thing that is easy to understand though, is that the nation has done better financially over the last hundred years or so with Democrats in the Whitehouse. Even Trump said so.
Cause and effect. The perception is Biden caused a negative effect to the economy, border and a whole host of other issues.

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
, 23:20
Mar 28, 2020
The president really doesn't do actions. His tool is words. Workers do actions, soldiers do actions. The President says things to the American people, words that matter. The President says words to our allies, and our enemies. The State department does the actions.

Why do you think this is about Biden?
You have a very poor understanding of the role of president. Read the constitution. If you sign a bill or veto one, that is an action. The president makes up exactly 1/3 of the balance of power between the branches of government. Yes, he depends on his cabinet members for specific duties that are required, but none of them are elected officials. The president gets to decide (making decisions are actions) who is on that panel, if he picks morons that keep our border wide open, then that's all on him for choosing them or not replacing them ASAP to get someone in there that can do the job. If he signs bills that he or no one else read that send us on a path to economic chaos, that's on him. The problem with JB is he cannot even manage a tooth brush let alone a full cabinet of the executive branch. I get the feeling it was all part of the plan to destroy our nation. There is mounting evidence that supports that too.

The most important thing being a president is being leader. That demands a certain amount of respect not only from the people, but from the rest of the world. In spite of the media running cover for him from every angle, even that wasn't enough to protect him and all of us from the embarrassment of his pathetic attempt and leading our country. What kind of president spends our tax dollars on bussing illegal aliens all over the country? He is supposed to be protecting our nation not infiltrating it. If there are high crimes and misdemeanors, that is pretty high on the list.

The reason you don't see the good things about DJT is because you don't want to. It's like a built in filter that some have that adds to their TDS condition. That's a decision too. Nobody's perfect, but the trump can get more things done than anyone I know. Who is willing to take on the blob and do it day in and day out? There is very few that have what it takes to lead our country, but this man not only can do it, he will do it and there isn't much his opposition can do about it. Every attempt they make at it makes him even stronger and more of a leader.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
, 23:20
Dec 20, 2007
The most important thing being a president is being leader. That demands a certain amount of respect not only from the people, but from the rest of the world.
And no one in the history of our country has said more stupid things or lied more than Trump.
I do understand the role of the President, the good ones use the bully pulpit as a means to bettering the nation. The ugly ones just preach to the Choir.
Trumps only power it to disseminate contempt. That's why he is so loved by his worshipers.
The thing that Trump worshipers all have in common is that they all repeat the same message over and over and over, and they deny that Trump is guilty of anything. They insist that he is a victim of conspiracy. All of them do that.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 04:20
Feb 22, 2002
The thing that Trump worshipers all have in common is that they all repeat the same message over and over and over, and they deny that Trump is guilty of anything. They insist that he is a victim of conspiracy. All of them do that.
When one worships something/someone you are blind to any other opinion or point of view. It doesn't matter what it is - God, money, Koran, Harley Davidson, or Donny Trump. There are certainly some here who are in love with Donny.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 23:20
Feb 19, 2002
If he signs bills that he or no one else read that send us on a path to economic chaos, that's on him.
I have good news on that front. Elon Musk has promised that Grok will be able to read bills and analyze them so it can tell us what their intention is.
lied more than Trump.
Lied about what? That is simply a talking point. Any time any talking head disagrees with something Trump said, "he lied". That is just plain ignorant. A difference of opinion is not a lie. An over/under estimation of a crowd size is not a lie - unless it is deliberate. Please tell us some lie Trump told you - an actual, provable lie, not a difference of opinion. Look hard for some lie that hurt someone.

How do you feel about Biden telling you that you couldn't catch COVID if you took the vaccine? was that a lie? It sure was. Was it a lie that actually hurt people? It sure did. How about the corollary which was If you took the vaccine you couldn't spread COVID. Do you suppose that hurt anyone?

I can't argue about the stupid stuff. It's a little less stupid if you recognize that he isn't a politician. He's a showman.
What kind of president
is so stupid he is funding both sides of the Israeli-Hamas conflict:poop::poop::poop::poop::poop:


Local time
, 23:20
Jan 11, 2013

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 23:20
Feb 19, 2002
I don't know what bill Trump was confusing with the one you referenced and I'm not going to bother to look. Why? Biden takes credit for stuff he didn't do all the time but you don't ever notice that. He's still blaming Trump for the border crisis (at least the Dems are finally admitting that 6,000 illegals a day is a crisis) even though it was he who canceled all of Trump's executive orders that got control of the situation. Try fact checking the liar in chief once in a while. Your "fact checks" would have more credibility.

What I do know is that my brother has been on a VA disability for 15 years and up until last year HE was never allowed to see doctors outside the VA system. He has been complaining about swelling and pain in his joints for more than 10 years. Do you think one of the VA hacks would test him for rheumatoid arthritis? Not a chance, they might have had to pay for drugs to treat it. Last year he saw his first real doctor since being involved with the VA and that was one of the first complaints she addressed. Just looking at his hands was all it took. Guess what? He has rheumatoid arthritis and now they're paying $7,000 per month for some overpriced drug because his case is way too advanced to steroids to provide relief.

Also, exactly how did that misunderstanding hurt any American? Did anyone take a drug they didn't need? How about lose a doctor they trusted? You really have to do better than that one.

I ask again. What kind of President is so stupid or callous that he finances both sides of a conflict? How is this good for us? How is this good for the world?


Local time
, 23:20
Jan 11, 2013
I'm not going to bother to look.
not suprising.

Biden takes credit for stuff he didn't do all the time but you don't ever notice that.
like what?

Please tell us some lie Trump told you - an actual, provable lie, not a difference of opinion. Look hard for some lie that hurt someone.
Also, exactly how did that misunderstanding hurt any American?
I showed you a provable lie but apparently you don't consider a lie a lie unless someone gets hurt by it?

Try fact checking the liar in chief once in a while.
I'm pretty sure Citizen Trump secured that title for eternity.

Btw, looks like his losing continues. This time in the UK. He sued Steele over the the Steele Dosier and lost. He has to pay Steele's legal bills.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
, 20:20
Mar 14, 2017
I have something to say on the "crime is up" or "crime is down" thing. First, I've noticed it's a subject - much like gun violence, where one can pick and choose your statistics to fit your narrative. There are dozens of metrics (half of which there is no way to even measure at all!) that can be flipped On or Off when measuring - I won't go into them now but I assume you can think of them (accident vs. crime, death vs. injury, good guy injured vs. bad guy injured, etc etc etc).

I think "crime is up/down" is very much like this. I will say that people's anecdotal feelings matter, because there is an aspect of crime that has everything to do with which crimes we care more or less about. For example, imagine an extreme world where 100% of all crime was "inside" an enclosed area where ONLY bad guys were, who had opted-in to the life of violence. And it never impacted anyone outside that world. We would care at least to some degree less than we care currently, right? Presumably this is a non-controversial statement.

Now, take that same analogy but apply it in modest DEGREES to the current situation. If most of the crime is in a really bad part of town that I never go in, I care about crime a certain amount (non-quantifiable, so this is a bit in the abstract, but follow me here). If 100% of crime is the opposite, I care to the maximum about it.

Some cities are experiencing crime that is more 'brazen', or more crime that is brazen, than ever before. This is my opinion. It's not really quantifiable, because everyone will have different opinions about it, but when you have Targets (usually in decent blocks of town) with smash 'n grabs, or Walgreens that have had to close down, that's significant. Downtowns are usually a certain amount of crime - when the areas where people live, work and play that have NOT been already-notorious for crime begin to experience brazen violent crime, when it affects tourism to a great degree, that's all significant - and it plays into whether people say crime is 'worse' or 'better'.

And it should, it's legitimate distinctions people are making. Therefore I won't get into the statistics-battle, because you can find stats to show Chicago is on the mend; I can find stats to show it's worse than ever, depending on a dozen small differences in the sources and most importantly the ways of measuring of those stats. So much so that I feel it's not even worth arguing about. But if most of the city says crime is a lot worse, there's a reason. And I doubt it's because San Franciscans are all watching Fox News.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
, 23:20
Feb 19, 2002

Steve R.

Local time
, 23:20
Jul 5, 2006
Of course it isn't. You don't fact check Biden. Why would I fact check Trump?

Other people have more time to waste on this so here's some of Biden's lies. We can call them lies can't we since they are not true?
Biden lied so many times in the SOTU address that this lie was unfortunately overlooked. Biden misquoted Trump to (falsely) claim that Trump would allow Putin to do whatever in the Ukraine. What Trump was jokingly alluding (blustering) to was that if the members of NATO did not pay their fair share of the expenses that the US would not have an obligation to help them. This is one of many statements that the left purposely contorts to (falsely) claim that Trump said something that he never actually said.

Moreover consider the political optics of what Biden/Harris presented to Putin. Biden implied that if Russia undertook a "minor" incursion into the Ukraine, that that would be OK. Both Biden and Harris also arrogantly taunted Putin by asserting that Putin could go pound sand if the Ukraine joined NATO. Unfortunately, Putin took Biden's challenge. Though Putin started the Ukraine conflict, Biden is responsible for encouraging a kinetic conflict since no diplomatic defusion was evidently pursued. This was a major foreign policy blunder by Biden.
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