Pay your bills (2 Viewers)

Words matter. In fact, words from the President are his only acts that matters. I find it incredulous that anyone would have any defense for his continued wanton childish behavior.
Guess you haven't been listening to the current president lately if words matter. The 25th amendment should have been invoked a long time ago.

And no, words only matter if you back them up with action that does great things for the country being represented. Politicians tell you what you want to hear so you vote for them and then totally let you down on their promises. Trump tells you what he's going to do and does it and still has time for a round of golf. I'd like to see Biden play a round of golf that is nationally televised with him playing against Trump. That would be a hoot. When he takes over the WH again, it'll be even more of a hoot.
As we have seen by the reaction of most of our people, and of that of our long term allies in Europe. This remark from Former President Trump, as he tries out again for the most powerful job on the planet, proves he is too stupid for the job.

Words matter. In fact, words from the President are his only acts that matters. I find it incredulous that anyone would have any defense for his continued wanton childish behavior.

It's past time to put him out to pasture.
Words matter, but actions matter a lot more. But it's a wash anyway - Biden fails miserably in both categories.. This will be one of the few times that people will be able to compare two presidential candidates on their actual performance in office, instead of the record of one against the promises of another, where the promises always sound better than any reality ever can. The record is clear - Trump's performance as a president so far outshines Biden's that it's not even sensible to try comparing them. By every metric possible, Trump wins.
I still get puzzled why Democrats think Trump is bad and evil. But then again,
It's the Twitter effect. They can't look past the sound bite. The media talks about Trump's personality and completely ignores any substantive reporting on his policies and how they affect the average American citizen and the world in general. So they nod their head sagely and agree that Trump is a "racist". Of course, no one has come up with anything that shows Trump being racist. They extract this opinion from his stance on open borders. Apparently - the logic is - most people who cross the border illegally are not "white". Therefore calling for a closed border is "racist" because it impacts the non "white" disproportionately. It is absolutely frightening how many people see this "logic" and agree with it.

They were reporting the results of the DC primary and one of the bright bulbs giving the commentary pointed out that there were 30,000 registered republicans and Trump only got 676 votes. This is a typical ploy to make Trump look as bad as possible. In fact < 2000 people actually voted in the Republican primary and trump got a third of the votes. In most primaries, Nikki was getting a third or less of the votes. Only in the primaries where Democrats were allowed to vote in the Republican primary did Nikki beat Trump.

Trump is his own worst enemy. When you have to give bogus statistics to make him look bad, you are losing your grip.
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Then, why is crime down in all the sanctuary cities?
Easy answer. They don't arrest the criminals any more. Feel free to shoplift, hit old ladies over the head, attack police officers. Use a motor bike to grab purses and drag women across a sidewalk in the process. No problem. Then park your unregistered moror bike in front of the Roosevelt Hotel. It is apparently a "safe space" so the police won't even ticket your illegal bike let alone impound it.
Victims of liberal / migrant crime have stopped reporting crime, because the defunded cops are not coming. We are all victims of liberal ideology.
Then, why is crime down in all the sanctuary cities?
That's an easy one. Just change the definition. That's how Democrats "solve" problems.
Then, why is crime down in all the sanctuary cities?
Imagine how "down" it COULD be if they would just keep criminals locked up instead of turning them free on no bail
Then, why is crime down in all the sanctuary cities?

Check for reports of establishments like Walgreens or Target closing their doors due to rampant shoplifting for which the police are not responsive. That that will tell you how far down crime has gone... NOT.
Then, why is crime down in all the sanctuary cities?
There are two ways crime is measured in the US: FBI UCR data (crime reported to the police) and NCVS data (surveyed crime). Most crime is not reported to the police. So, the FBI data represents only a small proportion of actual crime. Therefore, a 2% drop here and there is negligible in the scheme of things.

The NCVS data is where they go out to households and ask them if they were a victim of crime, so it includes police reported crime and unreported crime. Now, consider the recent vilification of the police and how liberals have advocated to defund them. The complete distrust and gaslighting by left-leaning media and politicians towards the police means far fewer people will report their crime. So, given that less people are reporting crimes to the police, you would expect the FBI data to show a significant drop in reported crimes. Yet that did not happen. Why? Let me explain.

The NCVS data shows that crime is up over 100% in aggravated assault, with total violent crime up 75%. And that explains the FBI figures. When crime is up so much and police reporting is down so far, one has almost cancelled out the other. So look at the NCVS data to get the real picture.

Why do I know all this? Well, I watched a clip on MSNBC the other day and was shocked by the complete BS on that channel. They were talking about how much crime was down and that Trump is completely lying about crime being up. So I went to look at the data myself, something MSNBC provided none of since they just spout a bunch of crap without backing it up.

The following article (source below) did not come to a conclusion, but remember that it comes from academia and we know where the slant is in those organisations. Did they not factor in the George Floyd trial during that period, and the consequent defund the police movement? They mention it but then excuse it.

How bad crime has gotten is quite clear from this chart.


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Check for reports of establishments like Walgreens or Target closing their doors due to rampant shoplifting for which the police are not responsive. That that will tell you how far down crime has gone... NOT.
People stealing everyday products has many root causes. I live in an area that has super high petty theft. We are fairly low on other crimes for the most part. We have a few bad neighborhood.

We're are a tourist island/town of around 50K folks. Our police focus on keeping criminals that would prey on tourist in prison.
Walmart and Target thrive here. It works for us.
What metrics do you use? Just curious.
I like science news for the most part, I read actual financial news.
Here is an example of an issue that most right news watching people have no idea about.
Trump's solution was to raise tariffs. A good first start.
The administration's implementation of it was flawed however and it actually ended hurting more American companies and workers. He started with raw goods, the exact opposite of what was needed. All conservatives, everywhere, praised him. I knew when he first started that program, it would backfire.

Biden's administration got passed the chip act. Arguably one of the most important national interest bills to come along in 25 years. And yet we hear from conservatives that he has done nothing.

Trump's lowing of taxes for the wealthy has had an adverse affect on the people and the national debt. No conservatives I know and no conservative news source will discuss this. The actual data is available.

An example of the biggest effect of propaganda it this very thread. Where people get emotional, and make unequivocal statements. You wouldn't know it by this thread, but when I have these kinds of discussion with obsessive left leaners the same thing happens there as well.

In the meantime, the aspirin that I take everyday to stay alive, is now sourced in China. It doesn't sound like a big deal. unless you think about why we don't all talk about that.
I like science news for the most part, I read actual financial news.
Here is an example of an issue that most right news watching people have no idea about.
Trump's solution was to raise tariffs. A good first start.
The administration's implementation of it was flawed however and it actually ended hurting more American companies and workers. He started with raw goods, the exact opposite of what was needed. All conservatives, everywhere, praised him. I knew when he first started that program, it would backfire.

Biden's administration got passed the chip act. Arguably one of the most important national interest bills to come along in 25 years. And yet we hear from conservatives that he has done nothing.

Trump's lowing of taxes for the wealthy has had an adverse affect on the people and the national debt. No conservatives I know and no conservative news source will discuss this. The actual data is available.

An example of the biggest effect of propaganda it this very thread. Where people get emotional, and make unequivocal statements. You wouldn't know it by this thread, but when I have these kinds of discussion with obsessive left leaners the same thing happens there as well.

In the meantime, the aspirin that I take everyday to stay alive, is now sourced in China. It doesn't sound like a big deal. unless you think about why we don't all talk about that.
Personally, I look at the price of everything like gas, food, housing, not the news. I don't need right-wing news to tell me everything is more expensive. All the pricing metrics appeared to be lower under Trump. Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels that way.
Personally, I look at the price of everything like gas, food, housing, not the news. I don't need right-wing news to tell me everything is more expensive. All the pricing metrics appeared to be lower under Trump. Maybe I'm wrong, but it feels that way.
Except when Biden first got in the Oil Spot Market made gas prices higher to punish us for voting for Biden. According to conservatives, this was Biden's fault. after they went down, not a word.

The inflation and higher interest rates had nothing to do with Biden. I realize that conservatives go on an on about government over-spending causing inflation, but that was not the case for the last 40 years of virtually flat inflation.

So what changed?

That's the questions that Supply Siders don't ask, they just accept. Trump got elected during one of the great financial recoveries in history. He took credit for all that. Trump road the end of the possibility of low interest rates. The interest rates corrections were long overdue, and would have continued for a while longer had it not been what the building supply companies figure out.

That was the game changer, and that happened during Trump's administration. The effects of that created the inflation, end of story. I know a lot about this I am willing to have a specific conversation this latest inflation cycle.

Trump lowering taxes on the wealthy caused the debt to increase. The chip shortage and the building materials cost run-up during the pandemic created a panacea for corporate greed, and the pricing AIs went into motion. If you want a conspiracy theory, there you are.
Except when Biden first got in the Oil Spot Market made gas prices higher to punish us for voting for Biden. According to conservatives, this was Biden's fault. after they went down, not a word.

The inflation and higher interest rates had nothing to do with Biden. I realize that conservatives go on an on about government over-spending causing inflation, but that was not the case for the last 40 years of virtually flat inflation.

So what changed?

That's the questions that Supply Siders don't ask, they just accept. Trump got elected during one of the great financial recoveries in history. He took credit for all that. Trump road the end of the possibility of low interest rates. The interest rates corrections were long overdue, and would have continued for a while longer had it not been what the building supply companies figure out.

That was the game changer, and that happened during Trump's administration. The effects of that created the inflation, end of story. I know a lot about this I am willing to have a specific conversation this latest inflation cycle.

Trump lowering taxes on the wealthy caused the debt to increase. The chip shortage and the building materials cost run-up during the pandemic created a panacea for corporate greed, and the pricing AIs went into motion. If you want a conspiracy theory, there you are.

Again, it's about perception, and who's doing what. Was my life easier 4 years ago? Did my dollars go further? You can make the case that the other guy created it and didn't get credit for it. That doesn't help me now; all I know is things are more expensive now. And crime seems to be on the rise.

You don't have to be a right-wing nut job to vote with your wallet, but it helps:D
Again, it's about perception, and who's doing what. Was my life easier 4 years ago? Did my dollars go further? You can make the case that the other guy created it and didn't get credit for it. That doesn't help me now; all I know is things are more expensive now. And crime seems to be on the rise.

You don't have to be a right-wing nut job to vote with your wallet, but it helps:D
Understanding how the economy works take a lot more effort than most people are willing to give it. The thing that is easy to understand though, is that the nation has done better financially over the last hundred years or so with Democrats in the Whitehouse. Even Trump said so.
Guess you haven't been listening to the current president lately if words matter. The 25th amendment should have been invoked a long time ago.

And no, words only matter if you back them up with action that does great things for the country being represented. Politicians tell you what you want to hear so you vote for them and then totally let you down on their promises. Trump tells you what he's going to do and does it and still has time for a round of golf. I'd like to see Biden play a round of golf that is nationally televised with him playing against Trump. That would be a hoot. When he takes over the WH again, it'll be even more of a hoot.
The president really doesn't do actions. His tool is words. Workers do actions, soldiers do actions. The President says things to the American people, words that matter. The President says words to our allies, and our enemies. The State department does the actions.

Why do you think this is about Biden?

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