The crime rate in New York

The asylum granted rate is higher than 1%. For example, for Venezuelans, the rate is at least 28%
In most dictatorships, it is easy to run afoul the law.
The problem with that data is it doesn't take into account which country your trying to escape from. Mr Snowden was rejected by 20 of the 21 he applied for. He also didn't bring a million other loophole seekers with him when he finally was accepted. And notice he first had to be accepted before he could enter the country using asylum as the reason. Our country currently has no meaningful borders and can easily be overwhelmed by large numbers of people who simply demand asylum by force. Then once in, they demand to be supported by the tax payers to supply food and shelter. That's not the way asylum works, that's the way a corrupt administration works to attempt to change the voting demographic and increase the welfare state. And that's the next step, allow amnesty and special rights to vote and of course lockup your political opposition.
That's not the way asylum works, that's the way a corrupt administration works to attempt to change the voting demographic and increase the welfare state.
It's more vile and insidious than you think. It also about corrupting US culture, which unfortunately gets overlooked when discussing aspects such as demographics and welfare. Many of the illegal immigrants come from cultures which are rampant with corruption. Additionally, they have virtually no vested interest in being US patriots and/or upholding Western cultural values. Each of these illegal immigrants, in their own way, will be undermining Western culture.
Mr Snowden was rejected by 20 of the 21 he applied for. He also didn't bring a million other loophole seekers with him when he finally was accepted. And notice he first had to be accepted before he could enter the country using asylum as the reason.
According to this article that doesn't appear to be correct.

You'll notice many of the countries say you have to be on their soil before making an asylum application.
The asylum granted rate is higher than 1%. For example, for Venezuelans, the rate is at least 28%
That's because Venezuela was turned into a S***H*** by the same class of people who are trying the same tactic here. Pretty soon, we can be begging China for asylum or Russia.
It also about corrupting US culture,
The left thinks we have no culture to corrupt because Americans don't dress up in quaint costumes and dance for the tourists the way the locals do in many other countries.
The problem with that data is it doesn't take into account which country your trying to escape from. Mr Snowden was rejected by 20 of the 21 he applied for. He also didn't bring a million other loophole seekers with him when he finally was accepted. And notice he first had to be accepted before he could enter the country using asylum as the reason. Our country currently has no meaningful borders and can easily be overwhelmed by large numbers of people who simply demand asylum by force. Then once in, they demand to be supported by the tax payers to supply food and shelter. That's not the way asylum works, that's the way a corrupt administration works to attempt to change the voting demographic and increase the welfare state. And that's the next step, allow amnesty and special rights to vote and of course lockup your political opposition.
The data is by country. The question involved people seeking asylum in the US, not US citizens seeking asylum elsewhere like Snowden.

Because of the slowness of the asylum resolution process, applicants are left in limbo where they can't work legally to support. As of now, they are generally getting permits after 6 months. Speeding up the work permits would resolve the issue taxpayer support of asylum seekers.

In effect, the asylum system has become a back door immigration system, because the US economy needs more immigrants than the current system allows. Canada takes twice as many immigrants relative to the population as the US does. Increased legal immigration would solve many problems.

An important factor in drop in crime in the 1990's was the increase in immigration under Reagan and Bush. Impoverished, crime-ridden neighborhoods were flooded by recent immigrants who were working rather than committing crimes. I saw how abandoned building in the South Bronx were repaired or replaced. Neighborhoods that you couldn't go into because of crime became congested.
Trump claims the the Crime Rate in New York is so high that no one has seen it this high, Which is an absolute lie. The crime rate in New York is down by 80% from 20 years ago. Thats from Donald "tell it like I want it to be" Trump, He is drifting further and further from reality.
Part of the crime rate went down. He got out of New York Real Estate.
It is pretty amazing when there is no reliable source for crime statistics. This is what the left has done to our government. The FDA and CDC lied to us about COVID. The FBI lied about Hunter's laptop. The DOJ allowed the tax crimes of Hunter to expire so they wouldn't have to prosecute. The Armed Forces fired members who refused to allow themselves to be injected with an emergency use vaccine (that wasn't actually a vaccine) that didn't prevent you from contracting the disease and didn't prevent you from infecting others if you did catch it and which in reality, was only actually dangerous to a very small segment of the population which the military did not belong to.

Now, we can't trust the police departments to keep accurate track of crime. Once the police are gone, the country is gone. We are circling the drain right now but I think we can still trust most local police departments although not those of large, blue, cities like NYC.

My daughter was in Home Goods two days ago and a "customer" walked out the door with a carriage full of stuff. no one knows if it was more than a thousand dollars (or whatever the cut off is) because she didn't bother with the checkout registers. So, small town America is now allowing flagrant shoplifting. I wonder if I could do my grocery shopping that way.
So, small town America is now allowing flagrant shoplifting. I wonder if I could do my grocery shopping that way.
If you did, then you wouldn't be able to pay for poor people's groceries as you claim to do. Unless of course they were in on your crime too, by creating a distraction perhaps.
My daughter was in Home Goods two days ago and a "customer" walked out the door with a carriage full of stuff. no one knows if it was more than a thousand dollars (or whatever the cut off is) because she didn't bother with the checkout registers. So, small town America is now allowing flagrant shoplifting. I wonder if I could do my grocery shopping that way.
The good old 8th commandment is one that get's broken often. It's further down the list, but it is still one of those commandments that is easy to justify in one's own mind.
I'm guessing that's all part of ColinEssex's culture, and it just comes out that way in his posts. Either way, crime is up all over due to the influx of illegals into our country. They either get handouts or commit crimes, what else are they gonna do? What happens when the handouts run out?
The good old 8th commandment is one that get's broken often. It's further down the list, but it is still one of those commandments that is easy to justify in one's own mind.

Stealing is how I see it when people who don't pay any taxes vote for a party that wants more taxes in order to give the aforementioned people (who don't pay taxes) more free government services. At least, kind of and in some cases for sure. When it goes so far.

Imagine I am part of a club with rules, fees and services. I pay no fees at all, but I have equal power to vote on rules that will raise other peoples' fees to give me more free services. It's so obviously wrong I'm not sure what else to say.

No representation without taxation.

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